Why QueueSession can create only one receiver in JMS? - session

I can make some senders to send some messages, but when I create two receivers in one Session, the first one works and the second one blocked. In debug, I see the queue list size which the second receiver received is zero. I found that session is made for one thread, I don't know whether this problem involves in the unsafe thread?
I use ActiveMQ implementation.

A JMS Session is absolutely single threaded. As such, it can only have one active receiver. You have 2 options:
Use one connection with multiple sessions, each session having a receiver. Connections are thread safe and you can create many sessions from that single connections.
ActiveMQ gives you a number of options regarding multiplexing multiple destinations, so rather than having multiple receivers, you might want to focus on one, but use ActiveMQ's facilities to create virtual destinations that will funnel all the messages you want through the one receiver.
See this question.


ActiveMQ - Competing Consumers with Selector - messages starve in the queue

ActiveMQ 5.15.13
Context: I have a single queue with multiple Consumers. I want to stop some consumers from processing certain messages. This has to be dynamic, I don't want to create separate queues for this. This works without any problems. e.g. Consumer1 ignores Stocks -> Consumer1 can process all invoices and Consumer2 can process all Stocks
But if there is a large number of messages already in the Queue (of one type, e.g. stocks) and I send a message of another type (e.g. invoices), Consumer1 won't process the message of type invoices. It will instead be idle until Consumer2 has processed all Stocks messages. It does not happen every time, but quite often.
Is there any option to change the order of the new messages coming into the queue, such that an idle consumer with matching selector picks up the new message?
Things I've already tried:
using a PendingMessageLimitStrategy -> it seems like it does not work for queues
increasing the maxPageSize and maxBrowsePageSize in the hope that once all Messages are in RAM, the Consumers will search for their messages.
Exclusive Consumers aren't an option since I want to be able to use more than one Consumer per message type.
Im pretty sure that there is some configuration which allows this type of usage. I'm aware that there are better solutions for this issue, but sadly I can't use them easily due to other constraints.
Thanks a lot in advance!
EDIT: I noticed that when I'm refreshing on the localhost queue browser, the stuck messages get executed immediately. It seems like this action performs some sort of queue refresh where the messages get filtered based on their selector again. So I just need this action whenever a new message enters the queue...
This is a 'window' problem where the next set of 'stocks' data needs to be processed before the 'invoicing' data can be processed.
The gotcha with window problems like this is that you need to account for the fact that some messages may never come through, or a consumer may never come back online either. Also, eventually you will be asked 'how many invoices or stocks are left to be processed'-- aka observability.
ActiveMQ has you covered-- check out wild-card destinations and consumers.
Produce 'stocks' to:
Produce 'invoices' to:
You then setup consumes to connect:
note: the wildard '*'.
ActiveMQ will match queues based on the wildcard pattern, and then process data accordingly. As a bonus, you can still use a selector.

Getting a queue without providing its all properties

I am trying to write a consumer for an existing queue.
RabbbitMQ is running in a separate instance and queue named "org-queue" is already created and binded to an exchange. org-queue is a durable queue and it has some additional properties as well.
Now I need to receive messages from this queue.
I have use the below code to get instance of the queue
conn = Bunny.new
ch = conn.create_channel
q = ch.queue("org-queue")
It throws me an error stating different durable property. It seems by default the Bunny uses durable = false. So I've added durable true as parameter. Now it states the difference between other parameters. Do I need to specify all the parameters, to connect to it? As rabbitMQ is maintained by different environment, it is hard for me to get all the properties.
Is there a way to get list of queues and listening to the required queue in client instead of connecting to a queue by all parameters.
Have you tried the :passive=true parameter on queue()? A real example is the rabbitmq plugin of logstash. :passive means to only check queue existence rather than to declare it when consuming messages from it.
Based on the documentation here http://reference.rubybunny.info/Bunny/Queue.html and
Using the ch.queues() method you could get a hash of all the queues on that channel. Then once you find the instance of the queue you are wanting to connect to you could use the q.options() method to find out what options are on that rabbitmq queue.
Seems like a round about way to do it but might work. I haven't tested this as I don't have a rabbitmq server up at the moment.
Maybe there is way to get it with rabbitmqctl or the admin tool (I have forgotten the name), so the info about queue. Even if so, I would not bother.
There are two possible solutions that come to my mind.
First solution:
In general if you want to declare an already existing queue, it has to be with ALL correct parameters. So what I'm doing is having a helper function for declaring a specific queue (I'm using c++ client, so the API may be different but I'm sure concept is the same). For example, if I have 10 subscribers that are consuming queue1, and each of them needs to declare the queue in the same way, I will simply write a util that declares this queue and that's that.
Before the second solution a little something: Maybe here is the case in which we come to a misconception that happens too often :)
You don't really need a specific queue to get the messages from that queue. What you need is a queue and the correct binding. When sending a message, you are not really sending to the queue, but to the exchange, sometimes with routing key, sometimes without one - let's say with. On the receiving end you need a queue to consume a message, so naturally you declare one, and bind it to an exchange with a routing key. You don't need even need the name of the queue explicitly, server will provide a generic one for you, so that you can use it when binding.
Second solution:
relies on the fact that
It is perfectly legal to bind multiple queues with the same binding
(found here https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-four-java.html)
So each of your subscribers can delcare a queue in whatever way they want, as long as they do the binding correctly. Of course these would be different queues with different names.
I would not recommend this. This implies that every message goes to two queues for example and most likely a message (I am assuming the use case here needs to be processed only once by one subscriber).

What does JMS Session single-threadedness mean?

What is the exact nature of the thread-unsafety of a JMS Session and its associated constructs (Message, Consumer, Producer, etc)? Is it just that access to them must be serialized, or is it that access is restricted to the creating thread only?
Or is it a hybrid case where creation can be distinguished from use, i.e. one thread can create them only and then another thread can be the only one to use them? This last possibility would seem to contradict the statement in this answer which says "In fact you must not use it from two different threads at different times either!"
But consider the "Server Side" example code from the ActiveMQ documentation.
The Server class has data members named session (of type Session) and replyProducer (of type MessageProducer) which are
created in one thread: whichever one invokes the Server() constructor and thereby invokes the setupMessageQueueConsumer() method with the actual creation calls; and
used in another thread: whichever one invokes the onMessage() asynchronous callback.
(In fact, the session member is used in both threads too: in one to create the replyProducer member, and in the other to create a message.)
Is this official example code working by accident or by design? Is it really possible to create such objects in one thread and then arrange for another thread to use them?
(Note: in other messaging infrastructures, such as Solace, it's possible to specify the thread on which callbacks occur, which could be exploited to get around this "thread affinity of objects" restriction, but no such API call is defined in JMS, as far as I know.)
JMS specification says a session object should not be used across threads except when calling Session.Close() method. Technically speaking if access to Session object or it's children (producer, consumer etc) is serialized then Session or it's child objects can be accessed across threads. Having said that, since JMS is an API specification, it's implementation differs from vendor to vendor. Some vendors might strictly enforce the thread affinity while some may not. So it's always better to stick to JMS specification and write code accordingly.
The official answer appears to be a footnote to section 4.4. "Session" on p.60 in the JMS 1.1 specification.
There are no restrictions on the number of threads that can use a Session object or those it creates. The restriction is that the resources of a Session should not be used concurrently by multiple threads. It is up to the user to insure that this concurrency restriction is met. The simplest way to do this is to use one thread. In the case of asynchronous delivery, use one thread for setup in stopped mode and then start asynchronous delivery. In more complex cases the user must provide explicit synchronization.
Whether a particular implementation abides by this is another matter, of course. In the case of the ActiveMQ example, the code is conforming because all inbound message handling is through a single asynchronous callback.

Spring Integration message processing partitioned by header information

I want to be able to process messages with Spring Integration in parallel. The messages come from multiple devices and we need to process messages from the same device in sequential order but the devices can be processed in multiple threads. There can be thousands of devices so I'm trying to figure out how to assign processor based on mod of the device ID using Spring Integration's semantics as much as possible. What approach should I be looking at?
It's difficult to generalize without knowing other requirements (transaction semantics etc) but probably the simplest approach would be a router sending messages to a number of QueueChannels using some kind of hash algorithm on the device id (so all messages for a particular device go to the same channel).
Then, have a single-threaded poller pulling messages from each queue.
EDIT: (response to comment)
Again, difficult to generalize, but...
See AbstractMessageRouter.determineTargetChannels() - a router actually returns a physical channel object (actually a list, but in most cases a list of 1). So, yes, you can create the QueueChannels programmatically and have the router return the appropriate one, based on the message.
Assuming you want all the messages to then be handled by the same downstream flow, you would also need to create a <bridge/> for each queue channel to bridge it to the input channel of the next component in the flow.
create a QueueChannel
create a BridgeHandler (set the outputChannel to the input channel of the next component)
create a PollingConsumer (constructor takes the channel and handler; set trigger etc)
start() the consumer.
All of this can be done in your custom router initialization and implement determineTargetChannels() to select the queue.
Depending on the processing time for your events, I would generally recommend running the downstream flow on the poller thread rather than setting a taskExecutor to avoid issues with the next poll trying to schedule another task before this one's done. You might need to increase the default taskScheduler's pool size.

Broadcasting message to multiple processes (Point-to-Point Message Queue with multiple readers)

I want to share a data with multiple processes. My first attempt is to use Point to point message queue with multiple readers since I read that P2P Msg Queue is very fast.
During my test, it seems like multiple readers are reading from the same queue and once a message is fetched by one reader, other readers will not be able to fetch the same message.
What is a better IPC for sharing data to multiple processes?
The data is updated frequently (multiple times per second) so I think WM_COPYDATA is not a good choice and will interfere with the "normal" message queue.
My second attempt will probably be a shared memory + mutex + events
Point-to-point queues will work fine. Yes, when you send, only one receiver will get the message but the sender can query the queue (by calling GetMsgQueueInfo) to see how many listeners (wNumReaders member of the MSGQUEUEINFO) there are and simply repeat the message that number of times.
Finally, it's perfectly valid for more than one thread or process to open the same queue for read access or for write access. Point-to-point message queues support multiple readers and multiple writers. This practice allows, for example, one writer process to send messages to multiple client processes or multiple writer processes to send messages to a single reader process. There is, however, no way to address a message to a specific reader process. When a process, or a thread, reads the queue, it will read the next available message. There is also no way to broadcast a message to multiple readers.
Programming Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Developer Reference, Fourth Edition, Douglas Boiling, Page 304
Despite the warning, ctacke's ide seems to be fine for my use cases.
My queue readers need to Sleep(10) after they fetch their share of message to allow other readers to go and fetch messages. Without Sleep(), only one reader process is signaled from waiting.
