Mac app rejected as not open in new mac OS 10.14 - macos

I have submitted app twice in mac app store and they have rejected with below reason.
Guideline 2.3 - Performance
Your app does not achieve the core functionality described in your marketing materials or release notes.
Specifically, App does not launch from Finder. App icon momentarily appears on Dock but quit itself before being launched.
Best regards,
App Store Review
While I further followed up with apple then they have informed that app is not open in mac 10.14 OS.
Have any one face similar kind of issue and what is resolution steps for such kind of issue?


App Icon not appearing on device with TestFlight installed app iOS 15

I have noticed on iOS 15, when I install an app from TestFlight, my app icon is not appearing on the device. Only placeholder for app icon appears on physical device.
All app icon assets for every resolution are correctly added to Assets. The app icon appears in the test flight app and in appstoreconnect everywhere including TestFlight and builds.
The only place it doesn't appear is on the device. It appears normally on the simulator.
The only fix I found was to add a version of the app to add a build where you submit for review and save it. No need to submit. Then install from TestFlight and reboot device. The problem is as soon as I uploaded a new build to TestFlight it stopped showing icon and had to go through this silly process again.
I have never had this issue with past apps and wondering what the issue is and how to resolve it.
I encountered the same issue with testflight on iOS 15. I found this from apple developer forum that might of help:
According to the accepted answer by #vladweinstein, a temporary solution is to restart the device after installing the app.
This works for me too.
We are still having the same issue with TestFlight apps (iOS 14.7 and iOS 15+)
The only solution we found is to restart the device as Raphael Rex mentioned.

Open file in default application in iOS app running on Apple Silicon M1 Mac

I am working currently on adapting our Email application written on Xamarin iOS to run correctly on Apple Silicon M1. I have faced the following problem that I can't solve so far. The problem is that our code written for iOS that uses UIDocumentInteractionController on Apple Silicon opens "Share to" menu, also if I try to change this to Launcher.OpenAsync() call from Xamarin.Essentials it also opens "Share to" menu instead of opening the file with default application. I tried to use Launcher.OpenAsync() from Xamarin.Mac application and run it directly on Apple Silicon from VS Mac and it works as expected this way - opens file with default application. However when running from iOS application installed on Apple Silicon it always opens "share to" menu. It is a big problem for us as we need to allow user to open attachments files from our email editor. Any ideas what I can try to do to solve the problem?
So in the end I replaced our UIDocumentInteractionController with Quick Look Preview Controller which works as expected both on iPhone and iOS application running on M1.

MacOS 10.5.6 I didn't use Game Center Entitlement and Running Smoothly. I need check old version MacOS 10.15.3 but I couldn't

I have some problems. I use XAMARIN.MAC, C#. I wrote an App for Mac OS x 10.15... But they have rejected It. I couldn't found any results.
I tried MacOs 10.15.5 and MacOs 10.15.6 They are physical machines Mac
Air and Mac Pro... Running Smoothly...
My entitlement list Is,,,,
Do they belong to the game center? (I'm not sure) ... However, I saw under the Identifier Default clicked Game Center checkbox, I couldn't change It because It is the default.
Please follow Apple Reject Message... Do you have any idea or recommendations?
Apple Message is
Guideline 2.1 - Performance
Your app crashed on Mac running macOS 10.15.3 when we:
Launch app (clean install)
Click Analysis Window
Click Start Analysis
App immediately quits
No crash log produced
I tried Its work correctly on macOS 10.15.5 and 10.15.6. Running
Smoothly. What should I do to test the version and see what is wrong?
(They are said 10.15.3 crash It) Your app contains the Game Center
entitlement, but it does not link against the GameKit framework.
Apple Message is
Next Steps
If you would like to include Game Center, please link against the GameKit framework and submit an updated binary.
For information on Game Center, please review the Game Center Programming Guide.
I didn't use Game Center Emtlement It but I'm not sure. How can I detect?, Also, I don't
need Game Center.
My entitlement list Is,,,,
Best Wishes,
You can start investigating by looking if your app links against GameKit
otool -L | grep GameKit
Then if you can see any output you might want to configure linking options and try again.

Crash reports for OS X apps

How does one obtain crash reports uploaded to Apple for OS X apps? A user reported a crash with one of my OS X apps, and said he shared the report with Apple. Using XCode 8, I do not see any crash reports for that version or any version of my macOS app. I do see crash reports for an iOS app in XCode.
In iTunes connect, if I navigate to the current version of the OS X app, under the "App Store" tab there is a link for "Crash Reports" at the bottom of the page, but clicking this navigates to a generic FAQ for crash reports, and this has a link which explains how to view crash report in XCode for iOS apps.
I have searched the web for an answer, without success. Is it not possible to get macOS app crash reports?
I may have found my answer in Apple Technical Note TN2123:
CrashReporter currently has a number of limitations.
There is currently no way for third party developers to access the reports submitted via CrashReporter. Apple is aware that there is strong demand for such a facility (r. 3356232). In fact, various third party developers have implemented their own crash reporting mechanisms: these range from the simple (have the application look at its own crash log file at launch time; if it has changed, offer to submit it to the developer) to the exceeding complex (completely reimplement CrashReporter).
This was last updated in 2008.

You have no eligible Bundle IDs for Mac OS X apps. Register one here

I get the error in iTunes Connect when I select:
Manage Your Applications > Add New App > Mac OSX App
You have no eligible Bundle IDs for macOS apps. Register one here.
When I click on the "register" link, it shows one App ID that I have set up. All of the lights are yellow because my app does not use iCloud, Game Center or Push Notification.
Why is it not finding this App ID, or is there something I can do to "correct" it?
When I go to "Contracts, Tax and Banking", both Mac OS X Free and Mac OS X Paid Applications agreements are listed under "Contracts in Effect".
It seems to me that I have satisfied all prerequisites. What else is there?
Log out of iTunes Connect and log back in fixed it for me.
This just happened to me (though the error was updated to "macOS apps" - which I'm including here for future solution seekers)
You have no eligible Bundle IDs for macOS apps
It seems that for some reason Mac apps have their own section in the developer portal: switch to it before creating the App ID and it'll appear immediately in AppStoreConnect.
This issue appears to have reoccured again during the during the first week of January 2020.
This time, it was likely due to an error in the App Store Connect backend where it was not able to fetch the registered bundle ID from Apple Developer backend.
The same was reported to Apple by many developers (including myself) and the fix was applied by Apple on the backend servers.
A relevant discussion on the Apple Developer Forums can be found here:
The Bundle ID needs to be different than the iOS version of the same app.
