Batch File calls VBScript which calls EXE that won't open - windows

I have a VBS file 'migration.vbs' that runs a number of commands and then calls an AutoIt .exe file to begin the uninstall of a product. The entire script runs successfully when you call it by itself from the command line with 'cscript migration.vbs'
This script is going to be pushed out to a number of other machines where techs need to be able to double-click to run it. A lot of the machines don't execute VBS by default on a double click, so I've added a batch file to run it.
The problem is that when the batch file calls the VBS, it starts to run but never calls the exe. It just.. skips that step. I'm guessing there's an issue with nested system calls or something that I don't know about.
Anyways, any solutions? I'd rather not put the EXE call in the batch file due to logic checking the VBS does against registry keys (that'd be hard/impossible to duplicate in BAT).
Thanks again
START /WAIT cscript .\data\migration.vbs
WSHSHell.Run "uninstall.exe", 0, True

There is no nested system calls limit, I'm guessing that the path or current directory is wrong, try using a full path or monitor the filesystem calls with Process Monitor


On boot, issues running a bat file through vbs script

I need to run a program (a python script made into an exe) on start up, without the console showing up.
In some question, I found the solution, i.e to execute the program. Right now, I'm testing it out with a simple python program that does -
while count != 1000:
f = open('test.txt','a+')
sleep 1
The bat file tool.bat :
python "<absolute_path_here>\"
The VBS file :
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "<absolute_path_here>\tool.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing
If I execute the VBS file (double-click it), everything works fine. The output file appears, without the console appearing. So I added it to registry under
as WScript "path_to_the_vbs_file".
On Startup, the VBS file executes properly (verified it by adding a MsgBox which displayed the popup) but the call to the bat file is not being executed. How do I make this work?
In windows there are two python executables: python.exe, pythonw.exe. If you don't wish to see the terminal window you must use pythonw.exe.
I need to run a program (a python script made into an exe).
If you covert your script to .exe with help of py2exe it is simillar. You can assing your script to console or windows. Look to Py2exe Tutorial, the console variable can be replace forwindows.
You don't need to create EXE files from python. You can run pythonw.exe with path as argument to your script. Why do you need to create .bat which you run from vbscript ? Look here: Run on windows startup CMD with arguments
I forgot to say, that the Windows Python installer normally create following file association, so the script can run directly.
'.py' to python.exe
'.pyw' to pythonw.exe
Other way how you can run the the script on boot is to use Windows Scheduler. The big advantage is you can setup user rights or more events when start the script. You can run the script manually too and you will last status.
Create Python .exe is sometimes tricky. If you don't need to distribute your script to multiple computers I prefer don't use.

current working directory in a vbscript invoked by a drag & drop operation

When I was trying to get elevated rights for my batch script, when I found two related SO questions
How to request Administrator access inside a batch file
How can I auto-elevate my batch file, so that it requests from UAC administrator rights if required?
...that led to answers that worked partially. For some reason, I had issues with command line passing for file path arguments containing spaces within the VBS script, so I tried to break the solution into 3 parts and concentrated on the inner (VBS) step, then adding the last step by calling a batch from that VBS which could not be found, despite in the same folder as the VBS script. I found that drag & drop isn't "that easy" and that it's different when using .vbs instead of .bat or .exe as drop targets.
Here is my actual question:
If I drag a file and drop it onto an executable (exe) or batch file (bat, cmd), The current working directory is determined by the source of the dragged item. Its directory is set as the working directory for the program or script that processes it.
If I drop a file onto a VBS script, it's different. On Windows 8.1 x64 I observe it to be C:\Windows\System32 even if the argument resides in the same folder as the VBS.
I can simply use a batch file (as drag'n'drop relay) like this
my.vbs %*
to get "the normal" .bat behaviour (drop source dictates CWD), but I also want to understand it.
Is it a bug or a feature? Is it consistent over all Windows versions?
edit: added the background (on top) for the question showing how I got there (+minor corrections)
After some API monitoring, this is what I see
When you drop a file over a .exe file the explorer.exe uses CreateProcess API function to start the process, passing the executable as lpApplicationName, and the executable and dropped file as lpCommandLine. The lpCurrentDirectory is set in the function call by the caller process to the folder containing the dropped file[1].
When you drop a file over a .cmd file the explorer.exe also uses CreateProcess API, but in this case the lpApplicationName is null and the lplCommandLine contains the batch file and the dropped file. lpCurrentDirectory is also set to the parent folder of the dropped file[1].
When you drop a file over a .vbs file, ShellExecuteEx is used and the lpDirectory field of the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure is null, so, the process created inherits the current active directory of the parent process. By default the current active directory of the explorer.exe process is %systemroot%\system32, but it is possible to start a explorer instance with a different current active directory that will be inherited in this kind of drop operations.
[1] If we drop more than one file, the path of the file passed as first argument is used
note just for information: to test the active directory inherit the process followed was:
Open a cmd instance and change the current active directory to c:\temp
Kill all explorer.exe instances
From the cmd instance call explorer.exe. This explorer instance has the active directory in the cmd window as its current active directory.
The Arguments property holds the full paths to all items dropped on the script, so you can determine the directory of each dropped item like this:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each item In WScript.Arguments
WScript.Echo fso.GetParentFolderName(item)
Assuming that the working directory would be defined by what is dropped onto a script is a misguided approach. If you require that logic you can implement it in the script yourself, though, e.g. like this:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For Each item In WScript.Arguments
sh.CurrentDirectory = fso.GetParentFolderName(item)
'working directory is now the parent folder of the current item
If you need the working directory to be the parent directory of the VBScript file you can derive that from the ScriptFullName property:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Echo fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
If I lookup the file types in the Windows registry, I see the following in their Shell\Open\Command values:
batfile: "%1" %*
cmdfile: "%1" %*
exefile: "%1" %*
VBSFile: "%SystemRoot%\System32\WScript.exe" "%1" %*
This seems to suggest that bat, cmd, exe are treated as executable on their own, maybe for historical reasons, whereas VBS is considered an ordinary script, that is only executable because its extension is registered with some executable to be called to interpret it. Pretty much the same as Python or Perl.
[Update] Indeed I proved that a Python script shows exactly the same behaviour as my VBS script: calling it from the command line providing arguments keeps the CWD, dropping a file on it causes the CWD to be C:\Windows\System32. So my question seems to be sort of wrong, but finally it helped people to point me into the right direction for further research...
c:\windows\system32\CScript.exe or c:\windows\system32\Wscript.exe are the programs that run vbscript. As you can see they are in system32.
Windows uses ShellExecuteEx to start programs - see it's rules at MSDN: ShellExecuteEx function (Windows)
ShellExecuteEx uses CreateProcess (CreateProcessEx) to actually start a program. CreateProcess function (Windows)
CMD doesn't use the registry for it's own stuff. Those registry entries are for programs other than CMD.
CMD main goal is to be MS Dos 5 compatible while enhancing it, it will correctly run most DOS batch files. It was written by IBM engineers working on OS/2 NOT Windows.
Edit 2
The core of your problem is that you are attempting to write programs as if you are a user typing to operate a computer.
As a programmer you don't make assumptions. The easiest way to not take assumptions is to specify full paths to what you want. Your batch file shouldn't care what the current directory is. EG In CMD there is a current directory per drive for compatibility with MSDos 5 (and programs in a console tend to share them but don't have to). In Windows there is one current directory per program. The default current directory has changed over the years.
The only time you should work with the current directory is if you are writing a batchfile for a user to use. EG If you type dir it does the current directory, a batchfile meant to be a general command should work the same way.

Coding a Delphi GUI utility for use in a CMD window

I'm writing myself a GUI utility for use in a CMD window to navigate between folders,
rather in the style of the old Norton Change Directory utility for DOS.
When run, the app pops up a folder tree to allow the user to select a folder to which
to navigate and then closes and returns to the CMD prompt. At the moment, the way it
works is that it is run as the first command in a "main" batch file. It writes a secondary batch
file, in my app's folder under AppData, containing the commands to change drive and
directory to the folder the user selected, and the main batch file then invokes this
second batch file using CALL.
It works fine, but this way of actually changing the CMD window's current directory
strikes me as inelegant both from the point of view of needing to be run from a batch file
(so that the user's selection can be acted upon after my app has closed) and of
needing the secondary batch file to do the actual navigation.
So, my question is, how can my app send the instructions to the instance of CMD
that owns the window in which the app is run to the folder the user selected? I've tried doing a ShellExecute
of "CMD /K ..." but although that does indeed navigate to the
selected folder, it does so in a new CMD window, not the one my app is run in. The
conceptual gap I have is how to get the current CMD to act on my app's instructions
after my app has terminated.
Fwiw, I thought of trying to write the user's folder selection into an environment variable in the CMD window's environment for the CMD processor to
act upon from there, but this seems to require that the CMD window be opened via "Run as Administrator", which I definitely don't want.
Your program cannot influence the environment variables of the command interpreter because they're separate processes. Your program cannot change the directory of the command interpreter directly, either, because, again, they're separate processes.
You need to use a batch file because the command interpreter executes batch files internally. Since it's all the same process, the batch file has the power to change the current directory, and for that change to remain in effect after the batch file finishes running.
Therefore, you need some way for your interactive program to communicate the directory selection back to the batch file so that it can act on it.
Instead of writing the instructions to another batch file, you could write the result to standard output. Have the batch file capture that output into a variable, and then execute cd on that variable. The batch code would look something like this:
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('[select_dir.exe]') do (
Your Delphi code would look like this:
To allow that command to work, you'll need to make sure your program is marked as a console program, as with {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}. If it's not, then the batch file won't receive any output, and probably won't even wait for your program to finish running before proceeding. It's OK for a console program to display a TForm, just like a GUI program.

prevent Windows .bat file from quiting

I have a very simple Windows .BAT file:
set PATH=c:\xxx;%PATH%
set VAR=true
I thought "call" will start a new batch process, without affecting the current one. However, the batch file exited immediately after the finished executing. The set VAR=true has never been called.
Is there a way to fix it? is not a batch file, it is a Perl script.
So you need to use
path c:\xxx;%PATH%
"Path to\Folder With\perl.exe" ""
rem Additional batch code executed after Perl script execution finished.
In other words you have to run the console application perl.exe best with full path, or with just perl.exe if program files folder of Perl is not the same on all computers on which this batch file is used and hopefully PATH contains also the directory containing perl.exe.
If you specify on a command line or in a batch file just, Windows looks in Windows registry which application is associated with .pl for action Open. If there is such a file association, Windows runs this application in a separate process like when using command start.
So using call is like using start
PATH is not only an environment variable, but also an interal command written for changing the value of environment variable PATH at any time within a batch file. This is the reason why I removed set from first line. It is better to use internal command path for modifying environment variable PATH.

Self executing delete files

How would I create a self executing batch file to delete files in a specific folder.
Scenario: I have a folder on a server where all the scannered documents go to once they have been scanned. They want a the scanned documents to be deleted after 1 day. Can a batch file be created to do that everyday?
You can use the built in task scheduler - this can call a batch file, or just about anything.
(I am assuming Windows, since you mention batch files).
This is quite a well known method, and was documented in MSDN some time ago. This technique works on both Windows 95 and Windows NT. It works because MS-DOS batch files are able to delete themselves. To test this technique, create a small batch file containing the single command:
del %0.bat
The batch file, when run, deletes itself and issues an error "The batch file cannot be found". This error is just a simple message, so it can be safely ignored. By itself this isn't too useful, but when modified to delete our executable it solves our problem, albeit in a rather forceful manner. Our executable will create a batch file (called C:\DelUs.bat) with the following content:
if exist "MYPROG.EXE" goto Repeat
rmdir "C:\MYDIR"
del "\DelUS.bat"
This batch file repeatedly attempts to delete the specified file, and will run continuously consuming CPU until it succeeds. When the execuable has been deleted, the batch file then deletes itself.
The executable needs to spawn off the batch file using CreateProcess, and then should exit immediately. It would be a good idea to give the batch file's thread of execution a low priority so that it doesn't get much execution time until the original executable has terminated.
Read the entire article at that contains the full code to this technique.
