Is Terracota Cluster still opensource? - cluster-computing

and if yes, where it could be found?!
According to this infoq entry, they have opensourced it. But right now, there is not such a product in their website.

This page, , has the links to the opensource version of terracotta and related products. You may be presented with a page requiring you to register prior to the download. I tried downloading from there yesterday, and I was able to successfully download terracotta and get it running locally.

Look here:
Terracota Source Repository


Looking for an option on Artifactory Pro to create a dashboard for Download Metrics

We are looking for an option in Artifactory Pro edition, where want to make a central dashboard for downloaded artifacts. Currently the each artifacts has count for # of downloads but we want to extend it more -
Number of downloads
Who downloaded it
from where its downloaded
Dashboard with filter criteria. Please help if anybody has build this type capability. I know probably we can use a plugin for this getting metrics and storing it to somewhere else. But we are looking for option provided by JFrog Artifactory.
Package view is part of the Platform versions (Artifactory 7.x and above):
I suggest you upgrade as this is pretty much what you need.
On your current version there isn't such dashboard, but you can gather the information easily using the Artifactory Query Language:
There is no metrics dashboard provided by Jfrog out of the box that would fit this need.
As mentioned by Angello you need to scrape the metrics yourself using the AQL or using different APIs provided by Jfrog then use that data to post onto a dashboard custom made for your usecase.

Laravel deployment and update on Apache Webserver

I want to get my Larvel project ready for deployment.
I already found some guides in the web, but no one of them could answer me the following question(s):
Which file do I have to upload to the webserver?
I already tried to remove as much folders/files as possible to keep the project-size on my apache webserver as small as possible. But is there any guide which tells me, which folders/files do i exactly need to exchange?
When it comes to an update:
Once deployed, which files do i need to update?
Do I have to upload all the files again or can I exchange only certain ones?
Currently i followed the official laravel guide and uploaded all files to the webserver.

how can i migrate virtuemart from VM2 to VM3?

Hello I would like to ask how is it possible to migrate VM2 to VM3. I want to update my Joomla site from 2 to 3 and VM to be compatible. I found only that please help I have many data on VM2 and I don't want to lose it.
this process should be careful, follow my procedures:
Go to official site installed VM Migrator plugin
before you should do all your backup sql in VM2 and VM3 sites
Also what I had done is add another Database called migration_vm2 in my server, and import vm2 sql, this could be avoid the problem and you could query one of table to compare
And for import the users and orders list and products you should use VM Migrator
There are some ways to achieve that. My pattern is mostly like this.
First attempt, update all Joomla components, install VirtueMart 3 via normal installer, install Joomla 3. If that fails:
Second attempt, use Daycounts Migrator and use a fresh J3/VM3 installation on the same server to transfer files and database with the migrator. If that fails:
Third attempt, compare the databases from first attempt or second attempt and export single db tables and import with the changed column names into VM 3 db.
Use a standard template like Protostar in the beginning, change to a new template only after everything else works.
This question is not answered in one answer here, I suggest the VirtueMart forum.
This worked for me. First download the newest VM package from the official site. Note that normally it is a compressed file with core component and AIO component zipped inside, so you will have to extract these first.
Second, in your Joomla 2.5 backend, check Extension Manager > Database tab and do a fix if necessary. Do not forget to do a backup of all your site using Akeeba or similar extensions. Keeping a backup of existing orders is good practice.
Finally, using the Extension Manager installer, upload and install the VM3 core and the AIO after that. Clear cache and check database fixes again if necessary.
Very important: clear your browser's cache to purge preloaded js files and so.
Check your VM3 frontend and backend, you should have all your items, registered shoppers, old orders and so. There can be some styling issues with new classes, also your shopper groups could be misconfigured, correct the prices to be shown... and thats it!
About the migration from J2.5 to J3, having VM3 installed has not been a problem for me so far. Always refresh your web browser cache after a migration in order to eliminate preloaded javascript files that are obsolete, otherwise you could have some problems trying to save menus, articles and so; just clear your cache again and thats it.

Geoserver and PostGIS in Heroku?

i'm looking for information if i can install geoserver in Heroku, i found that heroku supports PostGIS, but don't found any information about Geoserver in heroku. Any one installed Geoserver in heroku, or where i have to install geoserver.
Thanks all. Greats.
I've written a script that makes the task a bit easier, the readme explains how it works. You can run the script or follow it's steps manually.
Ok after a lot of search i figured out that is a little complicated to upload Geoserver to heroku. Then i found that some people upload Geoserver to Openshift. I found this tutorials that explain perfectly how to do that.
The first link it's from openshift user and the second link it's the same but in spanish:!topic/geoserver-es/DnEhpL_DPYs

Where to download Terracotta

I am completely new to Terracotta and trying to understand it by following an example given in this post - Integrating Terracotta EHCache for Hibernate with Spring PetClinic
I was able to download and make the Sprin's petclinic application up and running but I am stuck on what software to download for terracotta as given in Step 4:
Step 4 - Install Terracotta
Download Terracotta from the Unzip
and install into $TC_HOME
I went to terracotta site and got confused on what software I need to download for working on the example that I am following.
I followed the SO post for Is Terracota Cluster still opensource? and registered myself with terracotta and then again I see multiple softwares available for download in Terracotta site
Please help me on what is the software I need to download for this example.
Once you are on the Terracotta Open Source download page, what you want is the link inside section Terracotta Server Array which points to the terracotta-{version}.tar.gz archive.
Note that registration is not mandatory and can be skipped - see X icon on top right of the registration form.
