How to add an attribute to a node so it is the first one - ruby

I have a Nokogiri xml node:
node = <word n='ab' v='cd'>something</word>
I want to add an attribute:
but in such a way that it 'shows' the first in the list of attributes, like
node = <word p='ef' n='ab' v='cd'>something</word>
Is there a simple way to do this?

I don't know of any XML serializer that allows you to control the order of attributes (except by accident, relying on undocumented features of a product). It shouldn't matter; the order is only cosmetic.
When you say "the order denotes the certitude" this is very worrying, because you are attaching meaning to the order of attributes when XML is very clear that the order will in general not be maintained. You need to redesign your XML to find a different way to capture this information.


XPath expression to pluck out attribute value

I have the following XML:
<payload class="vendor">
<fizz buzz="3"/>
I am trying to write an XPath expression that will pluck out vendor (value for the payload's class attribute) or whatever its value is.
My best attempts are:
But this requires the expression to already know that vendor is the value of the attribute. But if the XML is:
<payload class="foobar">
<fizz buzz="3"/>
Then I want the expression to pluck out the foobar. Any ideas where I'm going awry?
If you need #class value from payload node, you can use
or just
At first, your two XML files are out-of-sync - one references envelope and the other references dataEnvelope. So exchange one for the other, if necessary.
So, to get the attribute value of payload, you can use an XPath expression like this which uses a child's attribute value to be more specific:
Output is:
If the document element can/will change, then you can keep the XPath more generic and select the value of the class attribute from the payload element that is a child of any element:
If you know that it will always be a child of envelope, then this would be more specific(but the above would still work):

FHIR Search by Referencing Resources

Is there a way to search for a resource by its referencing resources? For example, is the a way to find all Observations of code = X with Provenance by agent Y?
GET [base]/Observation?code=X&???
One could:
GET [base]/Provenance?userid=Y&_include=Provenance:target:Observation
but that prevents any kind of filtering on Observation (which may create a volume problem in the response!). Also, I don't need the provenance resource - I just need to make sure that the Observations I'm using have a certain provenance.
Right now, to the best of my knowledge, there's no way to apply filters to multiple resources unless you're using _filter or using a custom OperationDefinition.

How to correctly add constraints to the querybuilder node for CQ5 Reports

I'm working on creating a custom report report page in CQ5. I've got my reportbase and columnbase components set up correctly, by following the steps listed here. I am able to, for instance, pick up all the templates that are available, by setting the property nodeTypes to cq:Template
I want to add a constraint to it, say for example pick up templates whose jcr:title is foo. I created a node under querybuilder called propertyConstraints and added my constraints in the form of nodes below it, as describedhere. However, this does not work for me at all.
What is the correct way to add constraints to the querybuildernode? Has anyone tried this?
Also, once I get this working correctly, can I extend this example to return pages of a specific template?
Have you looked into the QueryBuilder API? Adobe's documentation discusses how to match 1 or more property values.
Create a node propertyConstraints under queryBuilder of type nt:unstructured
create another node under propertyConstraints with any name.
Add properties to this node :
name String jcr:title
value String foo

Extend a Varien Form Element for a Custom Module

Improving on this question:
Is it good practice to add own file in lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element folder
The accepted answer shows how to extend a Varien form element, but this will not work if you want to package it into a custom module.
What would be the proper method of extending the Varien form element in a module? A simple XML setting I'm hoping?
Thanks Vinai for the response. Although that does work, I was hoping to extend the form element somehow. My extension is using the base File form element to allow administrators to upload files to categories. So, I'm not directly adding the form elements to the fieldset myself.
I suppose it's possible to to check for the file input on my category block on the backend: Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes , and then change the form element if it is 'file' to 'mycompany_file' -- but this seems like a workaround.
Is there an easier way? Thanks again Vinai.
On the Varien_Data_Form instance you can specify custom element types like this:
$fieldset->addType('custom', 'Your_Module_Model_Form_Element_Custom');
Then, add your element with
$fieldset->addField('the_name', 'custom', $optionsArray);
If you are using a form without fieldsets you can do the same on the Varien_Data_Forminstance, too.
EDIT: Expand answer because of new additional details in the question.
In the class Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Form::_setFieldset() there is the following code:
$rendererClass = $attribute->getFrontend()->getInputRendererClass();
if (!empty($rendererClass)) {
$fieldType = $inputType . '_' . $attribute->getAttributeCode();
$fieldset->addType($fieldType, $rendererClass);
Because of this the attribute frontend_input_renderer on the attributes can be used to specify custom element classes.
This property can be found in the table catalog_eav_attribute, and luckily enough it isn't set for any of the category image attributes.
Given this, there are several ways to apply customizaton.
One option is to simply set the element class in the table using an upgrade script.
Another would be using an observer for the eav_entity_attribute_load_after event and setting the input renderer on the fly if the entity_type_id and the input type matches.
So it is a little more involved then just regular class rewrites in Magento, but it is quite possible.
You don't necessarily need to have a file in the lib/Varien/ directory in order to extend it. If you needed to add an element to that collection, you should be able to extend one of the Elements in your app/code/local module. The answer to the question you referenced seems to also indicate this is the case. I would create your custom field, extending its highest-level function set (i.e., lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/File.php).
If you want to override the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Category_Tab_Attributes block, then you should extend that block in your module and then reference the new one. You may wish to extend the block using an event observer rather than an XML rewrite, for compatibility purposes.

Duplicated Zend_Form Element ID in a page with various forms

How do I tell the Zend_Form that I want an element (and it's ID-label, etc) to use another ID value instead of the element's name?
I have several forms in a page. Some of them have repeated names. So as Zend_Form creates elements' IDs using names I end up with multiple elements with the same ID, which makes my (X)HTML document invalid.
What is the best solution to fix this, given that I really have to stick with using the same element names (they are a hash common to all forms and using the Zend_Form Hash Element is really out of question)?
Zend_Form_Element has a method called setAttribs that takes an array. You may be able to do something like $element->setAttribs(array('id' => "some_id"));
or you can do $element->setAttrib('id', 'some_id');
Thanks, Chris Gutierrez.
However, as I said, I needed to get ride of the default decorator generated IDs like -label. Wiht the $element->setAttribs() it is not possible, however.
So based on I just did the following:
$element->setAttrib('id', 'some_id');
Whoever sees this: please note this was enough for what I needed. But may not be for you (the default settings has more than the viewHelper decorator).
