Tutorial for learning xaml for windows phone 7 - windows-phone-7

I want to develop mobile applications for the WINDOWS PHONE 7 using silverlight. Can anybody suggest me suitable tutorial please.
Thanks in advance.

Well you should probably start at MSDN on the Phone Platform section.
Then I would recommend you go and download the Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit which contains some introductory tutorials on getting started with WP7 and building your first app.
From there you can check out a couple of different things like the following:
This resource, WP7 in 7 minutes was pretty helpful for accomplishing basic tasks when programming for WP7.
The App Hup is a great spot for finding resources for developing for WP7 also (They have both Silverlight and XNA samples there).
This place, Windows Phone 7 Tutorials - Kirupa.com also has some pretty good tutorials.
EugeneDOTNET has a ton of tutorials as well It's definetly worth checking out.
My last suggestion would be to follow Erno's suggestion and read the free book by Charles Petzold. That book is great for just getting started.
Keep in mind that most of these resources require you have a little experience in .NET and C#. If you want to learn that first check out this other free book by Rob Miles on learing C#.
Hope this helps.

A lot depends on your experience.
If you know .NET get started with the free book from Charles Petzold

The Windows Phone 7 for Absolute Beginners series on Channel 9 is an excellent way to get started.

Check out the QuickStart guides in the app.hub at http://create.msdn.com/en-us/education/quickstarts
also watch the JumStart training sessions on Channel9 http://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/egibson/Windows-Phone-7-Jump-Start-Session-1-of-12-Introduction

I used this "Introduction to Windows Mobile 7 Development " when i first started.


Microsoft Kinect (For Windows)

Okay so I am not sure if a lot of you have started to work on Microsoft Kinect for Windows that has been released in February 2012. I am trying to start developing and I wanted to know if there are any tutorials I can find on how to use the SDK or if someone can guide me How the RGB stream can be captured using the Kinect?
There are many tutorials. Some can be found at Channel 9's Kinect Quick Start Series , Channel 9 also has many articles on Kinect. All of the classes and variables found in the SDK can be found at MSDN, on Rob Relyea's Blog there are many tutorials. And if you ever are struggling, you can visit the Kinect Development Chatroom (assuming you have 20 rep).
Hope this helps!
Personally, I wouldn't start with Channel 9, or any tutorials for that matter. The most enjoyable way to jump into the Kinect and start messing around with stuff is to install the Developer Toolkit. It was update 3 days ago to include some really cool 3D point cloud stuff. Download/install the toolkit, run the Kinect Studio application it comes with, and spend some time checking out what the Kinect is capable of. If you see something of interest, install it to your computer and open it in Visual Studio. If you don't have Visual Studio, you can download the C# Express version for free. The source code is all very well commented and I find that's the best way to learn by example. You don't have to sit through Channel 9's sometimes painful videos or spend time reading a blog, you can just jump in and have fun with it. If you get stuck, then refer back to Channel9 or come back to Stack Overflow.
The best place to start learning is MSDN, and where you got the driver for kinect. They offer many tutorials and videos that explain most concepts for the kinect.
You can refer Kinect 1.0 for kinect for Windows SDk 1.0

Pre Requisites to start development for windows phone Mango

I am an android developer and now I am trying to learn Mango too. What are the SDK, system requirements, IDE required to start development?
Also I am from a Java background so I know that apps for windows phone can be developed using C#. So please guide me how to set up a development environment and start development on Mango.
Everything you need to know is right here at Microsoft App Hub. Click on "Download the free tools. Get started now."
An important thing to know is that you have to be registered with App Hub which takes some time (they will be checking your ID) and costs some money (99$ the last time I checked). You need this to debug on your device and to publish to the Marketplace.
For you as an Android developer the Windows Phone Guide for Android Developers will be helpful.
The Channel 9 jump start sessions are also quite good as well as their training course for beginners. Apart from that there is plenty of information in the web right now and the MS documentation and tutorials are really good. Keep googling, you'll find them.
Regarding the xp question, I think the emulator requires at least Windows Vista, so if your employer limits you to xp, you are out of luck (in this respect also :-)

Windows Phone 7 Development guideline

Guys I am new to Windows Phone Development in .Net
Can any one guide me the correct path to start from scratch.
Any links to understand the architecture?
You could start with Windows Phone 7 in 7 Minutes to get a quick overview, then move onto the Windows Phone 7 Jumpstart series on Channel9 for more depth on individual subject areas.
there are many sites and this is the link which u can go thru and u'll find many resources available in this.
for understanding the architecture, I think pluralsight is the best one.
There is a lot of information on the Create site, see http://bit.ly/tpwnyK
I have a Lumia 710 and found a good guide with code snippets that helped me to build an own app for Windows Phone. You might also find it useful. Have a look at it:
I believe you will need the .NET framewok http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=65.
The windows mobile development center is always good to get started. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsmobile/bb264318
Check this:
Also: http://www.delicious.com/mjfusa/wp7%20gettingstarted
I suggests that you may go through the MSDN pages first:
If you're an experienced Silverlight, WPF, you'll find the following link might be more useful.

Really simple windows phone 7 application idea for beginners

I am just a beginner in developing windows phone 7 apps. Can you suggest some ideas or rather exercises that can get me started working on the platform and start building some real applications.
Will really appreciate the help.
Well, simple games like pong or breakout are always good ways to play around and get used to a new platform. You could also a try writing a simple notepad style app.
If those are more than you'd like to take on just yet, 'guess the number' and other similar games are always good too.
Maybe you could also Google for some simple tutorials and run through them? This one seems to be a good, if very basic, introduction.

Windows Phone 7 Samples

What Windows Phone 7 demo/reference applications have you seen which really made you interested in developing for the platform?
I know of Scott Gu's Twitter example and Foursquare. Also see here for MIX10 demo apps.
Other than developing games and re-creating functionality already present on other mobile platforms (iPhone, BlackBerry, Android), is there any good reference material and business benefits of developing for Windows Phone 7? Does the Silverlight dev environment really offer an advantage over what is already out there? My gut feeling is that this is definitely the case, but it will take some time for the platform to establish itself, if it does.
You can find a lot of examples and reference applications here www.reddit.com/r/wp7dev/ or search using the hashtag #wp7dev on twitter (full disclosure - some of my examples appear there).
There a examples of what people are openly working on, but one can assume it is a lot more - hopefully this is useful, as it shows what can be done, or is being done on the platform.
As a novice developer, other phone platforms came with a lot of overhead required to build even the simplest application. The fact that XNA will be available for game development is a huge thing for me, it means I can create simple games for me and my friends without having to spend time learning a new language or setting up awkward SDK's and deployment settings.
More advanced developers may scoff at that, but development tools that are already being used that can work right out of the box for the intended platform is important for the hobbyists. I think this will open up a huge arena for homemade games and apps just like XNA did for 360 development.
It should also help sales. I will buy a Windows 7 phone because of this, and I can imagine others will do the same. As it stands, I am going to port my existing XNA games over so I can play them on the go. It will be cool to show people at the office, airport, etc. projects I have made right on the spot, and even give them the option to play if they have the right hardware.
