Find the Hardy–Ramanujan number using R5RS scheme. Please suggest improvements in idiom and calculations. - scheme

I remember once going to see
[Srinivasa Ramanujan] when he was ill
at Putney. I had ridden in taxi cab
number 1729 and remarked that the
number seemed to me rather a dull one,
and that I hoped it was not an
unfavorable omen. "No," he replied,
"it is a very interesting number; it
is the smallest number expressible as
the sum of two cubes in two different
ways." [G. H. Hardy as told in "1729
In "Math Wrath" Joseph Tartakovsky says about this feat, "So what?
Give me two minutes and my calculator watch, and I'll do the same
without exerting any little gray cells." I don't know how
Mr. Tartakovsky would accomplish that proof on a calculator watch, but
the following is my scheme function that enumerates numbers starting
at 1 and stops when it finds a number that is expressable in two
seperate ways by summing the cubes of two positive numbers. And it
indeeds returns 1729.
There are two areas where I would appreciate suggestions for
improvement. One area is, being new to scheme, style and idiom. The other area is around the calculations. Sisc
does not return exact numbers for roots, even when they could be. For
example (expt 27 1/3) yields 2.9999999999999996. But I do get exact
retults when cubing an exact number, (expt 3 3) yields 27. My
solution was to get the exact floor of a cube root and then test
against the cube of the floor and the cube of the floor plus one,
counting as a match if either match. This solution seems messy and hard to reason about. Is there a more straightforward way?
; Find the Hardy-Ramanujan number, which is the smallest positive
; integer that is the sum of the cubes of two positivie integers in
; two seperate ways.
(define (hardy-ramanujan-number)
(let ((how-many-sum-of-2-positive-cubes
; while i^3 + 1 < n/1
; tmp := exact_floor(cube-root(n - i^3))
; if n = i^3 + tmp^3 or n = i^3 + (tmp + 1) ^3 then count := count + 1
; return count
(lambda (n)
(let ((cube (lambda (n) (expt n 3)))
(cube-root (lambda (n) (inexact->exact (expt n 1/3)))))
(let iter ((i 1) (count 0))
(if (> (+ (expt i 3) 1) (/ n 2))
(let* ((cube-i (cube i))
(tmp (floor (cube-root (- n cube-i)))))
(iter (+ i 1)
(+ count
(if (or (= n (+ cube-i (cube tmp)))
(= n (+ cube-i (cube (+ tmp 1)))))
(let iter ((n 1))
(if (= (how-many-sum-of-2-positive-cubes n) 2)
(iter (+ 1 n))))))

Your code looks mostly fine, I see a few very minor things to comment on:
There's no need to define cube and cube-root at the innermost scope,
Using define for internal functions makes it look a little clearer,
This is related to the second part of your question: you're using inexact->exact on a floating point number which can lead to large rationals (in the sense that you allocate a pair of two big integers) -- it would be better to avoid this,
Doing that still doesn't solve the extra test that you do -- but that's only because you're not certain if you have the right number of if you missed by 1. Given that it should be close to an integer, you can just use round and then do one check, saving you one test.
Fixing the above, and doing it in one function that returns the number when it's found, and using some more "obvious" identifier names, I get this:
(define (hardy-ramanujan-number n)
(define (cube n) (expt n 3))
(define (cube-root n) (inexact->exact (round (expt n 1/3))))
(let iter ([i 1] [count 0])
(if (> (+ (cube i) 1) (/ n 2))
(hardy-ramanujan-number (+ n 1))
(let* ([i^3 (cube i)]
[j^3 (cube (cube-root (- n i^3)))]
[count (if (= n (+ i^3 j^3)) (+ count 1) count)])
(if (= count 2) n (iter (+ i 1) count))))))
I'm running this on Racket, and it looks like it's about 10 times faster (50ms vs 5ms).

Different Schemes behave differently when it comes to exact exponentiation: some return an exact result when possible, some an inexact result in all cases. You can look at ExactExpt, one of my set of implementation contrasts pages, to see which Schemes do what.


Computing a series in racket

Ok, I'll start out by saying that this is a hw question. That being said, I'm not looking for the answer, just some direction to the answer.
I've got to compute a series up to n. My initial thoughts were to use recursion, and do something like the following
(define (series-b n)
(if (= n -1) 0 ; Not sure how to handle this
(+ (/ (expt -1 n) (factorial n)) (series-b (sub1 n)))
That seems to be the way to do this. However, I'm not really sure how to handle the -1 case, and that is throwing my expected answers off. Thanks in advance.
I do have some test cases, and they are as follows
n = 0: 1
n = 1: 1/2
n = 2: 2/3
n = 3: 5/8
n = 4: 19/30
n = 5: 91/144
I'm not entirely sure which series that is either.
Edit 2
I've selected soegaard's answer, however, I did make a small change to the final solution, which is:
(define (series-b n)
(for/sum ([i (+ n 1)])
(/ (expt -1 i)
(factorial (+ i 1))))
The accepted answer uses (factorial i) rather than (factorial (+ i 1)). I was not yet familiar with for/sum, but that is a really nice way to handle this problem, so thanks!
Your definitions seems right to me. The value of the empty sum is 0, so you are returning the correct value.
Your solution is the canonical one using recursion. An alternative using for/sum looks like this:
(define (series-c n)
(for/sum ([i (+ n 1)])
(/ (expt -1 i)
(factorial (+ i 1))))
You're doing well, and I think you're very close.
Start by writing a few test cases. Make sure to include test cases for the base case.
It's hard to answer the math part of the question, because I can't tell what series it is that you're computing!
You can implement this series as a SRFI 41 stream!
(require srfi/41)
(define negatives (stream-cons -1 (stream-map sub1 negatives)))
(define terms (stream-cons 1 (stream-map / terms (stream-cdr negatives))))
(define series (stream-cons 1 (stream-map + series (stream-cdr terms))))
Example usage:
> (stream->list 10 series)
(1 1/2 2/3 5/8 19/30 91/144 177/280 3641/5760 28673/45360 28319/44800)
Don't like streams? I like soegaard's answer, except that it has to recompute the factorial each time! I wish for/sum has the ability to hold "state" values the way for/fold does. Here's an implementation using for/fold:
(define (factorial-series n)
(define-values (sum _)
(for/fold ((sum 0) (value 1))
((i (in-range -2 (- -3 n) -1)))
(values (+ sum value)
(/ value i))))
Example usage:
> (map factorial-series (range 10))
(1 1/2 2/3 5/8 19/30 91/144 177/280 3641/5760 28673/45360 28319/44800)

Sort prime factors in ascending order Scheme

I am new to Scheme and I want to sort the prime factors of a number into ascending order. I found this code, but it does not sort.
(define (primefact n)
(let loop ([n n] [m 2] [factors (list)])
(cond [(= n 1) factors]
[(= 0 (modulo n m)) (loop (/ n m) 2 (cons m factors))]
[else (loop n (add1 m) factors)])))
Can you please help.
Thank you
I would say it sorts, but descending. If you want to sort the other way, just reverse the result:
(cond [(= n 1) (reverse factors)]
Usually when you need something sorted in the order you get them you can
cons them like this:
(define (primefact-asc n)
(let recur ((n n) (m 2))
(cond ((= n 1) '())
((= 0 (modulo n m)) (cons m (recur (/ n m) m))) ; replaced 2 with m
(else (recur n (+ 1 m))))))
Note that this is not tail recursive since it needs to cons the result, but since the amount of factors in an answer is few (thousands perhaps) it won't matter much.
Also, since it does find the factors in order you don't need to start at 2 every round but the number you found.
Which dialect of Scheme is used?
Three hints:
You need only to test for divisors less equal as the square-root of your Number.
a * b = N ; a < b ---> a <= sqrt( N ).
If you need all Prime-Numbers less some Number, you should use the sieve of eratothenes. See Wikipedia.
Before you start to write a program, look in Wikipedia.

Improving performance for converting numbers to lists, and base10 to base2

Many Project Euler problems require manipulating integers and their digits, both in base10 and base2. While I have no problem with converting integers in lists of digits, or converting base10 into base2 (or lists of their digits), I often find that performance is poor when doing such conversions repeatedly.
Here's an example:
First, here are my typical conversions:
#lang racket
(define (10->bin num)
(define (10->bin-help num count)
(define sq
(expt 2 count))
[(zero? count) (list num)]
[else (cons (quotient num sq) (10->bin-help (remainder num sq) (sub1 count)))]
(member 1 (10->bin-help num 19)))
(define (integer->lon int)
[(zero? int) empty]
[else (append (integer->lon (quotient int 10)) (list (remainder int 10)))]
Next, I need a function to test whether a list of digits is a palindrome
(define (is-palindrome? lon)
(equal? lon (reverse lon)))
Finally, I need to sum all base10 integers below some max that are palindromes in base2 and base10. Here's the accumulator-style function:
(define (sum-them max)
(define (sum-acc count acc)
(define base10
(integer->lon count))
(define base2
(10->bin count))
[(= count max) acc]
(is-palindrome? base10)
(is-palindrome? base2))
(sum-acc (add1 count) (+ acc count))]
[else (sum-acc (add1 count) acc)]))
(sum-acc 1 0))
And the regular recursive version:
(define (sum-them* max)
(define base10
(integer->lon max))
(define base2
(10->bin max))
[(zero? max) 0]
(is-palindrome? base10)
(is-palindrome? base2))
(+ (sum-them* (sub1 max)) max)]
[else (sum-them* (sub1 max))]
When I apply either of these two last functions to 1000000, I takes well over 10 seconds to complete. The recursive version seems a bit quicker than the accumulator version, but the difference is negligible.
Is there any way I can improve this code, or do I just have to accept that this is the style of number-crunching for which Racket isn't particularly suited?
So far, I have considered the possibility of replacing integer->lon by a similar integer->vector as I expect vector-append to be faster than append, but then I'm stuck with the need to apply reverse later on.
Making your existing code more efficient
Have you considered getting the list of bits using any of Racket's bitwise operations? E.g.,
(define (bits n)
(let loop ((n n) (acc '()))
(if (= 0 n)
(loop (arithmetic-shift n -1) (cons (bitwise-and n 1) acc)))))
> (map bits '(1 3 4 5 7 9 10))
'((1) (1 1) (1 0 0) (1 0 1) (1 1 1) (1 0 0 1) (1 0 1 0))
It'd be interesting to see whether that speeds anything up. I expect it would help a bit, since your 10->bin procedure currently makes a call to expt, quotient, and remainder, whereas bit shifting, depending on the representations used by the compiler, would probably be more efficient.
Your integer->lon is also using a lot more memory than it needs to, since the append is copying most of the result at each step. This is kind of interesting, because you were already using the more memory efficient approach in bin->10. Something like this is more efficient:
(define (digits n)
(let loop ((n n) (acc '()))
(if (zero? n)
(loop (quotient n 10) (cons (remainder n 10) acc)))))
> (map digits '(1238 2391 3729))
'((1 2 3 8) (2 3 9 1) (3 7 2 9))
More efficient approaches
All that said, perhaps you should consider the approach that you're using. It appears that right now, you're iterating through the numbers 1…MAX, checking whether each one is a palindrome, and if it is, adding it to the sum. That means you're doing something with MAX numbers, all in all. Rather than checking for palindromic numbers, why not just generate them directly in one base and then check whether they're a palindrome in the other. I.e., instead of of checking 1…MAX, check:
101, and 111
1001, and 1111
10001, 10101, 11011, and 11111,
and so on, up until the numbers are too big.
This list is all the binary palindromes, and only some of those will be decimal palindromes. If you can generate the binary palindromes using bit-twiddling techniques (so you're actually working with the integers), it's easy to write those to a string, and checking whether a string is a palindrome is probably much faster than checking whether a list is a palindrome.
Are you running these timings in DrRacket by any chance? The IDE slows down things quite a bit, especially if you happen to have debugging and/or profiling turned on, so I'd recommend doing these tests from the command line.
Also, you can usually improve the brute-force approach. For example, you can say here that we only have to consider odd numbers, because even numbers are never a palindrome when expressed as binaries (a trailing 0, but the way you represent them there's never a heading 0). This divides the execution time by 2 regardless of the algorithm.
Your code runs on my laptop in 2.4 seconds. I wrote an alternative version using strings and build-in functions that runs in 0.53 seconds (including Racket startup; execution time in Racket is 0.23 seconds):
#lang racket
(define (is-palindrome? lon)
(let ((lst (string->list lon)))
(equal? lst (reverse lst))))
(define (sum-them max)
(for/sum ((i (in-range 1 max 2))
#:when (and (is-palindrome? (number->string i))
(is-palindrome? (number->string i 2))))
(time (sum-them 1000000))
pu#pumbair: ~/Projects/L-Racket time ./speed3.rkt
cpu time: 233 real time: 233 gc time: 32
real 0m0.533s
user 0m0.472s
sys 0m0.060s
and I'm pretty sure that people with more experience in Racket profiling will come up with faster solutions.
So I could give you the following tips:
Think about how you may improve the brute force approach
Get to know your language better. Some constructs are faster than others for no apparent reason
see and
use parallelism when applicable
Get used to the Racket profiler
N.B. Your 10->bin function returns #f for the value 0, I guess it should return '(0).

Help understanding Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation

This is boring, I know, but I need a little help understanding an implementation of the Sieve of Eratosthenes. It's the solution to this Programming Praxis problem.
(define (primes n)
(let* ((max-index (quotient (- n 3) 2))
(v (make-vector (+ 1 max-index) #t)))
(let loop ((i 0) (ps '(2)))
(let ((p (+ i i 3)) (startj (+ (* 2 i i) (* 6 i) 3)))
(cond ((>= (* p p) n)
(let loop ((j i) (ps ps))
(cond ((> j max-index) (reverse ps))
((vector-ref v j)
(loop (+ j 1) (cons (+ j j 3) ps)))
(else (loop (+ j 1) ps)))))
((vector-ref v i)
(let loop ((j startj))
(if (<= j max-index)
(begin (vector-set! v j #f)
(loop (+ j p)))))
(loop (+ 1 i) (cons p ps)))
(else (loop (+ 1 i) ps)))))))
The part I'm having trouble with is startj. Now, I can see that p is going to be cycling through odd numbers starting at 3, defined as (+ i i 3). But I don't understand the relationship between p and startj, which is (+ (* 2 i i) (* 6 i) 3).
Edit: I understand that the idea is to skip previously sifted numbers. The puzzle definition states that when sifting a number x, sifting should start at the square of x. So, when sifting 3, start by eliminating 9, etc.
However, what I don't understand is how the author came up with that expression for startj (algebraically speaking).
From the puzzle comments:
In general, when sifting by n, sifting starts at n-squared because all the previous multiples of n have already been sieved.
The rest of the expression has to do with the cross-reference between numbers and sieve indexes. There’s a 2 in the expression because we eliminated all the even numbers before we ever started. There’s a 3 in the expression because Scheme vectors are zero-based, and the numbers 0, 1 and 2 aren’t part of the sieve. I think the 6 is actually a combination of the 2 and the 3, but it’s been a while since I looked at the code, so I’ll leave it to you to figure out.
If anyone could help me with this, that'd be great. Thanks!
I think I've figured it out, with the assistance of programmingpraxis' comments on their website.
To restate the problem, startj is defined in the listing as (+ (* 2 i i) (* 6 i) 3), i.e. 2i^2 + 6i + 3.
I didn't initially understand how this expression related to p - since 'sifting' for a number p should start at p^2, I figured that startj should be something relating to 4i^2 + 12i + 9.
However, startj is an index into the vector v, which contains odd numbers starting from 3. Therefore, the index for p^2 is actually (p^2 - 3) / 2.
Expanding the equation: (p^2 - 3) / 2 = ([4i^2 + 12i + 9] - 3) / 2 = 2i^2 + 6i + 3 - which is the value of startj.
I feel it might've been clearer to define startj as (quotient (- (* p p) 3) 2), but anyway - I think that solves it :)
David Seiler: perhaps not the clearest, but in addition to implementing the basic Sieve it also has to implement the three optimizations described in the exercise.
Harto: that was my second exercise. I was still experimenting with my writing style.
Ephemient: correct.
See a more complete explanation in my comment at Programming Praxis.
EDIT: I've added an additional comment at Programming Praxis. And when I actually looked at the code, I was wrong about the derivation of the number 6 in the formula; sorry I mislead you.

two methods of composing functions, how different in efficiency?

Let f transform one value to another, then I'm writing a function that repeats the transformation n times.
I have come up with two different ways:
One is the obvious way that
literally applies the function n
times, so repeat(f, 4) means x →
The other way is inspired from the
fast method for powering, which means
dividing the problem into two
problems that are half as large
whenever n is even. So repeat(f, 4)
means x → g(g(x)) where g(x) =
At first I thought the second method wouldn't improve efficiency that much. At the end of the day, we would still need to apply f n times, wouldn't we? In the above example, g would still be translated into f o f without any further simplification, right?
However, when I tried out the methods, the latter method was noticeable faster.
;; computes the composite of two functions
(define (compose f g)
(lambda (x) (f (g x))))
;; identify function
(define (id x) x)
;; repeats the application of a function, naive way
(define (repeat1 f n)
(define (iter k acc)
(if (= k 0)
(iter (- k 1) (compose f acc))))
(iter n id))
;; repeats the application of a function, divide n conquer way
(define (repeat2 f n)
(define (iter f k acc)
(cond ((= k 0) acc)
((even? k) (iter (compose f f) (/ k 2) acc))
(else (iter f (- k 1) (compose f acc)))))
(iter f n id))
;; increment function used for testing
(define (inc x) (+ x 1))
In fact, ((repeat2 inc 1000000) 0) was much faster than ((repeat1 inc 1000000) 0). My question is in what aspect was the second method more efficient than the first? Did re-using the same function object preserves storage and reduces the time spent for creating new objects?
After all, the application has to be repeated n times, or saying it another way, x→((x+1)+1) cannot be automatically reduced to x→(x+2), right?
I'm running on DrScheme 4.2.1.
Thank you very much.
You're right that both versions do the same number of calls to inc -- but there's more
overhead than that in your code. Specifically, the first version creates N closures, whereas
the second one creates only log(N) closures -- and if the closure creation is most of the work
then you'll see a big difference in performance.
There are three things that you can use to see this in more details:
Use DrScheme's time special form to measure the speed. In addition to the time that it
took to perform some computation, it will also tell you how much time was spent in GC.
You will see that the first version is doing some GC work, while the second doesn't.
(Well, it does, but it's so little, that it will probably not show.)
Your inc function is doing so little, that you're measuring only the looping overhead.
For example, when I use this bad version:
(define (slow-inc x)
(define (plus1 x)
(/ (if (< (random 10) 5)
(* (+ x 1) 2)
(+ (* x 2) 2))
(- (plus1 (plus1 (plus1 x))) 2))
the difference between the two uses drops from a factor of ~11 to 1.6.
Finally, try this version out:
(define (repeat3 f n)
(lambda (x)
(define (iter n x)
(if (zero? n) x (iter (sub1 n) (f x))))
(iter n x)))
It doesn't do any compositions, and it works in roughly
the same speed as your second version.
The first method essentially applies the function n times, thus it is O(n). But the second method is not actually applying the function n times. Every time repeat2 is called it splits n by 2 whenever n is even. Thus much of the time the size of the problem is halved rather than merely decreasing by 1. This gives an overall runtime of O(log(n)).
As Martinho Fernandez suggested, the wikipedia article on exponentiation by squaring explains it very clearly.
