prevent Windows .bat file from quiting - windows

I have a very simple Windows .BAT file:
set PATH=c:\xxx;%PATH%
set VAR=true
I thought "call" will start a new batch process, without affecting the current one. However, the batch file exited immediately after the finished executing. The set VAR=true has never been called.
Is there a way to fix it? is not a batch file, it is a Perl script.
So you need to use
path c:\xxx;%PATH%
"Path to\Folder With\perl.exe" ""
rem Additional batch code executed after Perl script execution finished.
In other words you have to run the console application perl.exe best with full path, or with just perl.exe if program files folder of Perl is not the same on all computers on which this batch file is used and hopefully PATH contains also the directory containing perl.exe.
If you specify on a command line or in a batch file just, Windows looks in Windows registry which application is associated with .pl for action Open. If there is such a file association, Windows runs this application in a separate process like when using command start.
So using call is like using start
PATH is not only an environment variable, but also an interal command written for changing the value of environment variable PATH at any time within a batch file. This is the reason why I removed set from first line. It is better to use internal command path for modifying environment variable PATH.


How to make a batch script to execute from anywhere?

I would like to run my batch script from anywhere, for example:
And that command line executes my batch script C:\Documents\test123.bat.
I tried to do it with environment variable path, but it doesn't seem to work.
Add your bat to PATH and make sure PATHEXT contains .BAT
How to add your program to the PATH env variable
Note, that the current working directory will be whereever you called it from.
If you want relative paths to where the bat is stored, use %~dp0
Please post the output of echo %PATHEXT% %PATH% and tell us the exact location of your bat file and more error info why it failed in your case?
Adding to C:\Windows\System32
Worked for Me.
System info:
Windows 10 with Admin access.

How to maintain environment variables of a bat file before executing another program in a bat file?

A way to run multiple programs in a bat file.
Distribute a software with GDAL as a dependency.
To do that I have downloaded gdal binaries from GIS Internals. The downloaded data has a .bat file to set environment variables. It uses set command to set the environment variables.
As per my limited knowledge in windows bash scripting, I understand that the environment variables set by set are limited to current command prompt itself and are reset when a new command prompt is launched.
Also, is it true that a calling a batch file from a batch file launches new command prompt which when closes doesn't affect the next command called in the parent script.
There is another issue here - will the environment variables affect the process created (such as calling gdal_translate) by a Java program? If it doesn't, then there is no point in setting local environment variable.
Final Requirement:
How to use the environment variables set in another batch file (called from a batch file) in the next line of the parent batch file, without using setx?
If you use the CALL command to run the batch file as specified in the accepted answer on the question you linked to, then the environment variables will pass up to the parent batch file.
There are three times where this is not true:
When using SETX neither the parent nor child batch file will get the environment variables.
When using SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL inside the child batch file the parent batch file will not get the environment variables.
When running the child batch file using start or cmd.exe /c.
So long as you run your Java application in the same environment (i.e. the same batch file), it will pick up the same environment variables. You can verify this with an application like Process Explorer.
Running set _kjhgkjshdgkjhdfg=TEST before running a .jar file resulted in the screenshot below using any of:
javaw -jar jarfile.jar
cmd /c javaw -jar jarfile.jar
start cmd /c javaw -jar jarfile.jar

Build output from Visual Studio 2010 external tools in output window

I run a batch file as an external tool (by adding it in Tools->External tools) in VS2010 (I've checked the "Use Output Window" option). This batch file performs compilation as in VS command prompt. The project that I'm working on has makefiles for various folders, so I use the mk command to build.
In the batch file, I set up the VS environment and then run the following commands:
cd $directoryWhichContainsFileToBuild
cd main //This directory contains the executable that is to be built
I see the output of the first mk in the Output window but after that it just hangs. I also tried to use an echo after the first mk but even that doesn't get printed in the output window (the ones before it can be seen).
Somewhere I read that there is an issue with VS 2010 output window where it hangs after showing some output, although I couldn't really be sure that that is what's the issue here.
Do I need to enable some other VS setting? Has anybody else encountered this issue?
Update: I unchecked the "Use Output Window" and "Close on exit" option, and I see an extra statement: "Press any key to continue". On doing that however, their is no further processing of the batch file.
Update2: Got it to work by prefixing mk with "call".
Thanks all who tried.
It is always good in batch files to specify executables with full path and file extension instead of just the file name. This avoids often lots of problems.
Here was just mk used instead of mk.bat. Therefore on every compile the command line processor cmd.exe searches for mk.* and then checks if any of the found files have an extension listed in environment variable PATHEXT. The order of file extensions separated by a semicolon in PATHEXT defines the order of execution in case of a directory contains multiple mk.* files.
If a command being specified in a batch file not being an internal command of cmd.exe without path, command line processor searches first for a file with given name in current working directory. This is often one more cause of error. What is the current working directory on execution of the batch file?
Next if no file to execute can be found in current working directory, the command line processor searches in all folders being listed in environment variable PATH separated by semicolons.
So specifying in batch files edited only rarely an external application or another batch file with full path, file name and file extension, in double quotes if necessary because of 1 or more spaces in path or file name, helps command line processor to more quickly execute that application or batch file and avoids problems because of executable not found (unknown command).
Sure, when typing commands in a command prompt window, nobody wants to enter the executables with full path, name and extension. But for batch files it is always good to be not lazy and type files to be executed with full path and extension.
TripeHound has given already the explanation why the observed behavior occurred here.
If a batch file is executed from another batch file without using command call, the command line processor continues batch execution in the other batch file and does never come back. In a C/C++ program this is like using goto with the difference that parameters can be passed to the batch file containing the further commands to be executed next.
But running from within a batch file another batch file with call results in continuation of execution below the line calling the other batch file once the other batch file reaches end, except command exit is used in the called batch file without parameter /B.
So the solution here is using:
cd /D "Directory\Which\Contains\File\To\Build"
call "Path\Containing\Batch\File\To\Build\mk.bat"
rem With mk.bat not changing current working directory change working
rem directory to the directory containing the executable to be built.
cd main
call "Path\Containing\Batch\File\To\Build\mk.bat"
BTW: exit exits command processor, exit /B exits just current batch file. I'll give you three guesses why the parameter is B and not a different letter. Yes, B is the first letter of batch.
Writing as a separate answer instead of an update in the question itself as many readers see the header and skim to the answer: got it to work by prefixing mk with "call". (#TripleHound has also posted the conceptual reason for it in the comment above.)

Execute Batch Script From Environment Variable

I've set an system environment variable called find which points to a batch script. I did this so that in Win command prompt i could type %find% and it would execute my script. It works the only problem is it only works once, my script takes a parameter or requires user input (have tried both), and then it is as if the %find% is temporarily overwritten, and the %find% of course no longer works, until i reopen the command window. Basically it works once and that's it!
How can i make it work every time? i want to execute my script using the environment variable over and over again at will without reloading the command window.
I created a batch script with the following code:
#ECHO off
echo hello
and added a environmental variable called TEST that points to the script. I have no problem executing the script using the environmental variable multiple times.
Can you please provide some information or code of what your script does?
Remember that find is a MS-supplied utility.
Try using a different name. And show us your batch - even possibly describe what happens when it "no longer works." Games of 20-questions are tedious.
The problem is that the Batch script uses a variable with the same name, so after it run for the first time the variable value is overwritten and no longer works. To prevent this to happen, insert a setlocal command at beginning of the Batch file; this way, when the script ends all variables are reset to the values they had before the script run. This method also delete all new variables defined in the Batch script, so it keep the environment clean.
If your intention is to override the behavior of the existing find.exe utility, you could add the location of the script to the global path variable before your System32 folder (where find.exe is located). For example, let's say your script is C:\Scripts\find.bat. If your path variable is currently set to this:
...then you would change it to this:
Beware though... doing this could break other scripts that use the find command (if they don't use the absolute path to find.exe).
If you are just wanting an easy way to run your alternate find command, you could just give it a different name as the others have suggested, then add it to the end of the path or place it in the System32 folder. That would save you from having to type the percent signs at least.

help with windows batch scripting basics - execution and calling a separate executable within the script

Newbie to windows scripting. I need help running the .bat file on the command line so I can test it.
I used Text Document as my editor to create the file (opens up also as Notepad).
I performed file "save as" (ALL FILES). If I open up cmd, I can see the file has a .txt extension (myfile.bat.txt). So if I just type in cmd myfile.bat.txt the editor opens. I am not sure how to execute this correctly.
As for the logic in my batch script, I am basically logging into a remote directory (already created the net mount) and now I want to:
run an executeable file
rename some files.
With some research, I written this so far. I have saved it as a .bat file
# echo off
echo This is a batch file to run an executable and rename some files
--run executable file here, just don't know how to do it
cd x:
rename fileA fileB
Any help, good tips/practice would be great. Thanks.
Type in this command in cmd window:
rename myfile.bat.txt myfile.bat
Now you can run the script by simply invoking:
(provided there's no myfile.exe or in the same directory).
If you need to edit the script further, you can either right click it in Explorer and choose Edit or call the editor from the command window:
notepad myfile.bat
To call a program from the script, simply add its name, if it's in the current directory:
or the name with the path, if it's somewhere else:
If the name or the path contain spaces, be sure to enclose the entire name & path string in double quotes:
"d:\directory\program name.exe"
you can just type the full name of the program
"c:\program dir\program.exe"
or you can add the program directory to your path environment variable
set PATH=%PATH%;"c:\program dir"
and just type the program name
you can also edit your PATH variable in windows
NOTE: When you save the file in notepad, you want to save it as filename.BAT and select All Files from the second dropdown. If you don't it still gets saved as a .TXT.
A couple of command to consider:
CSCRIPT cscript /? in CMD
If you're doing say a VBSCRIPT use CSCRIPT to start it. If you're trying to execute another BATCH script or an EXE, use START
