PushNotification Staus Code 200 but not Receiving Message - windows-phone-7

After successfully sent the URI to the web service from the push client, I send a toast notification from web service by using the URI, in web service I get the response as :
Push status 200,
NotificationStatus : Received,
DeviceConnectionStatus : Connected,
NotificationChannelStatus : Active.
But no message is received in the push client. The same scenario used to work fine earlier today. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong?

Is the message you are sending the same (ie. identical)? I seem to remember that some instances of a malformed message would get through the service OK, but then be suppressed on the device.
Do you have code to handle toast messages that arrive while your app is running? If you do, put a breakpoint in there and send a toast to the app while you're debugging and see what comes out. In this way you can make sure that the toast is making it to the device, and also see what the content is or what the problem might be.
channel.ShellToastNotificationReceived += channel_ShellToastNotificationReceived;
where channel is your channel object, and then
void channel_ShellToastNotificationReceived(object sender, NotificationEventArgs e)
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => MessageBox.Show(e.Collection["wp:Text1"] + Environment.NewLine + e.Collection["wp:Text2"]));
or something similar to pop the message out to the display.

In web service, if a wrong setRequestProperty is set for example, setting wrong X-WindowsPhone-Target and wrong X-NotificationClass, then web service will receive notification received status, but the push client will not receive any message.
In my case I was sending a toast message with X-WindowsPhone-Target as token and X-NotificationClass as 1. After giving correct value it has started working fine.


How do I retrieve the sender number when using Twilio's messaging services with Copilot enabled?

I have a Twilio messaging service with Copilot and the sticky sender feature enabled.
I would like to view the phone number that Copilot assigns to my recipients when I send them a message.
With the Ruby client, I get a MessageContext object when I send a message, but it only has the
messaging service SID - the from method returns nil.
Currently, this is how I'm sending messages:
def send(from, to, message)
client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN)
body: message,
messaging_service_sid: from,
to: to,
status_callback: BASE_URL + '/sms_status/status',
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I'm not sure, but you might not have the phone number at the time you make the API request using a messaging service. This request really just queues up the message to be sent.
I would check the message object once it has been sent. You have a status callback URL setup, so you should be able to either inspect the parameters sent to that URL or look up the message from the API using its SID and then get the number that was used.

How to get data from push notification response in ios by using Nativescript

How to retrieve and handle the payload data from the app in background & foreground in iOS. I got the push notifications working, but I don't know how to extract the response.
notificationCallbackIOS: (message: any) => {
console.log("Message : " + JSON.stringify(message));
"nativescript-push-notifications": "^1.1.3"
This callback is not working. I am unable to extract the payload data like action, title.
You could try to use this plugin https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-local-notifications
it has a addOnMessageReceivedCallback event for listening for incoming notifications. I also used it on my app that i'm developing now. Even its for local notification, it also listens for remote notification you can call it on your app.component.ts.

Multiple user sessions not receiving subscription message - spring stomp websocket

I am using Spring stomp websocket framework to send subscription messages to the clients. We are using ActiveMQ as the message broker
and is using a stomp javascript client. Spring 4.1.5 and In this architecture, the messages are sent using
simplemessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(user, "/queue/msg", serverMsg, map);
In order to ensure that only the right user receive their message, I am also making use of a QueueSubscriptionInterceptor that implements ChannelInterceptor.
The messages are delivered to the destination correctly. The messages are received using the JS client like this.
stompClient.subscribe('/user/guest/queue/msg', function(greeting){
x = JSON.parse(greeting.body);
So far so good. However, when there are multiple user session, only one session receives the message. For (e.g), if two "guest" users
are logged in, I would like all the two "guest" users to receive the message. This doesnt seem to be happening. Looking into the logs,
I see that the message seems to be sent..
2015-04-11 14:39:40 DEBUG StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler:738 - Forwarding SEND /queue/msg-user1 session=_system_ application/json;charset=UTF-8 payload={"my message to you...)
2015-04-11 14:39:40 DEBUG StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler:738 - Forwarding SEND /queue/msg-user0 session=_system_ application/json;charset=UTF-8 payload={"my message to you...)
I see only one client receiving the message and not the other. Reading the Spring documentation, I understand that this is the default behaviour.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong.
You should use the semantic of topics instead of queues.
A queue allows the message to be consumed once, but a topic will allow it to be consumed once per subscriber. So something like /topic/user/guest/msg probably would do it.
Set the ack header in the connect frame. What this will do is that the server will continue to send you the same message until you send back an ack frame. Which I am doing below by calling greeting.ack() as soon as receive the message. Setting it to 'client-individual' will mean that the server has to receive ack from all sessions of the particular client or it will keep re sending the same msg on every CONNECT.
Hope this helps!!
Use below code for reference.
function connect() {
var socket = new SockJS('/powerme-notification-websocket');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
{client_id:'testClient'}, function (frame) {
console.log('Connected: ' + frame);
stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/releaseLock', function (greeting) {
stompClient.subscribe('/queue/releaseLock-testClient', function (greeting) {

WP7 Push Notification 404 response

My push client sends the URI to my web service, by using the URI, from my web service, I am able to send toast notification to my app installed on Emulator. But if I use the device URI and try to send a message to the device from web service, I get 404 as response. Can anyone tell me What the issue could be ?
Assuming you aren't having any problems receiving and storing the URL your physical device sends to your service, and that you are sending messages to this URL, the only thing I can think of is something I noticed during testing. On occasion, if a malformed message is sent to the URL, it appears to go into a faulted state and any subsequent message (even if well-formed) sent to the service returns a 404.
I don't know if this is expected behaviour or a bug - I resolved it by fixing the malformed messages I was trying to send, and refreshing the channel from the device.

Cocoa asyncsocket class problem

Hey I am making server client system with asyncsocket class for cocoa, I really don't get it, do I have to send a message to the server in order to receive something, it seems so. Server should send me a message when I connect, but I won't get anything unless I send the server a message which goes pretty strange, same applies, I have to send another message to get a message?
Here is server code, as you see it should send a message when someone connects, which it doesn't do unless I send it a message from client. See code for server
Here is code for client where I send two messages to receive messages from the server.
See client code here: http:://pastebin.com/1B7qy9R2 remove other : from link as it's my first post so no 2 link allowed :(
I either have understood the asyncsocket wrongly or there is a bug, but if someone would help it would be appericiated.
You don’t have to send data before you can receive some. This happens in your code, because you are only calling readDataWithTimeout:tag: in your onSocket:didWriteDataWithTag: delegate method.
