Running ASP.NET 4.5 site on host that does not support it? - hosting

I use crystaltech for my sites. Yet they have not installed 4.5 and as far as i can tell have no plans to do so in the near future. Is it possible to run a ASP.NET 4.5 site on a host that does not yet have it installed by uploading ALL the needed DLLs? Apologies in advance if not seen as constructive and closed.

It is not possible to do this. Much of the new 4.5 functionality is provided by the .NET Framework itself, and these binaries (mscorlib.dll, System.dll, System.Web.dll, and others) need to be installed on the machine. They cannot be dropped in the bin/ folder.


VS 2019 Project Target Framework Not Installed - .Net Framework 4.0

Just installed VS 2019 Pro on a new system. When I open a solution with .net 4.0 project, I get this error: Project Target Framework Not Installed.
When I choose download it, it goes here but does not have option for .net framework 4.0.
In project settings there is no option for .Net Framework 4.0 in targeting framework:
I have tried installing 4.6.2, 4.5.2, etc.
How can I get this project to open? It opens on my other machine. It has these options for Target framework in project settings:
Please don't say change the framework version, we need this older version for very old computers running XP and Win 7 that cannot be upgraded.
thank you
You have to go directly to their download site. As shown in another correct answer that was downvoted, it's still available even though it's past end-of-life.
You can package the install files with your app just in case, although most likely your installer will see that it's missing and download it anyway.
You can try downloading .Net 4.0 here:
Mandatory warning: Installing an old, unmaintained .Net framework comes with security risks. It's up to you to determine how much those Windows XP PCs are vulnerable and manage said risks.

How to install Umbraco on VS2015?

I'm following the guide oninstalltion Umbraco here. It seems that they don't mention VS2015but I followed as closely I could by installing it into an empty MVC 5 project.
However, as I install UmbracoCMS via NuGet, I see this error (and a bunch of alikes, all nagging about DNX 5 being not supported).
NU1002 The dependency Microsoft.AspNet.WebHelpers 3.2.3 in project PocUmbraco does not support framework DNXCore,Version=v5.0.
c:\users\chamster\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\PocUmbraco\src\PocUmbraco\project.json
I'm very unclear what to do about it. I've googled but didn't find anything helpful, likely due to ignorance and limited experience with Umbraco.
You actually installed into a ASP.NET 5 project (which has MVC6).
You should not use the ASP.NET 5 template, but something like 4.5.2 or 4.6. DotnetCore is not supported by Umbraco. Not sure about ASP.NET 5, but according to this, it does not sound very supported to me:
Also, leave out azure if you just want to get a POC running.
Then after you created your empty ASP.NET project, install nuget package UmbracoCms, and hit that F5 button and go from there :-)

How to install DNN Upgrade Package 07.00.05 - I have DotNetNuke Community Edition 06.00.00 (2982) hosted on iHostASP.Net

I am more of a DNN end user and not a DNN developer.
When I bought my DNN hosting package from iHostASP.Net about 2 years ago, version 6.0 was the current version for the community edition and set it up for me. I did not make much use of the website until now and I am planning to relaunch my website.
I see that 7.00.05 is the latest community and if I got to the DNN website from the upgrade prompt from my DNN instance, I am taken to
from where all I can do is download a zip file.
How do I have this upgrade package installed? What I have on is a website setup, so I don't have full access to the server itself. All I can access is the Helm Control panel for my website.
I have host access to my website, but can't see how I can have the zip file uploaded or installed in my DNN instance.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Does anyone know of any breaking changes in this upgrade from 6.0.0 to 7.0.05? I am not using any outside module other than what is supplied out of the box in a default DNN community edition.
Thank in advance.
Suggested upgrade path recommends upgrading first to the latest DNN 6, and then to the latest DNN 7. At the moment, this means first upgrading to 06.02.07, and then to 07.00.05.
This is just a recommendation, though. If you get upgrade errors, or the site doesn't work as expected, I would try again with the suggested upgrade path.
DNN system requirements have changed substantially between versions 6 and 7. Support for Windows 2003 servers has been dropped, but I doubt IHostASP.NET has used these for a while.
You likely have FTP access with IHostASP, if so, you can watch this video for how to perform an upgrade
You should also check out the Wiki
Be absolutely sure to back everything up first though, if you don't know how, ask your hosting provider what backup options they provide.

How can we migrate existing web applications from .net 2.0 to 4.0 in installshield project

We have a number of Installshield projects that install and configure IIS applications. We have shipped several versions of the different applications (over 7 versions of 3 applications) and would now like to upgrade to use .net 4.0 instead of 2.0 & 3.5.
After modifying the "Internet Information Services" settings to change the ASP.NET Version on the web sites/application to 4.0.30319 and the .Net Framework version to v4.0 under the application pool, the installer correctly creates an application with the 4.0 version in IIS 6 and below, and in IIS 7 and above it correctly sets the pool to use v4.0, but upgrades do not work for any targets.
The upgrades install OK, but the .Net version of the virtual directory or application pool remain unchanged. Changing it manually works of course, but this would lead to increased support issues.
I have tried changing the upgrade to be a major upgrade, with no success, I am currently working on a custom action to change the .Net version after installation, but I don't have much experience with this feature of Installshield.
Has anyone experienced this issue? Are there any preferred ways of achieving this? (custom actions, or a .Net installer class, WIX is not an option)
Without spending hours to dig into it... one quick solution would be to rename the app pools in your new installer and let a major upgrade create the new and remove the old. After all, if you are changing from .NET 2.0 to 4.0, in a sense you are creating a component that is not backwards compatible and thus should be a new component.

Windows CE project with libraries problem

I am developing a Windows CE application which uses some libraries provided by other parts of our company.
When I deploy my application on "My Computer" (.NET compact application running on standard PC), everything works, but when I deploy to the device, the application hangs when trying to use methods from the library. The system also hangs. My Visual Studio 2008 sometime hangs, but sometime throws an exception "TypeLoadException: Could not load type from assembly Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=nu".
I couldn't include .NET Compact framework 3.5 because the image wouldn't compile, so I am using version 2.0. I use Visual Studio 2008 with deploy .NET framework option.
Most probably the problem is with version of the library you are using. Please cross check it.
Hope this link will help you.
I'm a bit confused.
First of all, what are the libraries "provided by other parts of [y]our company" build against? Are they Compact Framework assemblies (they must be)? What version of the Framework were they build against? Reflector can tell you this if you don't know.
Second, why can't you compile it with 3.5? What sort of errors are you seeing? The code should be 100% forward compatible, so if it won't build, there's a red flag going up.
Lastly, what version of the CF is installed on the target hardware? FOr example, are you trying to push a CF 2.0 app to a device with CF 3.5 already installed? If so, do you have an app.config file that provides the framework compatibility options so it knows it can run your assembly?
The problem was that libraries were compiled with for 3.5 target framework, and the application which uses them form 2.0 framework. In that case, 3.5 framework wasn't depoloyed and application would stop working as soon as call to the library methods was made.
