Magento drop down to be selected by buyer - magento

I am new to Magento. The website I am working on sells contact lenses and some custom attributes need to be added on the product page. Now requirement states that user has to select some prescription values from drop-down fields before adding the product to cart. I am totally lost on how to do it. This question asks the same thing:
Fields to be filled by the buyer in magento product page
But the answer points to dead link. How to retrieve some custom information from user on product page and store it along with order?

This is possible with custom option. Magento provide custom option facility. when you create custom option then it displayed on product page and you will get information from customer and that information stored in order automatically.
reference link :

You can create Dynamic custom option. I have answered thw whole process here:
dynamically add product custom options magento
As the Custom option applicaple to particular category. so you need to add required conditionon on precription form on product detail page.

You can manage this using custom option and there is a great module available in magento connect to achieve your goal.


Can Magento be used as a CMS to build a product catalog(not a store currently but maybe in the future)

I have to build a website for a mobile store. They want to list their products but don't want to start selling yet. I have done a lot of website with Joomla and Virtuemart.
This time I want to use Magento as they use Lightspeed a POS that offers integration with Magento community edition.
My question is can I simply use Magento as a CMS to only display products and a few static pages like about us etc. I went through stackoverflow and found that some members have recommended some good blog integrations for magento so that part is solved(Thanks :-) ).
I know I can use wordpress as a blog with magento.
I rephrase....Can I use it to simply display products!
If Yes then please let me know if I am doing it for the right reason.
the reason are:
Adding products and product information becomes very easy in a
shopping cart(But in a CMS like Joomla each page has to be literally "designed" or I will have to use CCK editor. It still
becomes difficult for the client to update products IMO)
It comes with built in plugins to show related/featured products
etc. with a click on a button or options in the backend while client
simply puts the appropriate tags(With a CMS have to use a plugin or
module in Joomla that has to be set to show in the particular pages)
Automatic display of images etc is easier in Magento in comparison
to a CMS like Joomla where I will have to use a plugin or a gallery
that is set to show inside an article
The buy/add to cart button can easily be disabled and a "more info"
button can be added that will send an email to the client. They get
the exact product code the customer is asking for(Doing that in
Joomla would require a lot of extra stuff like adding codes or use
an advanced contact form with a tag to be entered for each page)
Last but not the least when client is ready to go online it can
easily be converted
Does Magento have two display? One is simply a catalog and the other a store. I have seen that in some stores online(not necessarily using magento) I am assuming either they created a website with the products pages first and then added a store later.
But in many cases it looks like a part of the Shopping application.(i just can't seem to remember which one they were using now).
If Magento allows that then I think my problem is solved. I simply use the "catalog option" and when the client is ready for the store I simply pull the products using a extension from their POS software.
Thank you for taking the time to read/answer.
Using Magento as a catalog only without selling the items is pretty straightforward. The easiest thing to do is just to use the catalog category lists to list the products and just make sure the "order" button is not visible.
You can do this simply by removing it from the product detail template (and the list/grid template in case they have it).
Or you could (I think) set all products to 'out of stock' this will automatically remove the 'order' button.
If you want to be thorough you should edit the cartControllers's addAction to disable adding products to the cart.
If you are going to combine Magento with Wordpress, Fishpig has developed a plugin with which you can use shortcode within Wordpress blogposts or/and pages to display products.
More info about that can be found here:
System > Configuration > Advanced > Advanced
Disable the modules you don't want to use.
For example, if you wanted to use Magento as catalog only then disable sales module.
Hope this works for you!

How to add bundled products to the cart simultaneously with checkboxes in magento

In Magento, I created a list of bundled products. In the frontend, along with each bundled product a checkbox is placed, so the user could select any number of bundled products with checkboxes, and add all of them in a cart simultaneously.
I wanted to know how I would be able to add all the selected bundled products to the shopping cart in a bulk.
Please check the link:
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can either:
Use ajax to post items to cart.
Use a use custom controller to add multiple items to cart (magento allows to add related items but you can't specify qty)
Maybe look at for inspiration on the module
Are you using the out-of-the-box bundle product type?
There is a way to setup such a bundle so that all of the items are "required" when purchasing the bundle. It should work out-of-the-box and you shouldn't have to pass anything to the add-to-cart function other than the ID of the entire bundle.
What you will want to do is edit the bundle product to have a single selectable product for each bundled option. Be sure to set the user-defined quantity to "no". See attached screenshot.

How to add a custom field button in Virtuemart

I hope this question has a simple answer. I am creating a product catalogue with Joomla 2.5.6 and VirtueMart version 2.0.8e. On the product details page I want to include my own pdf button which will link to the brochure of the product.
Under the suggestion of a reply on the Virtuemart form, I created an image custom field in virtuemart but encountered two major problems.
I don't know now to link the image to a pdf.
I can't seem to remove the title from the image.
Please advise.
My suggestion would be to use the Virtuemart Files feature. From the admin control panel, under "Shop", choose "Media". There you can upload the file(s) that you want to have downloaded. Be sure to associate them with a product, and they'll be included on the product page for download. To make a button out of the link(s), you could investigate using CSS to style them as a button. The only alternative I can think of would be to build a custom plugin for VM, which would be a great deal of extra work.
To make Custom fields in Joomla Virtuemart 2.0 is so simple.
You need to open your administrator and then go to:
Virtuemart->Products->Custom Field
there you will find a link to create new custom fiels and you can create your custom field with your choice. It provides various Custom Field Types. After creating and saving your custom field you need to go to product whom you want to add it. like:
Products->your product name->
open your product and go to Custom Fields and there at bottom you can see your custom field. add your custom field to product, save it and check this product from front-end of your site.
I hope this makes sense.

Magento: adding product from frontend form

I have magento demo shop and for example i want registered user to be available to post a product from frontend? Can anyone hook me up with some code showing how to make it? Is it even possible in magento?
It's certainly possible. It actually shouldn't be all that difficult. You're going to create a module, programmatically create an order, and link this page from somewhere. You should be able to hack one together with the following resources:
Programmatically Creating Orders - Inchoo
Creating a Custom Module part 1-8
yes dear it is possible, you have to create a module for that and i think you give to link/tab in customer account page in front account page you provide form of add new have also provide all option like in magento back end. but some customization are required

Display Custom options of simple associated products in Configurable products of Magento

I have a few simple products with custom options defined for them in a Magento online shop. On the product view page, the custom options of the simple products are displayed and the page works as expected. When I associate those simple products with custom options for a configurable product, I want the custom options of the selected simple product need to be displayed on the view page. on changing the simple product in the dropdown, the custom options also need to be changed, just like the product price changes. And when adding the product to the cart, the custom options properties of the selected simple product also need to be appended to the configurable product property.
This seems to be somewhat complex. Please help me in getting this task done.
Checkout out this extension Simple Configurable Products Extension For Magento by Organic.
