Sencha TextField in NestedList header - filter

Is it possible to add filter text to NestedList's header? You can see what exactly I mean here:
I would like to create a search functionality on NestedList. Whe user would insert character it would create a RPC call and return search result.
Is that possible to create and if yes - how?

It looks like you can set the toolbar property on the NestedList when you create it to customise it. You don't have to worry about the back button as the NestedList will add this in for you.


Dynamics 365: Change the default view to a custom search

Is there a way to change the default list page when you click on a entity form to a custom search page? Something like google ( a text box with a search button) to return the results of the list base on the search criteria?
for example,
from this:
to a search page.
Sorry you can't. This page is not customizable. But the dashboards are. You can make a custom dashbard with a single iframe and it can be your default page.
Yes you cannot modify the design of this list page. Dashboard & custom html webresource/iframe is fine.
But I recommend you to customize this list page itself to look like what you want, atleast close to similar CRM UX. First deactivate all the views for that particular entity except Active & Quick find. Rename the system view “Active Details” into “Search” & modify the filter condition to include something like createdon = tomorrow. Hence the grid will be empty, you got search box on right to start with. When user search, Quick find view resultset will be rendered in grid.

Add custom cell after the creation of a handsontable

I'm trying the Handsontable for the first time. My requirement is this: I want to be able to add a cell after the table has been created, in which I want to customize the content using renderer methods.
My goal is to add action buttons, such as "edit, delete, etc." for each row.
It seems possible to do so when creating the table, using the renderers, but I really need to be able to do this later on.
Is such a feature possible with Handsontable ? Any hint ?
On your action handlers, try calling HOT's updateSettings passing in the new options. options takes in a list of name-value pairs which can be any handsontable property that can be configured.

How can I set the order of the actions in Kendo Grid

I saw that in a Kendo Grid if you modify and add some rows the order of the requests is: Create and after that Update. It is possible to change this order and to call the Update action first and after that the Create action?
Thank you in advance,
Vlad Cristea
Not possible out of the box. You either have to modify the source code or implement a custom transport - set transport.update and transport.create as functions.

Show form field based on item list

Is it possible to display an input form field based on the value of a select menu? Or is this something I'd have to do in javascript/jquery?
My list is pulled from the database if that changes anything.
If you want to make this happen during the form filling, yes you probably will need to use Ajax (via vanilla Javascript or jQuery), if you need to query your database as options are selected, or just CSS:, if you populated via database but don't need to check it again for changes.

Select DOMRange to modify / add the content in the existing WebView

My requirement is like that,
I have a WebView control in my view
i will be getting data from some other source and need to display in the WebView, it could be an image, or any other Markup data,
As i know to insert the content programmatically, i should use the method below,
[pWebView replaceSelectionWithMarkupString:#"<html><body><p>Hi there </p></br></body></html>”];
Kind Regards
WebView Insert / Modify Content dynamically
Solved the way suggested in above answer
