Select DOMRange to modify / add the content in the existing WebView - cocoa

My requirement is like that,
I have a WebView control in my view
i will be getting data from some other source and need to display in the WebView, it could be an image, or any other Markup data,
As i know to insert the content programmatically, i should use the method below,
[pWebView replaceSelectionWithMarkupString:#"<html><body><p>Hi there </p></br></body></html>”];
Kind Regards

WebView Insert / Modify Content dynamically
Solved the way suggested in above answer


Expandable List View In Xamarin IOS

i am tying to implement expandable list view as a popup view using Xamarin IOS.
Please find the below image.
Can any one give brief description to implement the above requirement.
Thanks you.
You could create a custom popup which has a tableview in it with expendable rows.
To create a custom popup you can something like this:
When thats done, you should make the custom view use a tableview and make some rows expendable, something like this:
Note that this is in swift/objective-c but perfectly translatable to c#.

One TableView implemented in several ViewControllers

I am looking for a way to create a TableView to show a list of posts on a social networking site. I want to place the exact same prototype table in several ViewControllers and based on the current ViewController, it will be populated with different information. Is there a way to do this with Storyboard? I assume that this is quite easy using only code, but I would like to drag and drop elements to create the prototype cell.
For each view controller you should create a new table view. You could reuse table view cells by creating a custom nib cell and populating each table view accordingly.
This is a good tutorial on how to populate a table view with an rss feed.
You can then find the rss feed of each social media page that you want to include in each table view.

Marionette Layout object to render tab content

I have a region in which I need to have a tabbed view (simple) however if I want the tab content to be differently layout - not sure how to achieve it. I can create different layout with multiple region and corresponding view, but how do I attach this to tab content, given that applyout can only be attached to region? Or can this be attached to one of the div of tab-content using $el?? Need some pointers.
Not sure I entirely understand your question.. But here goes.
I have implemented a navigation component where I can pass a tabsCollection and region. It will set up a region for the content and a list of tabs above it. When a tab is clicked it will fire the callback on the model in the tabsCollection which can be used to display what ever content you want.
There are more complex ways to handle this to allow for caching of a tabs content. But basically using a Backbone collection for the tabs with their own function for displaying content will do the trick.

How to create a header view for NSCollectionView

I need to set a header view for my NSCollection view. When I researched I found that NSCollection view don't support a default header view like NSTableView. I need a header almost like the one used in skype. ie. apart from displaying just a title, I may need to perform some actions upon clicking header corresponding to a column. for eg. Sort by name upon clicking 'Name' column.
What is the best way to implement this if I subclass and create my own header view? Which view should I subClass to get both, the look and feel of NSTableview header and the clickable properties like that of NSButton?

Sencha TextField in NestedList header

Is it possible to add filter text to NestedList's header? You can see what exactly I mean here:
I would like to create a search functionality on NestedList. Whe user would insert character it would create a RPC call and return search result.
Is that possible to create and if yes - how?
It looks like you can set the toolbar property on the NestedList when you create it to customise it. You don't have to worry about the back button as the NestedList will add this in for you.
