Implementation of Johnson's algorithm to find elementary circuits (cycles) in a graph - algorithm

Does anyone have source code implementing this algorithm for finding cycles, preferably in a modern statically-typed language like SML, OCaml, Haskell, F#, Scala?

The following is a Java implementation of the algorithm you need: Java running on the JVM, you can also use it from Scala.

I struggled on this too, I came up with this page that lists some implementations for Johnson algorithm (the one looking for elementary circuits) in Java and OCaml. The author of the blog post fixed some issues in the original implementations, on the same page I linked before there are also the fixed versions of both implementations.

You can find it here as part of jgrapht implementation.

Will C++ and Boost Graph Library work for you?


Is there a Strict Fibonacci Heap implementation available?

I would like to implement a strict fibonacci heap, but the structure is very complicated and it would be nice to have an example implamentation in any language. But I didn't find one yet.
It seems like the paper "Strict Fibonacci Heaps" from 2012 is the only source which describes this structure in detail. But in "A back-to-basics empirical study of priority queues" they measured it's practical performance so they had to implement the heap.
Is there any implementation publicly available?
In the paper that you cite (about the empirical study), the first reference is to their codebase:
I also have an implementation for it, (also in C and still not fully completed), you can check it here:

Are there Linear Programming libraries with the Simplex algorithm for Clojure?

The Stigler Diet problem is a Linear Programming problem. It takes a list of foods and their nutritional values and solves for an optimized selection and quantities that meet objectives and constraints. Are there clojure libraries for Linear Programming - Simplex Algorithm, other than levand/prolin to work this?
Actually there is a clojure library: prolin uses the Simplex implementation provided by Apache Commons Math. It's probably the most idiomatic api in clojure for linear programming. Current version in github uses org.apache.commons.math3 v3.2, however according to this JIRA entry the simplex implementation has significantly been improved in v3.3, so it may be worth upgrading (see prolin issue #1).
Also of interest is the Java Constraint Programming API (JSR 331). There's a clojure project using that API. Although its name hints towards constraint programming (CP), this blog post talks about using it for accessing linear programming (LP) solvers such as GLPK, lp_solve, gurobi, etc.
The java JaCoP constraint programming library implements among others the Simplex algorithm. For Clojure, there's the CloCoP clojure wrapper over JaCoP.
Clojure's core.logic also has options for constraint programming.

How to implement Leitner algorithm (spaced repetition)?

In the spaced repetition algorithms, we have a particular one named Leitner. It is used widely for some flashcards based learning systems. The main idea is to sort up the cards with possibilites.
After searching google, it seems like there are no specific implementations in C, C++, or Object-C except some Ruby implementations.
Question here to seek some clues.
I feel that the following software might be useful for you -- It's a C++ implementation, and source code is open. You might want to check it out.

algorithm of the 'No-three-in-line problem'?

Are there some kind of mature No-three-in-line problem algorithm in popular languages ( such as Java, C#, Ruby, JavaScript etc) ?
I know it's not direct answer, but if you like to draw complete graph (I don't know your application), you might be interested in checkout out graphviz programming library, or their theory references.

Algorithm for genogram

I am developing a ruby program that should be able to draw a genogram on a web page.
I am therefore looking for an algorithm for drawing a genogram or a similar tree-structure.
I prefer an algorithm in ruby but also other languages will do or some references explaning the principles behind such an algorithm
A recursive algorithm in c++ has been published here but it is not documented in a way that allows me to use it.
Any help about how to implement a genogram would be much apriciated
AFAIK, the canonical work on rendering trees is "Drawing Dynamic Trees" by Sven Moen. You should be able to find the paper or an implementation of his polyline algorithm with a bit of googling.
You could also have a look at Graphviz as that can handle trees as well as arbitrary graphs.
