Windows Phone 7 Development guideline - windows

Guys I am new to Windows Phone Development in .Net
Can any one guide me the correct path to start from scratch.
Any links to understand the architecture?

You could start with Windows Phone 7 in 7 Minutes to get a quick overview, then move onto the Windows Phone 7 Jumpstart series on Channel9 for more depth on individual subject areas.

there are many sites and this is the link which u can go thru and u'll find many resources available in this.
for understanding the architecture, I think pluralsight is the best one.

There is a lot of information on the Create site, see

I have a Lumia 710 and found a good guide with code snippets that helped me to build an own app for Windows Phone. You might also find it useful. Have a look at it:

I believe you will need the .NET framewok
The windows mobile development center is always good to get started.

Check this:


I suggests that you may go through the MSDN pages first:
If you're an experienced Silverlight, WPF, you'll find the following link might be more useful.


What is the best source of windows form applications?

I want to learn windows form applications but ı didnt find a source.I need help.Yesterday ı found some sentence which one textbox1->text=.... or x=converto.Int32 something like theese.Also my knowledge of win app is 0.Can anybody suggest a source please?
For Windows Form Application Development your best source for information would be MSDN. Here's another link for Getting Started with Windows Forms
Hope that helps.

Reading PDF in windows phone

In windows phone I have installed adobe reader its very nice but I am not able to jump to particular page I need to start from the starting . Its very difficult if we are reading book please any one have any solution for that.
(reposting my comment as an answer for your approval so this question can get marked as answered):
There is not a good way to do this out of the box. Are you willing to look at using a third party app to accomplish this? Unfortunately I see it as your only option right now. Downside is that you cannot install an app to be used as the "default" PDF reader other than the one adobe provides. I would encourage you to reach out to the Adobe folks and ask for the feature you want to be included in the next release of the app.
The latest adobe reader version released for the windows phone is working fine. We can go to particular pages also many advancement. SO the problem no more exist.
Maybe you could try and ebook reader for windows phone 7:
If it isnt what youre looking for just google for ebook reader,
cheers :)

Tutorial for learning xaml for windows phone 7

I want to develop mobile applications for the WINDOWS PHONE 7 using silverlight. Can anybody suggest me suitable tutorial please.
Thanks in advance.
Well you should probably start at MSDN on the Phone Platform section.
Then I would recommend you go and download the Windows Phone 7 Developer Training Kit which contains some introductory tutorials on getting started with WP7 and building your first app.
From there you can check out a couple of different things like the following:
This resource, WP7 in 7 minutes was pretty helpful for accomplishing basic tasks when programming for WP7.
The App Hup is a great spot for finding resources for developing for WP7 also (They have both Silverlight and XNA samples there).
This place, Windows Phone 7 Tutorials - also has some pretty good tutorials.
EugeneDOTNET has a ton of tutorials as well It's definetly worth checking out.
My last suggestion would be to follow Erno's suggestion and read the free book by Charles Petzold. That book is great for just getting started.
Keep in mind that most of these resources require you have a little experience in .NET and C#. If you want to learn that first check out this other free book by Rob Miles on learing C#.
Hope this helps.
A lot depends on your experience.
If you know .NET get started with the free book from Charles Petzold
The Windows Phone 7 for Absolute Beginners series on Channel 9 is an excellent way to get started.
Check out the QuickStart guides in the app.hub at
also watch the JumStart training sessions on Channel9
I used this "Introduction to Windows Mobile 7 Development " when i first started.

Programmatic access of SkyDrive

Does anyone know how to access SkyDrive programmatically from Windows Phone 7? What API do I use? I need to upload files from the Phone to SkyDrive and vice versa.
Some code samples would be great. :-)
You can now officially integrate parts of SkyDrive with Windows Phone 7 applications.
Details outlined here.
There is a new Live SDK available from Microsoft which I think can do this. It's also in a very early alpha or beta state:
I have developed a sample based on SkyPad (Developer Preview). Please install the Windows Live Developer preview SDK.
The sample allows to save a file to SkyDrive and dowload it again after saving.
Here the link:
You can use the Live SDK to integrate SkyDrive into your Windows Phone applications. Please see our code samples on GitHub.
Not an answer, but there's hope that an answer is on the way:
However, when Mike Torres was asked about features such as better usability, third-party API support, Windows Live Mesh integration, and expandable storage, he acknowledged that these are "top asks" for SkyDrive and said that they are currently "hard at work on SkyDrive as we speak"
Your requirements sound pretty much like mine - you just want to use skydrive as a basic cloud filesystem.
I thought Matt's suggestion was an outstanding idea. I obtained the library and set out to port it, but unfortunately the codebase is huge and elaborate and absolutely riddled with the [Serializable] attribute which is not compatible with WP7. It also makes extensive use of several pieces of framework not available in WP7x, including X509Chain and Authorization.
SkyDriveApi is not even compatible with VS2010 - an attempted conversion produced a big mess so I just tried it out in VS2008.
We could always write one. This looks like a fair bit of work so I invite you to collaborate.
Well, it's feature complete and working a treat. I'd like to thank people for all the support and assistance I received reverse engineering the protocol using Fiddler, and coding, testing and debugging the prototype into production ready code. I'd like to, but nobody contributed a damn thing. Good luck writing your own.
SkyDrive doesn't have an official API but here are some unofficial ones. I'd start by looking at
It doesn't claim support for WP7 but you may be able to port it.

MVVM with Windows Phone 7

Do you know where can I find a detailed documentation/tutorial on MVVM Light and Windows Phone 7 ?
I only found short explanations et some very basic tutorials.
There is a getting started guide which should be a good starting point. It contains links to lots of useful articles.
