How do I create a wix3.5 installer to check for VS2010 and install it if its not installed - installation

In my installer I need to check whether VS2010 is present on the machine while I run the msi. If its not present, I need to provide a link to install VS2010.
How to accomplish this?

For this purpose you can use one of the properties defined in the WiX Visual Studio extension.


How to make Project installation setup like VS 2012?

Today i installed vs 2012, I have seen the installations setup is very nice. Is any possibility to make Project installation setup like VS 2012?
Actually, I think that setup is built with WiX, as a bundle that wraps several separate MSI files, and with custom bootstrapper UI. I think there's a vdProj to WiX converter that creates a WiX install file, but I've not used it.
You can use the Laika42 Themed Boostrapper:
Just found out that this product has got a new name Visual Installer. Product site is here.
do you wish to create these kind of windows or are you searching for an app, which wrapps your setup (like installshield....).
if the first one:

Create an installer that requires installing other app in VS2010

I'm trying to create an installer in VS2010.
My situation is: I have 2 app, during installing a application, I need to check if the other app exists or not. If it exists, just install the first app, otherwise install both of them. How can I do this in VS2010. I've searched and find a solution here. But I don't know where I can put these codes.
Any instruction in details would be appreciated.
Thank you.
You probably will want to look into creating a Custom BootStrapper
From above link:
The Setup program is a generic installer that can be configured to detect and install redistributable components such as Windows Installer (.msi) files and executable programs. The installer is also known as a bootstrapper. It is programmed through a set of XML manifests that specify the metadata to manage the installation of the component.
The bootstrapper first detects whether any of the prerequisites are already installed. If prerequisites are not installed, first the bootstrapper shows the license agreements. Second, after the end-user accepts the license agreements, the installation begins for the prerequisites. Otherwise, if all the prerequisites are detected, the bootstrapper just starts the application installer.

how to make a uninstall option in C# program?

i want to make a uninstall option in my C# program?
can u help for this?
and provide some code also
If you deploy your application via a Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project, an uninstaller will come standard with the installation. It will be available in the Add/Remove Programs of the control panel.
You can create an installation project which will automatically add support for uninstallation. Under Other Project Types you have Setup and Deployment. There is InstallShield LE and Visual Studio Installer. If you choose Setup Project under Visual Studio Installer project, you will have uninstall as part of the built project.
see this video
If you want the executable to remove itself. aka self-destruct. Check out this blog

WIX UI Installer Project in Visual Studio, Now Mange Updates?

I have a fresh WIX UI Install project in VS which compiles down into an MSI. Everything is working great with it.
It installs/uninstalls the files I want successfully. For example, it drops 3 DLLs into a Program Files folder, installs a Windows Service, and GAC's a DLL.
Now let's say I install on this in a given environment. Then one of our DLLs change and we need to upgrade this install without affecting other files already installed (such as the service) So my thought would be I would need a patch/upgrade MSI that would target that one DLL and just overwrite that particular file.
What is the simplest way to accomplish this? Do I need VS projects essentially for each patch/update MSI? Below is my current 2 WIX related projects (installer + custom action)
For updating just the DLL a patch is recommended. Visual Studio doesn't support patches, but you can try using WiX:
Please note that patches have some restrictions:
A MSI which overwrites just one file is a bad mistake because you are not using the Windows Installer update mechanism.
If you want a MSI, it will have to be a major upgrade. A major upgrade will automatically uninstall the old version before installing the current one.

How can I install a VSIX package automatically, with WIX?

I've got a WIX installation project for my application. As part of my solution I have a VSIX extension, that I want to install on the customer's Visual Studio.
What I don't know, is how to get WIX to automatically initiate the VSIX importer.
I tried following the advice on MSDN (How to: Prepare Extensions for Windows Installer Deployment as well as Installing a VSIX as part of a Larger installation), to no avail. Neither included guidance for WIX projects.
Any help will be appreciated.
WiX v3.6 supports the VsixPackage element to directly manage VSIX packages.
This can be done through a custom action which launches VSIXInstaller.exe with the appropriate command line. There is a discussion about this here:
Perhaps this will also help:
