How can I install a VSIX package automatically, with WIX? - visual-studio-2010

I've got a WIX installation project for my application. As part of my solution I have a VSIX extension, that I want to install on the customer's Visual Studio.
What I don't know, is how to get WIX to automatically initiate the VSIX importer.
I tried following the advice on MSDN (How to: Prepare Extensions for Windows Installer Deployment as well as Installing a VSIX as part of a Larger installation), to no avail. Neither included guidance for WIX projects.
Any help will be appreciated.

WiX v3.6 supports the VsixPackage element to directly manage VSIX packages.

This can be done through a custom action which launches VSIXInstaller.exe with the appropriate command line. There is a discussion about this here:
Perhaps this will also help:


Slow cheetah Add Transform does not appear

I want to use Slow Cheetah for transform .config file. Currently I am using Visual Studio 2017 and for this I have installed Slow Cheetah 2.5.48 from nuget but 'Add Transform' does not appear when I right-click on config file.
The issue is, only adding nugget would not suffice. You need to install slowcheetah from visual studio marketplace. Following are the steps:
Install SlowCheetah from Tools > Extensions and Updates
Restart VS, allowing for the VSIX installer to run
Create new C# App (.NET Framework). (In my case, it started to work on existing app also.)
GitHub Reference
As a work-around you could do this by hand.
Make a copy in the _Solution Explorer* of your Web.config and rename it to Web.Debug.config or whatever you like.
Unload the project and then Edit the project.
Find the ItemGroup element that contains your newly created config file and add the <DependentUpon>Web.config</DependentUpon> element there, like so:
After that, it will look like this in the Solution Explorer:
Now you can edit your newly added config file with the required transformations.
I had the same issue. I installed the NuGet package 2.5.48 and then was able to download and install the vsix file from here and it worked:
Download it here or search for "SlowCheetah" in Visualstudio marketplace,
install it
restart you VS and see.
Good luck
Correct as #Himanshu Singla and many others here are saying, in addition to installing nuget package, you still need to download the Extension from Tools->Extensions and Updates-> Search "Slow Cheetah", install and restart VS.
I had to do the following before it worked:
Install the package from their site instead of from NuGet
List item
Restart VS
Then the Add Transform option started showing up in the drop-down menu.

Publish website without roslyn

I am trying to create web application using Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.5.1.
When I publish the website, visual studio create folder named roslyn.
I know it's used to compile code on the fly, but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn't allow me to execute the compiler on their server.
How to publish the website without roslyn like previous version of Visual Studio?
I got this error when trying to acces my website.
It seems IIS trying to execute roslyn\csc.exe but my user account doesn't have permission to do that. With previous version of Visual Studio, this error doesn't show up.
I've just faced the same problem. When you create a new web project, two nuget packages automatically added to your project. If you remove them, your problem should be solved. Package names are: "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform" and "Microsoft.Net.Compilers".
I had the same issue. Followed the steps from here. Basically:
Uninstall the package
Uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform <Your Web API project name>
In your publish profile settings, uncheck "Allow precompiled site to be updatable". You can find this under Settings > Precompile during publishing > configure
After searching the same issued I face, I just came here. I read the above answer which is right.
I give the answer, because of Here is the good article to explain :
Why the publish code have this exe as well as development environment ?
What is the benefit and how to remove?
This is also the very good article, about the history of this exe
After countless effort....and according to this website.
I find that you can use /p:UseWPP_CopyWebApplication=true /p:PipelineDependsOnBuild=false in MSBuild to transform web.config, this also include the roslyn compiler in the build. The output is same as what you get by publishing in Visual Studio into file system
There is an open bug on the roslyn repository about this issue.
In my case all I had to do was to downgrade the dll Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform from version 1.0.6 to 1.0.5.
I have had the same issue in Sept2016 when I took over an existing ASP.NET program. I found that there were multiple versions of the two compiler packages mentioned by Kemal installed in different projects of the solution.
So firstly I updated to get them the same. VS doesn't tell you that updates are available in this scenario (or maybe I missed them ?)
I then had to restart VS2015 for the packages to clean up properly.

How to make Project installation setup like VS 2012?

Today i installed vs 2012, I have seen the installations setup is very nice. Is any possibility to make Project installation setup like VS 2012?
Actually, I think that setup is built with WiX, as a bundle that wraps several separate MSI files, and with custom bootstrapper UI. I think there's a vdProj to WiX converter that creates a WiX install file, but I've not used it.
You can use the Laika42 Themed Boostrapper:
Just found out that this product has got a new name Visual Installer. Product site is here.
do you wish to create these kind of windows or are you searching for an app, which wrapps your setup (like installshield....).
if the first one:

how to make a uninstall option in C# program?

i want to make a uninstall option in my C# program?
can u help for this?
and provide some code also
If you deploy your application via a Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project, an uninstaller will come standard with the installation. It will be available in the Add/Remove Programs of the control panel.
You can create an installation project which will automatically add support for uninstallation. Under Other Project Types you have Setup and Deployment. There is InstallShield LE and Visual Studio Installer. If you choose Setup Project under Visual Studio Installer project, you will have uninstall as part of the built project.
see this video
If you want the executable to remove itself. aka self-destruct. Check out this blog

How do I create a wix3.5 installer to check for VS2010 and install it if its not installed

In my installer I need to check whether VS2010 is present on the machine while I run the msi. If its not present, I need to provide a link to install VS2010.
How to accomplish this?
For this purpose you can use one of the properties defined in the WiX Visual Studio extension.
