Smart Notification Window under Mac OS X - cocoa

I am developing an application for Mac OS X. In this application, I need to implement "smart notification window". What I mean by this term.
Here some screenshots:
In the app I develop, such "smart notification" will be appear under system bar icon.
If you work on a Mac you might notice a similar windows.
Does anybody has some code tutorial or examples of such "windows" draw.
Working in XCode, Cocoa Environment.

See MAAttachedWindow from Matt Gemmel:
You'll have to scroll down a bit...


MacOS 10.5.6 I didn't use Game Center Entitlement and Running Smoothly. I need check old version MacOS 10.15.3 but I couldn't

I have some problems. I use XAMARIN.MAC, C#. I wrote an App for Mac OS x 10.15... But they have rejected It. I couldn't found any results.
I tried MacOs 10.15.5 and MacOs 10.15.6 They are physical machines Mac
Air and Mac Pro... Running Smoothly...
My entitlement list Is,,,,
Do they belong to the game center? (I'm not sure) ... However, I saw under the Identifier Default clicked Game Center checkbox, I couldn't change It because It is the default.
Please follow Apple Reject Message... Do you have any idea or recommendations?
Apple Message is
Guideline 2.1 - Performance
Your app crashed on Mac running macOS 10.15.3 when we:
Launch app (clean install)
Click Analysis Window
Click Start Analysis
App immediately quits
No crash log produced
I tried Its work correctly on macOS 10.15.5 and 10.15.6. Running
Smoothly. What should I do to test the version and see what is wrong?
(They are said 10.15.3 crash It) Your app contains the Game Center
entitlement, but it does not link against the GameKit framework.
Apple Message is
Next Steps
If you would like to include Game Center, please link against the GameKit framework and submit an updated binary.
For information on Game Center, please review the Game Center Programming Guide.
I didn't use Game Center Emtlement It but I'm not sure. How can I detect?, Also, I don't
need Game Center.
My entitlement list Is,,,,
Best Wishes,
You can start investigating by looking if your app links against GameKit
otool -L | grep GameKit
Then if you can see any output you might want to configure linking options and try again.

Mac app rejected as not open in new mac OS 10.14

I have submitted app twice in mac app store and they have rejected with below reason.
Guideline 2.3 - Performance
Your app does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes.
Specifically, App does not launch from Finder. App icon momentarily appears on Dock but quit itself before being launched.
Best regards,
App Store Review
While I further followed up with apple then they have informed that app is not open in mac 10.14 OS.
Have any one face similar kind of issue and what is resolution steps for such kind of issue?

Pass NSWindow from Apple script to Cocoa

In my Cocoa app, I need to refer to another window. After searching about it a bit, it looks like that I need to use Apple scripts to do that. My question is that can I return the window of another app as a NSWindow from the Apple script to my Mac app. I've seen some Apple script samples, but not sure how to pass a value from the Apple script to the Cocoa app.
(We have a Mac touchscreen bought recently and there, in order for the touches to get detected in my unity app (through the SDK given for the Touch screen), I need to get that Unity Window and pass it to the touchscreen methods. I'm totally new to Mac development, so I can't figure out how I can pass another Window as a NSWindow to the touchscreen SDK)

How to hide Mac OSX menu bar while running an Adobe AIR app?

I need to run an Adobe AIR app across 2 monitors, which cannot be done with fullscreen mode. I am wondering if there is a way to hide the the OSX (Mountain Lion) menu bar. I can span a chromeless AIR window across 2 monitors, but the OSX menu bar is always on top.
Someone posted that they were able to hide the OSX menu bar by using another app (in this post), but so far I have not found a solution.
Sounds like they were using a Native application to remove the UI elements.
I'd suggest you look into doing this through an ANE. If you find the native code for this I'd be happy to wrap it into an ANE for you.
I found an app that can hide the OSX menu bar on Mountain Lion, for AIR apps and pretty much any other apps.
The app is MenuAndDockless
Download the app, install SIMBL loader first (comes with the app download), then install MenuAndDockless app.
Start up the AIR app, or any other kind of app (you will need to restart it if it's already running). Go to the MenuAndDockless Settings (Menu > Window > Settings > Settingsā€¦)
Set the desired settings and restart your app.
Here's a detailed manual for the MenuAndDockless app:

Testing jQTouch Swipe Events on Development machine

I'm currently developing a quicky mobile application using JQTouch - everything is going well but I've got a bit of a debugging issue.
At the moment I'm implementing all the core functionality, so using my development box (Windows, Using Safari to test it) I'd like to ensure that swipes are being handled correctly. However, short of booting up in Mac OS X or hosting it online and running it from my iPhone (may seem like no real trouble - but hey, we're all coders! We all know how comfortable our toolkits/environments are) - is there a way to test swipes "in browser"?
I thought I could simply click and drag to mimic a swipe but that just results in my dragging my image away...!
Thanks in advance
There is no easy way, that I know of, to test iPhone applications (Web app or not) on a non-Mac machine.
Your best bet is probably to run Mac OS X through a virtual machine, e.g. VMWare. Then install XCode, which has an iPhone Simulator. You can get XCode for free after you register yourself as an iPhone developer with Apple.
Leopard image for VMWare
Snow Leopard image for VMWare
