Magento: which folder can I see my installed extensions? - magento

I have installed an extension in magento 1.5. Just wondering where it is on my server because i want to write an include file to it. Thanks

typically in [MagentoFolder]/app/code/community/[SomeCompanyName]/[SomePackageName]
(otherwise, instead of "community" it could be "local").
For the location of Magento itself on your server, that depends on where you installed it! :)

The extension can either be in one of the following directory:
Here is the list of folder structure for all the files that can be in a Magento extension:- Magento Folder Structure

[magento folder]/app/code/community

You can find your installed extensions in :
your mail folder -> app/code/community
your mail folder -> app/code/local
Some of the extensions will be installed in local folder as well
You can find all in code folder


Which install-folder should I delete after installing Umbraco 7.4.3

According to the umbraco installation guide it is highly recommended that you delete the "install"-folder to prevent it from being accidently deployed to production.
I have installed Umbraco as a NuGet Package in Visual Studio but there are 3 install folders that I can find; one in the "Umbraco" folder, one in "Umbraco\Views" and one in "App_Data\Temp". Can someone tell me which one I should delete, or maybe all of them?
After the installation is complete you only need to delete the install folder which is located under the umbraco folder.
This contains the contents of the installation process.
The install folder under umbraco/Views only contains the html of the installation process.
You can remove this also but its not neccessary.
If you look in the install folder under App_Data/TEMP then this will be empty after the installation is completed.
You can remove this also but again its not neccessary.
You have to delete only install folder in the root. Another install folders should be removed automatically. Basically on latest Umbraco versions even root install folder is removing while install proces.

Create installable Firefox XPI for bootstrapped extension

I downloaded from addons repository a Firefox extension (url shortener), unzipped it and reworked a little bit to use another shortener service - i changed already only a url of shortening service and some names in meta - nothing of vital importance. If i try just to zip all directories and files as they are and try to install - installation fails with an alert
"This addon can't be installed - it could be corrupted"
I guess there are any troubles with zipping of it. I'm even sure, that there is a zipping problem, cause i tried to unzip the original extension, than to zip it without code changes and to install - same error alert.
Also the question is, how to create an installable XPI for the bootstrapped extension (it is:
without .jar-file,
with another directory structure,
withour restart).
The structure of bootstrapped extension (which i have here) is:
I use 7-zip, but it is no problem to use any another archiving software.
Thank you for any advice!
Got it done! Like it describes this answer i zipped a whole folder, what led in error cause of a folder creation inside of archive. After i zipped only included subfolders, i got an installable xpi.

Advanced Installer Mystery File/Folders

Using Advanced Installer. When I build and run my install project, after the install there is a folder called MyCompany (equivalent to [Manufacturer]) located within the ApplicationData folder (which resolves to C:\Users\Joey\AppData\Roaming\ on my system).
Within that particular folder is another folder called MyProgram 1.0.0 (equivalent to [ProductName] [ProductVersion].
And within that folder is another folder called install. And within that folder is a file called setup.msi with a size of 1.17MB
I have no understanding of why this file and these folders are being created. Further, after I uninstall my app, they get left behind on the system, which means my app is creating garbage.
Can someone please explain why this is happening? And also...if I can't cause this to not be present in the file system while my app is installed, how can I avoid leaving it behind on the file system after I uninstall?
When you are building an EXE setup file, that is the default extraction folder for the EXE, where you can find all the resources during the installation. You can change it from Media page, "Extraction folder".
It is not deleted after uninstall due a bug in Advanced Installer, you can find more details and a workaround on the forums.

How to use a custom Project Template in Middleman on Windows

I have created a custom project template for Middleman. The documentation states that I should store templates in the ~/.middleman/ folder. This works fine on Mac, but where should I store the template on Windows 7?
I have tried putting it in a .middleman folder in the %UserProfile% directory. But when I run middleman init --help, the custom template is not displayed in the list of available templates.
I have resolved the issue. The home path was not what I expected. I ran puts File.expand_path("~/") in Ruby to find out where Middleman expects the .middleman directory to be located.

joomla extensions zip then uninstall then install

I have been writing my own joomla extension and I am finding it annoying that every change I make, I have to zip my package up again, then uninstall the old one, then install my new package. I know I can edit in the joomla directory but is there a better way? Has someone already written something to take care of this? Thank you
This is Joomla 1.5
You can install your extension once and then can make changes in code in files of your extension. You need to not to uninstall or install it again.
use <install type="component" version="1.5.0" method="upgrade"> this line of code in XML file of your extension installer. Then you need not to uninstall the extension, just install it over existing. It will over-write the files of installed extension with new one.
Once your component is installed Joomla puts your component files in the correct directories. You just need to replace those files with the ones you have made changes on either via FTP or on your local computer if you have Joomla running locally.
