How to use a custom Project Template in Middleman on Windows - ruby

I have created a custom project template for Middleman. The documentation states that I should store templates in the ~/.middleman/ folder. This works fine on Mac, but where should I store the template on Windows 7?
I have tried putting it in a .middleman folder in the %UserProfile% directory. But when I run middleman init --help, the custom template is not displayed in the list of available templates.

I have resolved the issue. The home path was not what I expected. I ran puts File.expand_path("~/") in Ruby to find out where Middleman expects the .middleman directory to be located.


How do I edit Laravel app source code when developing in Docker?

I am trying to develop Laravel app using WSL 2 and Docker. I have followed official Laravel instructions for Windows development (
in WSL console I run:
curl -s | bash
cd example-app
./vendor/bin/sail up
Everything seems to be fine (example-app is running on http://localhost), except I don't know how to do the actual development, i.e. edit the sources to see changes in the app.
I believe I have to somehow 'mount' directory sources from inside WSL/Docker into my Windows file system, but I don't know how.
I don't want to use VSCode (Laravel docs suggest that), I want to use IDE of my choice and access project files in general.
In the end I found out that this problem boils down to accessing WSL file system - Docker/Laravel files are synced automatically from there.
WSL file-system can be accessed through a path that looks something like this:
For some reason this was not visible in the Network section of Windows Explorer. You must type it manually or use the following trick:
Open WSL Linux console and go to the folder with your Laravel app. Then type the following:
explorer.exe .
(notice the dot)
This will open Windows Explorer at your current location and you will be able to copy the path and paste into your IDE.

How to install Torch on Windows 10?

I try to install Torch on Windows 10 using this instruction. I followed most steps without any problems, but stumbled here:
Generate user.lua file in C:\Users\Name.zbstudio:
path.lua = [[C:\app\tools\torch\bin\luajit.exe]]
The latest version of Zero Brane Studio doesn't create '.zbstudio' subfolder in 'C:\Users\'. Instead there's a 'zbstudio' subfolder inside an installation directory (app.lua and config.lua lie there by default). I tried to place user.lua in this subfolder, but it didn't help.
Without this step Torch isn't accessible and 'th' command doesn't work.
I think there it a typo in the instructions; it should be C:\Users\<username>\.zbstudio folder. You don't need to guess or know the location of that folder, as if you navigate to Edit | Preferences | Settings: User menu in the IDE, it will open the correct location for user.lua file where you can put your settings.

nativescript 2.5 blank template error

I have just updated to NativeScript 2.5
I have created a new blank project using tns-template-blank:
$ tns create BlankProject --template tns-template-blank
...... Project BlankProject was successfully created.
When I try to run it, I get an error:
$ cd BlankProject $ tns run ios --emulator
We have failed to check if we need to add a compatability
LaunchScreen.xib due to: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,
ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir
However, if I create a new project using default template (without --template option), it run ok in iOS emulator.
Before, with NativeScript 2.4.2, it run perfectly, using blank template.
Is there a problem with blank template and 2.5 ?
Thank you in advance.
I had the same problem (for an iOS build) using both the tns-template-tab-navigation and the tns-template-master-detail and i noticed that a folder (and its contents) were missing from the app folder... the missing folder is called App_Resources.....
To fix the problem I just found a previous project that i had built with the default template (I think...) and copied the App_Resources folder across into the failing app folder.
My guess is that only a couple of the templates actually build the App_resources folder correctly but once you have copied the folder across from a successful build it 'should' work OK

Where does nanoc create my site on windows?
I type nanoc create_site tutorial using cmd command line within a folder. It says it created the site but I can't find it in current directory where I launch the command.
Strange. Are you sure you have the permission to write to that folder? Try creating a site on the desktop, I never had such an issue under Windows.

Magento: which folder can I see my installed extensions?

I have installed an extension in magento 1.5. Just wondering where it is on my server because i want to write an include file to it. Thanks
typically in [MagentoFolder]/app/code/community/[SomeCompanyName]/[SomePackageName]
(otherwise, instead of "community" it could be "local").
For the location of Magento itself on your server, that depends on where you installed it! :)
The extension can either be in one of the following directory:
Here is the list of folder structure for all the files that can be in a Magento extension:- Magento Folder Structure
[magento folder]/app/code/community
You can find your installed extensions in :
your mail folder -> app/code/community
your mail folder -> app/code/local
Some of the extensions will be installed in local folder as well
You can find all in code folder
