WP7 Push Notification 404 response - windows-phone-7

My push client sends the URI to my web service, by using the URI, from my web service, I am able to send toast notification to my app installed on Emulator. But if I use the device URI and try to send a message to the device from web service, I get 404 as response. Can anyone tell me What the issue could be ?

Assuming you aren't having any problems receiving and storing the URL your physical device sends to your service, and that you are sending messages to this URL, the only thing I can think of is something I noticed during testing. On occasion, if a malformed message is sent to the URL, it appears to go into a faulted state and any subsequent message (even if well-formed) sent to the service returns a 404.
I don't know if this is expected behaviour or a bug - I resolved it by fixing the malformed messages I was trying to send, and refreshing the channel from the device.


exception "ThrottleRequests" errors to many request in api laravel

Since many devices have the same ip address request on the api server, I have a bug to many requests, there is a way to customize the "throttle" that the request is from a single device sent to the server. help me

Google location auto complete is not working on aws server

I am using google location autocomplete at aws server its not working and the same code i am using on another server its working fine you can check here AWS==> other server==> geocomplete needs any server side setting ?
You should use a valid API key as mentionned in the message received when the autocomplete message is sent:
You can see this message under Network panel in developer console. Each time you hit a key in the input, an ajax request is sent and you receive this message.

APNS "invalid token" error-response (code 8)

I'm using APNS to send push notifications from my app to ~300 devices. I get an error response from APNS with code 8 (invalid token) for some of the devices. When I send again to all devices, I get the code 8 error response again, but for different devices (for some of the devices I always get this error, and for some I never get it).
I sent a request to the APNS feedback service but it did not return any errors for the app (this service should return "expired" tokens - in case the intended app doesn't exist on the device anymore).
I know that the "invalid token" error is commonly a result of environment mismatch - trying to send notifications from the APNS production server to a token that came from the sandbox environment, or vice versa. I can't see how that can be the case here, because the same token sometimes gets an error and sometimes doesn't.
Does anyone know of a different reason for APNS "invalid token" response?

Shopify webhook verification in parse

I am trying to get a shopify webhook to fill my customer class in parse.com, however something must go wrong. I don't know how to verify the parse response since Shopify sends this webhook out from it's ruby backend. I used requestbin to catch the webhook and I replicated a post request using postman to my parse url and everything works fine. Does anyone know how to debug requests like these? Is there a console in Parse where I can see all the incoming requests and the responses Parse.com sent back?
Try using Runscope for debugging webhooks. Full guide here: https://www.runscope.com/provider-guide/troubleshooting-webhooks - this is more than just a request bin. It's a full transparent proxy that will, like a bin, record the webhook notification, but will also pass it along to the intended destination (your webhook receiver) and record that response as well.

PushNotification Staus Code 200 but not Receiving Message

After successfully sent the URI to the web service from the push client, I send a toast notification from web service by using the URI, in web service I get the response as :
Push status 200,
NotificationStatus : Received,
DeviceConnectionStatus : Connected,
NotificationChannelStatus : Active.
But no message is received in the push client. The same scenario used to work fine earlier today. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?
Is the message you are sending the same (ie. identical)? I seem to remember that some instances of a malformed message would get through the service OK, but then be suppressed on the device.
Do you have code to handle toast messages that arrive while your app is running? If you do, put a breakpoint in there and send a toast to the app while you're debugging and see what comes out. In this way you can make sure that the toast is making it to the device, and also see what the content is or what the problem might be.
channel.ShellToastNotificationReceived += channel_ShellToastNotificationReceived;
where channel is your channel object, and then
void channel_ShellToastNotificationReceived(object sender, NotificationEventArgs e)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show(e.Collection["wp:Text1"] + Environment.NewLine + e.Collection["wp:Text2"]));
or something similar to pop the message out to the display.
In web service, if a wrong setRequestProperty is set for example, setting wrong X-WindowsPhone-Target and wrong X-NotificationClass, then web service will receive notification received status, but the push client will not receive any message.
In my case I was sending a toast message with X-WindowsPhone-Target as token and X-NotificationClass as 1. After giving correct value it has started working fine.
