Expandable List View In Xamarin IOS - xamarin

i am tying to implement expandable list view as a popup view using Xamarin IOS.
Please find the below image.
Can any one give brief description to implement the above requirement.
Thanks you.

You could create a custom popup which has a tableview in it with expendable rows.
To create a custom popup you can something like this:
When thats done, you should make the custom view use a tableview and make some rows expendable, something like this:
Note that this is in swift/objective-c but perfectly translatable to c#.


How to achieve android Recyclerview kind of functionality in nativescript

Let say i have 100 data in json object, Some data contain Video url, some contains Audio URL, Some data contains Extra table columns with Image Url.
In android i have Recycler View where i will create different fragments UI and based on the condition i'll load the UI and data and display on the listview.
But in nativescript i found only radist view which takes only similar type of data and display the list.
How to Achieve android's RecyclerView kind of functionality in Nativescript.
(Kindly anyone edit my question in a more generic way)
Use ListView or RadListView, both support configuring various templates and assign one to each list item based on conditions.
RadListView has more advanced features / support for various layouts out of the box, it uses RecyclerView on Android, where ListView uses android.widget.ListView.

How to implement routing when I need swipeable view inside another view with Ionic Framework?

How can I implement ui-router when I make a swipeable view inside another view with Ionic Framework?
I need to make a calendar view, which will contain 3 parts:
Navigation bar (unchangeable)
Day details bar under the navigation bar it should not move while I swipe list (3) and it should display current day/date
Scrollable/Swipeable list of time slots available for selected day, this list should be swipeable back and forth to next/previous day and scrollable.
This is how I imagine myself how it should be:
Ok, I've done it much more simpler by using ion-slide-box to which I dynamically adding slides as explained here: How to insert data dynamically to ion-slide-box Angularjs Ionic.
Anyway, if somebody has another idea how can it be implemented please comment or post your answer, it's good to have few another solutions in a toolbox.

Selecting a KendoUI TreeView That Does Not Have An ID

In KendoUI, how do I select a treeview element if it does not have an ID? Like by the style class or something.
I am writing an MVVM application and there are 2 tabs in a kendo tab strip with each containing a treeview. On selecting one tab, I want it's checkboxes to be updated based on what checkboxes were checked in the other tab and then I want to also call updateIndeterminate() on the treeview it contains within it.
Now, since I am using MVVM, I don't want to access the treeview by it's id. All I can find online on searching is $("#treeView") and in the Telerik forums, the example to call updateIndeterminate() is also this -
var treeview = $("#treeview").data("kendoTreeView");
Am I missing something here? I wonder why it's so hard to find.
I suppose the reason why it's hard to find is that it goes against the idea of declarative initialization and the separation of view and model. Your code is not supposed to interact with the widget itself. Instead, all your logic should be wired up in your view model which is bound to the UI.
You can certainly find it without an id, e.g. with something like this:
var treeView = $("ul[data-role=treeview]").first().getKendoTreeView();
or by using the .k-treeview class, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you really need to access it in code, you should give it an id.

Backbone.Marionette Layouts, regions and views

In may Marionette app I do have set a layout with 3 regions
I am using the footer region to display detail views of my models (itemViews).
Now I do have the situation, that I want to use this region with collectionView in combination with a button-group: Add-Button (adds a model/itemView) and a OK-Button (closes/hides the collectionView and the button-group. I would like to handle these 2 itemViews as a component, showing and hiding them in 1 step.
I am not sure what the right way to do this is.
show collection view in subregion1 of footerRegion and the button-group in subregion2 of footerRegion
create a new Layout and nest it
do it somehow with a compositeView?
some combination with jquery hide/show the button-group?
My vote is for Option #2: nested layout. I do this a lot and it works very well. It's easy to manage and easy to work with, IMO.

Select DOMRange to modify / add the content in the existing WebView

My requirement is like that,
I have a WebView control in my view
i will be getting data from some other source and need to display in the WebView, it could be an image, or any other Markup data,
As i know to insert the content programmatically, i should use the method below,
[pWebView replaceSelectionWithMarkupString:#"<html><body><p>Hi there </p></br></body></html>”];
Kind Regards
WebView Insert / Modify Content dynamically
Solved the way suggested in above answer
