How to make Project installation setup like VS 2012? - visual-studio

Today i installed vs 2012, I have seen the installations setup is very nice. Is any possibility to make Project installation setup like VS 2012?

Actually, I think that setup is built with WiX, as a bundle that wraps several separate MSI files, and with custom bootstrapper UI. I think there's a vdProj to WiX converter that creates a WiX install file, but I've not used it.

You can use the Laika42 Themed Boostrapper:
Just found out that this product has got a new name Visual Installer. Product site is here.

do you wish to create these kind of windows or are you searching for an app, which wrapps your setup (like installshield....).
if the first one:


I am having issues deploying my VBA VSTO. I am using the Setup extension with Microsoft Community 2019

I am trying to create an installer for an outlook add-in built in VS 2019 Community. I am using the setup extension. It works on my local computer but only because it is the device the VSTO was created on. My problem is create it work universally. When I check the add-in location that works locally, it is pointing to the VSTO in my visual studio project.
I have added the primary project output to the Application Folder in the File System setting, and I have changed the Register property to vsdrpCOM.
It works locally like I mentioned, but I need it to work universally. It does produce a setup.exe and setup.msi as well. I know it is something little I am missing but I thought I would turn to the community for some help.
First of all, make sure that you included all the required prerequisites to the add-in installer. This is the first point to check among others.
Make sure that you did steps described in the Deploy an Office solution by using Windows Installer article.
I know this is an old post but I forgot to update the answer.
My issue pertained to creating the registry keys. I thought the keys would populate in the setup project, I was not aware I had to create every key myself. This was my first time doing a project like this.
So the short answer is make sure you create all the keys as posted in the link above by Eugene.

how to make a uninstall option in C# program?

i want to make a uninstall option in my C# program?
can u help for this?
and provide some code also
If you deploy your application via a Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project, an uninstaller will come standard with the installation. It will be available in the Add/Remove Programs of the control panel.
You can create an installation project which will automatically add support for uninstallation. Under Other Project Types you have Setup and Deployment. There is InstallShield LE and Visual Studio Installer. If you choose Setup Project under Visual Studio Installer project, you will have uninstall as part of the built project.
see this video
If you want the executable to remove itself. aka self-destruct. Check out this blog

How can I install a VSIX package automatically, with WIX?

I've got a WIX installation project for my application. As part of my solution I have a VSIX extension, that I want to install on the customer's Visual Studio.
What I don't know, is how to get WIX to automatically initiate the VSIX importer.
I tried following the advice on MSDN (How to: Prepare Extensions for Windows Installer Deployment as well as Installing a VSIX as part of a Larger installation), to no avail. Neither included guidance for WIX projects.
Any help will be appreciated.
WiX v3.6 supports the VsixPackage element to directly manage VSIX packages.
This can be done through a custom action which launches VSIXInstaller.exe with the appropriate command line. There is a discussion about this here:
Perhaps this will also help:

How can I setup the VB project?

Using VB6
I want to setup the Project, Last time I used VB 6 Package and Deployment wizard. It asks to modify some system file. I modified my system file, and then it worked. Now again I want to setup my new project, is asking to change the system file.
Once I set up the project, is asking to change the system file and crystal report files (like crystl32.ocx… etc)
Is showing error like, “out of stack space”, “out of system date” etc...
Why is always asking to change?
What is best way to setup a vb project? If there is any software is available for setup a project.
Always am getting a problem for setup a VB 6 project, please Can any one help to solve my problem?
I've been using Advanced Installer (for VB.NET projects, but that doesn't matter), the free version is very capable and easy to use.
But to answer your question, sounds like the package wizard has got itself in a bad state. I'd re-install VB6 in that case.
In my experience the VB6 Package and Deployment wizard is pretty useless. I recommend you look at commercial installation software like InstallShield or Wise.
If you have Visual Studio 2002 or above, you could also try hacking a .NET setup project to install your VB6 components. It is capable of self-registering COM binaries, creating Start menu shortcuts, etc.
Have a look at the answers to these questions
What is the best simple install system [for VB6 programs] on Windows XP and Vista
What is the best choice for building windows installers
Do you have a copy of Visual Studio? You can use that to create installers instead.
You may use some other thirdparty software like installshield to create the setups. As far as I see they are much flexible.
Wise installer is one of other similar products.
Microsoft is now offering a replacement for the Package and Deployment Wizard that may help you out. Visual Studio Installer

Installing a windows service from a Visual Studio Installer project

A colleague has written a Windows Application and left me to do the installers. I have created the installer project through Visual Studio and added the primary output of the service project to the new project.
When I run the installer it creates the correct folders and copies the dlls, exe and config file in, but it doesn't do the actual install of the service.
The service isn't listed in the Services window, and if I double click on the exe I'm told I need to run installutil to install the service.
How do I make the installer do this bit for me? I found this article:
but that seems overly complex for what I would expect to be pretty basic.
I used this article:
How to create a Setup project for a Windows Service in Visual Basic .NET or in Visual Basic 2005
Felt pretty dumb that I couldn't figure it all out until I went through all of the steps in this article. It's not a trivial exercise by any means.
For those who are looking for updated instructions for Visual Studio 2010 (instructions in answer are for VS 2005) check the following link:
Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer (note that "other versions" [VS 2005, VS2008] are available from the same link)
I had this issue in my case the problem was I neglected to add the custom actions for the installer project. To find these right click project->"view"->"custom actions" under there it needs the primary output added to the folders.
