Geoserver and PostGIS in Heroku? - heroku

i'm looking for information if i can install geoserver in Heroku, i found that heroku supports PostGIS, but don't found any information about Geoserver in heroku. Any one installed Geoserver in heroku, or where i have to install geoserver.
Thanks all. Greats.

I've written a script that makes the task a bit easier, the readme explains how it works. You can run the script or follow it's steps manually.

Ok after a lot of search i figured out that is a little complicated to upload Geoserver to heroku. Then i found that some people upload Geoserver to Openshift. I found this tutorials that explain perfectly how to do that.
The first link it's from openshift user and the second link it's the same but in spanish:!topic/geoserver-es/DnEhpL_DPYs


Automatically set up new Digital Ocean server for Laravel app

I know that is available for $12/month*, but I'd like to understand how to accomplish the same thing myself.
What I assume is possible (and what I'm looking for): I create a server that has only Ubuntu 18.04.3 installed and nothing else, and I upload a script that installs all the appropriate software and sets up MySQL with the correct passwords, etc (without manual intervention).
I've tried Laradock and had tons of problems with Docker and don't want to do that anymore.
I see that lets me create a LEMP droplet (Ubuntu, Nginx, MySQL, PHP-FPM) with one click. But it lacks Redis, and its versions are outdated (e.g. PHP 7.2).
I've heard people mention Chef (maybe this?), but that seems to be more complicated than what I'm imagining.
Unfortunately I'm not even sure how to search for what I'm trying to do (or how to tag this question); is this called "server provisioning"? I've been searching phrases like "automatic install script redis mysql server for laravel".
Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction.
* I also just found and, which each look like Forge + Envoyer (and RunCloud offers a free plan).
It is called server provisioning and Chef would be a good fit for this, check out Ansible too - another thing you could do is setup the server yourself and create an image from that server and then base your new servers out of that image, that way you'll have all your services installed from the start.
This sounds like a job or something like Puppet (or Chef/Ansible), however Laravel Envoy may be another tool to look at if you haven't already for the second part of your problem.
I highly recommend Heroku (or similar service), as this is all done out of the box, and has a ton of other great features that make developing a pipeline a breeze.

can I use json-server for heroku

I wanted to use my json-server for my heroku application and can you tell me if this is posible and if it is can you tell me how should I deploy my json-server in my heroku application
Yes you can. There's a guide by jesperorb here:
You can clone that repo and use the package/server.json files or combine them with your current set-up. Might take some fiddling to get it working.
In my experience so far, it is working great to read from, but I have had some problems when POSTing to it. Hope that helps.

Where is the link of Parse data browser in website?

Simply to say, i can not find the Parse Data Browser and really don't know what is it. is it a link of parse site or a software or ... ?
I've tried google for that and a couple of youtube videos about that but i think anybody knows what it is and how to find it except me. is down now, you can see this but you can have your own parse server because parse is open source
Install your parse-server and set-up your parse-dashboard
All documentation is available here
If you want to start quickly you can host your parse-server on Heroku or use back4app
If you are looking for an alternative solution you can use Firebase
If you're running your own parse-server, you just have to add the parse-dashboard module. It's pretty easy to set up.
You can mount it right on the same app your parse-server is hosted from, or keep it separate and just run it locally.

Deploy go app to docker in vagrant

Now i'm working on RESTfull API on go, using Windows and goclipse.
Testing environemnt consists of few VMs managed by Vagrant. These machines contain nginx, PostgreSQL etc. The app should be deployed into Docker on the separated VM.
There is no problem to deploy app on first time using guide like here: I've read a lot of information and guides but still totally confused how to automate deploying process and update go app in docker after some changes in code done. On the current stage changes in code done very often, so deploying should be fast.
Could you please advise me with correct way to setup some kind of local CI for such case? What approach will be better?
Thanks a lot.

Is Terracota Cluster still opensource?

and if yes, where it could be found?!
According to this infoq entry, they have opensourced it. But right now, there is not such a product in their website.
This page, , has the links to the opensource version of terracotta and related products. You may be presented with a page requiring you to register prior to the download. I tried downloading from there yesterday, and I was able to successfully download terracotta and get it running locally.
Look here:
Terracota Source Repository
