How to implement Leitner algorithm (spaced repetition)? - algorithm

In the spaced repetition algorithms, we have a particular one named Leitner. It is used widely for some flashcards based learning systems. The main idea is to sort up the cards with possibilites.
After searching google, it seems like there are no specific implementations in C, C++, or Object-C except some Ruby implementations.
Question here to seek some clues.

I feel that the following software might be useful for you -- It's a C++ implementation, and source code is open. You might want to check it out.


What language would be more efficient to implement a graph library?

Brief Description
I have a college work where I have to implement a graph library (I'll have to give a presentation about this work later)
The basic idea is to write all the code of the data structures and their algorithms from scratch, using the tools provided by some programming language, like C/C++, Java, Python, doesn't really matter which one of them I'll pick at first.
But I should not use any built-in graph libraries in the language: the goal of the work is to make the students learn how these algorithms work. There are some test cases which my program will be later submitted to.
It is not really necessary but, if you wanna take a look, here is the homework assignment: (I used Control-C Control-V plus google translate from a LaTeX text, this is why the formatting is poor).
The Question
So, my question is: which programming language would be more time efficient to implement this library?
It doesn't really matter if the language is functional, structured or object oriented. My priority is time efficiency and performance.
The better language is the one you know more.
But if you're looking for some performance, take a look at compiled languages with optimisations. Keep in mind that the code you write is the major component responsible in final performance, the language itself cant do miracles.
A more low level language give to you controls but requires deeply knowledge of the language and the machine you're running your code, so it's a tradeoff.
By a personal choose I would recommend C/C++ to implement a graph library. I've already done this in the past and I used vanilla ANSI C and the performance was awesome.
The one you feel more passionate about and feel more comfortable coding with.
This way you will rock your project.
Myself would pick Java.

What are some good resources for learning algorithm optimization?

I've been tinkering around with code (Basic, Python, C++, PHP, JavaScript) on and off for almost two decades, but have only recently begun to get more "serious" about it (using Java). I can write code to do what I want, but now I want to learn to optimize my programs to run faster (looping through an array for every element in an array can get slow very quickly, etc). What I don't want is to be popping onto this site every 5 minutes for every little question I have. I want to learn to answer my own questions.
That said, what are some good resources for learning algorithm analysis and optimization?
I have a copy of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (3rd edition) but I feel it's written to mostly be incorporated into a college curriculum and isn't very easy to use sans-professor. The book also has a tendency to over-use abbreviations, making it hard to flip to a particular chapter without having to skim back through the book to understand what each abbreviation stands for.
I do have some knowledge of Calculus, but it's extremely rusty, so I would prefer resources that give more explanation and fewer formulas.
Thank you in advance for all the help you can give!
I can't recommend enough Michael Abrash's "The Zen of Code Optimization". It's easyto read and full of insights. The parts that focus on pre-pentium x86 are dated, but it's real value is the focus on how to think about making code faster.
I believe it's out of print, but you may find a used copy online.
You might start with Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual. The same author also has a book on puzzle-solving called Programming Challenges, which gives you a more entertaining way to get practice with algorithms than slogging through a textbook.

Minimalist Programming Tools

What tools go well with or help minimalist programming? Examples would be libraries with tight, clean interface and very small size in it's genre.
Techniques, functions or concepts that result in smaller and/or more efficient apps would be great. If you know of any other relevant tools this would help as well.
This may not be quite what you're looking for, but I enjoyed reading A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux, which starts out with basic techniques for reducing bloat, before going into far more detail than I thought possible in order to shave every last byte from an executable!
if not assembler, then almost any Forth.
See colorFORTH - minimal and strange ... best of both worlds :)

Minimum CompSci Knowledge Needed for Writing Desktop Apps

Having been a hobbyist programmer for 3 years (mainly Python and C) and never having written an application longer than 500 lines of code, I find myself faced with two choices :
(1) Learn the essentials of data structures and algorithm design so I can become a l33t computer scientist.
(2) Learn Qt, which would help me build projects I have been itching to build for a long time.
For learning (1), everyone seems to recommend reading CLRS. Unfortunately, reading CLRS would take me at least an year of study (or more, I'm not Peter Krumins). I also understand that to accomplish any moderately complex task using (2), I will need to understand at least the fundamentals of (1), which brings me to my question : assuming I use C++ as the programming language of choice, which parts of CLRS would give me sufficient knowledge of algorithms and data structures to work on large projects using (2)?
In other words, I need a list of theoretical CompSci topics absolutely essential for everyday application programming tasks. Also, I want to use CLRS as a handy reference, so I don't want to skip any material critical to understanding the later sections of the book.
Don't get me wrong here. Discrete math and the theoretical underpinnings of CompSci have been on my "TODO: URGENT" list for about 6 months now, but I just don't have enough time owing to college work. After a long time, I have 15 days off to do whatever the hell I like, and I want to spend these 15 days building applications I really want to build rather than sitting at my desk, pen and paper in hand, trying to write down the solution to a textbook problem.
(BTW, a less-math-more-code resource on algorithms will be highly appreciated. I'm just out of high school and my math is not at the level it should be.)
Thanks :)
This could be considered heresy, but the vast majority of application code does not require much understanding of algorithms and data structures. Most languages provide libraries which contain collection classes, searching and sorting algorithms, etc. You generally don't need to understand the theory behind how these work, just use them!
However, if you've never written anything longer than 500 lines, then there are a lot of things you DO need to learn, such as how to write your application's code so that it's flexible, maintainable, etc.
For a less-math, more code resource on algorithms than CLRS, check out Algorithms in a Nutshell. If you're going to be writing desktop applications, I don't consider CLRS to be required reading. If you're using C++ I think Sedgewick is a more appropriate choice.
Try some online comp sci courses. Berkeley has some, as does MIT. Software engineering radio is a great podcast also.
See these questions as well:
What are some good computer science resources for a blind programmer?
Heed the wisdom of Don and just do it. Can you define the features that you want your application to have? Can you break those features down into smaller tasks? Can you organize the code produced by those tasks into a coherent structure?
Of course you can. Identify any 'risky' areas (areas that you do not understand, e.g. something that requires more math than you know, or special algorithms you would have to research) and either find another solution, prototype a solution, or come back to SO and ask specific questions.
Moving from 500 loc to a real (eve if small) application it's not that easy.
As Don was pointing out, you'll need to learn a lot of things about code (flexibility, reuse, etc), you need to learn some very basic of configuration management as well (visual source safe, svn?)
But the main issue is that you need a way to don't be overwhelmed by your functiononalities/code pair. That it's not easy. What I can suggest you is to put in place something to 'automatically' test your code (even in a very basic way) via some regression tests. Otherwise it's going to be hard.
As you can see I think it's no related at all to data structure, algorithms or whatever.
Good luck and let us know
I must say that sitting down with a dry old textbook and reading it through is not the way to learn how to do anything effectively, even if you are making notes. Doing it is the best way to learn, using the textbooks as a reference. Indeed, using sites like this as a reference.
As for data structures - learn which one is good for whatever situation you envision: Sets (sorted and unsorted), Lists (ArrayList, LinkedList), Maps (HashMap, TreeMap). Complexity of doing basic operations - adding, removing, searching, sorting, etc. That will help you to select an appropriate library data structure to use in your application.
And also make sure you're reasonably warm with MVC - i.e., ensure your model is separate from your view (the QT front-end) as best as possible. Best would be to have the model and algorithms working on their own, and then put the GUI on top. Or a unit test on top. Etc...
Good luck!
It's like saying you want to move to France, so should you learn french from a book, and what are the essential words - or should you just go to France and find out which words you need to know from experience and from copying the locals.
Writing code is part of learning computer science. I was writing code long before I'd even heard of the term, and lots of people were writing code before the term was invented.
Besides, you say you're itching to write certain applications. That can't be taught, so just go ahead and do it. Some things you only learn by doing.
(The theoretical foundations will just give you a deeper understanding of what you wind up doing anyway, which will mainly be copying other people's approaches. The only caveat is that in some cases the theoretical stuff will tell you what's futile to attempt - e.g. if one of your itches is to solve an NP complete problem, you probably won't succeed :-)
I would say the practical aspects of coding are more important. In particular, source control is vital if you don't use that already. I like bzr as an easy to set up and use system, though GUI support isn't as mature as it could be.
I'd then move on to one or both of the classics about the craft of coding, namely
The Pragmatic Programmer
Code Complete 2
You could also check out the list of recommended books on Stack Overflow.

Choice of programming language in book on algorithms? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Following up on my previous question on the enduring properties of a book on algorithms, see here, now I would like to ask the community what language would you use to write the examples of such a reference book.
I will probably not use MMIX (!) to write the examples of the book, but at the same time, I think just pseudo-code would be less interesting than examples in a real language.
Still, I'd also like the book to be a resource for researchers as well. What could be the choice of the community? Why?
Answer: I knew this was a tough question and that there would be several different answers. Notice that answers cover the whole range from Assembly/MMIX(!!) to Python and pseudo-code. The votes and the arguments compel me to choose Uri's sensible answer, with one caveat: my pseudo-code will be as close to C as I possibly can (without going into platform specific issues, of course), and I will possibly discuss better implementations in side notes (As all of us know, mathematically proving the algorithm works is far, far from the problems of implementing it).
The book is on algorithms in a particular domain, not on the mathematics of algorithms in general (much smarter people have done and will do much better than me on general algorithms). As such, one thing I consider would add value to such a book is the repository of the algorithms, which I will definitely put online in a companion website (maybe in a couple of languages, if I find the time).
Thanks for all the answers. I sometimes feel I should put everybody who answers as co-authors. :)
A good book on algorithms should be written in psueod-code a-la-CLR...
In my experience, most books that go into language-specific examplse end up looking more like undergraduate textbook than like a serious reference or learning books. In addition, most languages are fairly clunky when dealing with collections (esp. C++ and Java, even with generics). Between all the details, too much is lost. You're also immediately eliminating a lot of your potential audience.
The only advantage to language specific books is that if you were writing a textbook, the publisher could attach a CD and add 50$ to the MSRP.
It's easier for me to understand an algorithm from (readable) pseudocode. If I can't figure out how to implement it in my language with my own collections, I'm in trouble anyway.
You could add to every pseudocode listing a note about implementation details for specific languages (e.g., use a TreeSet in Java for best performance, etc.)
You could also maintain a separate website for the book (good idea anyway) where you'll have actual implementations in different languages. No need to kill trees with long printouts.
Use a real programming language -- never a psuedo one. Readers are very suspicious
of psuedo code , readers like real programming languages. The trap with psuedo languages is that you can define code concepts that the reader cannot impliment in their language of choice
A real programming language has a number of advantages :
1) you can test your code, hopefuly proving your code correct !
2) you can export that code into a published format for insertion in your book,
ensuring that anybody following your code would be looking
at actual executable code.
3) you would not have to defend you psuedo code.
The choice of language is obvously subjective, but I think that almost any modern language
could be used, but I'd recommend one that has 'least overheads' in terms of quick understanding. And perferably one that the reader can get a compiler/interpreter.
If you'd like to use C, then perhaps you should check out D. An improved C.
For example, Ruby is of this ilk if you keep you code 'simple',
Java is not ( too many support libraries required),
in an earlier time Pascal would be a candidate.
BTW: I dont use Ruby now, as I currently use Smalltalk & REBOL, but I would not use
either of those languages in a book. Your book would go straight to the remainder bin !
I would avoid anything that abstracts the core 'mechanics' of any particular algorithm
There is a tremendous benefit in Knuth's rendering of the algorithms in an assembly level language. It forces the reader to carefully consider exactly what is going on in the silicon when we code algorithms in some higher level language. Especially for systems programmers, this kind of understanding can't be gotten any other way.
Knuth's new MMIX is ideal: consider it an assembly level pseudo-code.
My ideal textbook would have algorithms written in pseudocode and MMIX, so that we can see the algorithm in both its pretty and gory-complex forms. Pseudo-code should be preferred to "real languages", because it sidesteps pointless "you should have used this language not that language" battles. At this stage, pseudocode needs no defending -- the best extant algorithms textbooks use either pseudocode or in Knuth's case a kind of assembly pseudocode.
The choice is not going to be able to please everyone.
Robert Sedgewick has written his "Algorithms in..." books in multiple languages. I had the C version for a course and bought the C++ version when I started working with C++ at work.
You can't escape language features (even pseudo language features).
To try to please as many people as possible you could choose two languages, say one functional and one not. It could help illustrate motivations in algorithm choice.
C style is often used because many languages use a very similar style so most programmers understand it without explanation. Further, examples can be run on any machine with a C compiler - which is nearly every machine.
However, higher level concepts often require the use of more recent technologies and techniques - OO, functional programming, etc.
These are often expressed in the language that has the required features. Java, C#, Erlang, Ada, etc - most good programmers will grasp what is going on with just a little explanation.
But C is very nearly a universal foundation - you really can't go wrong if you adopt a C style for examples.
I would not use any specific language. Use a pseudo-language that will be clear to most anyone who has done a little programming. Usually these books use something close to the C style, but that is not a rule. I know that you mention that you do not want to use pseudo code, but that will allow you to reach a broader audience.
I would use something that lets you express exactly the idea behind the algorithm.
Haskell is quite neat, but I think that with algorithms that work with state, it can get in your way, and you would be more occupied with the language than with the algorithm.
I wouldn't use C or its descendants (C++, C#, Java ...) because they will get in your way when your algorithms are more "functional" in nature. Again, you would be more occupied with the language than with the algorithm. I would feel very uncomfortable if I had to work without higher order functions.
So, basically, I would use a multi-paradigm language that you are comfortable with, and with which you feel confident that you can express the algorithms without diving into language specifics.
My personal choice would be something like Common Lisp, but perhaps Python or Scala is workable, too.
Python's a good choice all around. It's very readable, even if you haven't programmed in it before. Plus, it's a lot less verbose than some other common language choices.
