Google location auto complete is not working on aws server - amazon-ec2

I am using google location autocomplete at aws server its not working and the same code i am using on another server its working fine you can check here AWS==> other server==> geocomplete needs any server side setting ?

You should use a valid API key as mentionned in the message received when the autocomplete message is sent:
You can see this message under Network panel in developer console. Each time you hit a key in the input, an ajax request is sent and you receive this message.


What is the request that whatsapp cloud api does to verify a webhook?

I'm able to verify the webhook using glitch from the getting started:!/whatsapp-cloud-api-echo-bot
my local server (in a subdomain with https enabled) has the same behavior as glitch and show "WEBHOOK_VERIFIED" on the log for the request:
but when try to verify my local server the request from meta does not reach the server.
chrome showing that the connection to the server is secured
After more tests I found that my local server was been blocked by the ISP, understood it after test with another connection.
I made my own server and had tried ngrok and other programs to run it from local host with https redirect but whatsapp doesn't allow the use of those programs.
In the end, my error was that the URL HAS to end in /webhook or else, it won't even send the request. Then it'll send a GET request and you have to return the hub.challenge query param after making sure that the provided token from them is the one you set up. This is my code using NodeJS
if(req.query['hub.verify_token'] === process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN) return res.status(200).send(req.query['hub.challenge'])

Unable to discover devices in smartThings

I am developing an IOT device using smartThings.I am using aws lambda function for getting request and sending responses to the smartThings. I am getting request whenever smartThings app hitting lambda function and sending exact response to that request but still the discover devices are not showing in the smartThings app. Please help me
Refrence link:
the first image is the request that i am getting
2nd and 3rd images are the responses that i am getting according to the request
By choosing the correct deviceHandlerType in response the devices started discovering. i.e., "deviceHandlerType": "c2c-rgbw-color-bulb" (reference link for implementing schema for smartThings
we can choose deviceHandlerType based on our requirement.

Trying to get direct line to point ngrok failing

I have run my bot locally (success)
I have set ngrok (success)
I have tested the remote url (success)
I have added Direct Line webchat to my local running site (success)
I have set up Direct Line and used this secret in my webchat (success)
However, I still get the old bot response (hosted on Azure)
So I have gone to the bot framework website --> my bot --> settings --> Messaging endpoint and set the URL as my ngrok address
It seems to be saved, but I get a strange popup saying
CorrelationID : SHUjnuhs=
Or some other random shortcode.
Seems to be an error from API/botmanager and response to an error 500
Just wondered if there is something else I am missing here in order to get direct line speaking to my locally running bot
Usually, that error means that the messaging endpoint has a space at the beginning and so it's not being saved (that's why you are seeing the old message). Reload the page, and before saving make sure there is no space at the begiining of the url.

HTML API callback doesn't work

I tried to send sms via the HTML API and I would like to use the callback function, but clickatell doesn't call the entered URL.
I could send via this URL and I recived the sms
SMS Integration \ Settings \ Enable delivery notifications is enabled and I entered the url in this format: I tried the POST and GET method too.
When I enter this url to the address bar than this is works fine.
I read the documentation and I found the question from 2015 on stackoverflow, but this is a new API, I didn't found any other settings for callback url. I tired the parameter named callback with multiple value, but this didn't worked.
When I didn't found more settings I activated this integration, but I didn't found any difference.
Have somebody any idea?

WP7 Push Notification 404 response

My push client sends the URI to my web service, by using the URI, from my web service, I am able to send toast notification to my app installed on Emulator. But if I use the device URI and try to send a message to the device from web service, I get 404 as response. Can anyone tell me What the issue could be ?
Assuming you aren't having any problems receiving and storing the URL your physical device sends to your service, and that you are sending messages to this URL, the only thing I can think of is something I noticed during testing. On occasion, if a malformed message is sent to the URL, it appears to go into a faulted state and any subsequent message (even if well-formed) sent to the service returns a 404.
I don't know if this is expected behaviour or a bug - I resolved it by fixing the malformed messages I was trying to send, and refreshing the channel from the device.
