How to correctly add constraints to the querybuilder node for CQ5 Reports - reporting

I'm working on creating a custom report report page in CQ5. I've got my reportbase and columnbase components set up correctly, by following the steps listed here. I am able to, for instance, pick up all the templates that are available, by setting the property nodeTypes to cq:Template
I want to add a constraint to it, say for example pick up templates whose jcr:title is foo. I created a node under querybuilder called propertyConstraints and added my constraints in the form of nodes below it, as describedhere. However, this does not work for me at all.
What is the correct way to add constraints to the querybuildernode? Has anyone tried this?
Also, once I get this working correctly, can I extend this example to return pages of a specific template?

Have you looked into the QueryBuilder API? Adobe's documentation discusses how to match 1 or more property values.

Create a node propertyConstraints under queryBuilder of type nt:unstructured
create another node under propertyConstraints with any name.
Add properties to this node :
name String jcr:title
value String foo


Azure AD graph API to filter users with onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6]

I need to filter users with the onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6] is there a graph API call for it?
As #Tinywa suggested in the comment:
onPremisesExtensionAttributes contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for
the user. Note that the individual extension attributes are neither
selectable nor filterable.
You can get all the results first and use your own code logic to filter them.
Or you can consider using extensionProperty as a workaround. Create the extensionProperty and assign value for the users, and then query users with filtering with this extensionProperty. For detailed steps to create extensionProperty and assign value for users, you can refer to this answer.
It looks like they've updated the BETA Graph API so that extension attributes (onPremisesExtensionAttributes) are now filterable.
Try the below in Graph Explorer. You'll need to change the extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee' part to a query that will actually work in your active directory environment.$count=true&$filter=onPremisesExtensionAttributes/extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee'&$orderBy=displayName&$select=displayName,mail,onPremisesExtensionAttributes
Please note that this is the BETA Graph API so I guess that means Microsoft hasn't finalized it, so it might change or never get fully released.
EDIT: I also just learned that if you're using this filter via the Graph API, you must add the following header or you'll an error:
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ConsistencyLevel", "eventual");
The Graph Explorer has this header by default, I guess.
Here's where I found this answer: Get Extended Properties on User using Microsoft Graph
Here's the error I was getting:
Property 'extensionAttribute1' does not exist as a declared property or extension property.

How to get the actual Hyperlink element inside the main document part using docx4j

So I have a case where I need to be able to work on the actual Hyperlink element inside the body of the docx, not just the target URL or the internal/externality of the link.
As a possible additional wrinkle this hyperlink wasn't present in the docx when it was opened but instead was added by the docx4j-xhtmlImporter.
I've iterated the list of relationships here: wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getRelationshipsPart().getRelationships().getRelationship()
And found the relationship ID of the hyperlink I want. I'm trying to use an XPath query: List<Object> results = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//w:hyperlink[#r:id='rId11']", false);
But the list is empty. I also thought that it might need a refresh because I added the hyperlink at runtime so I tried with the refreshXMLFirst parameter set to true. On the off chance it wasn't a real node because it's an inner class of P, I also tried getJAXBAssociationsForXPath with the same parameters as above and that doesn't return anything.
Additionally, even XPath like "//w:hyperlink" fails to match anything.
I can see the hyperlinks in the XML if I unzip it after saving to a file, so I know the ID is right: <w:hyperlink r:id="rId11">
Is XPath the right way to find this? If it is, what am I doing wrong? If it's not, what should I be doing?
Thanks is a simple test case which works for me
You might be having problems because of JAXB, or possibly because of the specific way in which the binder is being set up in your case (do you start by opening an existing docx, or creating a new one?). Which docx4j version are you using?
Which JAXB implementation are you using? If its the Sun/Oracle implementation (the reference implementation, or the one included in their JDK/JRE), it might be this which is causing the problem, in which case you might try using MOXy instead.
An alternative to using XPath is to traverse the docx; see finders/
Try without namespace binding
List<Object> results = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart().getJAXBNodesViaXPath("//*:hyperlink[#*:id='rId11']", false);

Using Master Document for report generation in Enterprise Architect V11 - store configuration and filters

I have a problem with report generation from my model using a Master Document defining a complex documentation. I believe some of you can help me solve the problem.
I have a complex project consisting of several views and packages, inluding domain model, use case model, business process model, etc.
The model is stored in shared (database) repository along with other projects.
I have created custom templates, TOC, cover page and stylesheets for the documentation.
I have created a Master Document package with the main template assigned defining the main document I want to have generated.
I have created several Model Document elements in that package to define individual chapters of the document, assigning adequate templates and model packages to each of them.
I have successfully generated the desired documentation.
I am using Enterprise Architect version 11.0.1107
Problem 1:
I would like to have generated several variants of the same documentation. Thus, I need to change the settings of the generation process like the options, exclude filters and element filters.
However, the settings is not remembered after the generation and I have to set all the settings again when generating documentation on the Master Document package.
Is there a way to save the settings for the Master Document? I have found the Report Specification element, but it does not work as expected (see Problem 2).
Problem 2:
I have tried to use Report Specification element to save the settings for the report generation. I have created that element in the same package as the Master Document is located, and also inside of that Master Document package.
In both cases, when generating the documentation for the first time, EA asked me to select the package. I selected the Master Document package and confirmed the generation. However, the generated document is empty as it clearly does not take the Model Document elements in the selected package into account.
Did I use the Report Specification incorectly? Should I use another package for the Report Specification element? Should I select another package when using the Report Specification for report generation?
Problem 3:
I tried to apply element filters and some other options to include only some of the elements in the report. Let's say I want only element with the version 1.1. So I set the filters to "version = 1.1" when generating the report from the Master Document package.
However, the report contained all elements, regardless their version. The same happened when I tried to exclude anonymous elements. Furthermore, for the next try the filter settings was lost again and I had to set it again before next generation (see Problem 1).
Where should I configure the filters? Should it be set when generating using the Master Document package? Should it be set somewhere for the Model Document elements? Should it be set in the templates (thus making them very specific rather than general)? In such case, should it be set for the model template or for the individual fragments?
If you have any tips for combination of Master Document and Report Specification, as well as using the element filters when generating from the Master Document, I would be very grateful.
We do'nt use Report Specification element, but we store specific options into Resource Document. Use [Resource Document] button on Generate Documentation dialog. This specification is stored between Resources (see Resources Window) under Document Generation -> Defined Documents.I hope this solves problem 1 and 2
Problem 3 - EA has more ways, how select elements for generation, unfortunatelly you can't combine them (as far as I know). I would try to define custom find filter and use it.

Drupal 7: Combining multiple content type in single view

I have a content type called Author which is referred in another two content types called Novel and Book via Node Reference Module.So we can add author entity to both Book and Novel content types.
Both Novel and Book contain another field called Release Date.
Now I want to show a block which will display the name of book and name of novel in chronological order based upon the release date when user come to that corresponding Author Page.
Ex. Suppose A is an author who is author of BookA(Release Yr-2006), NovelB(Release Yr-2004),BookC(Release Year-2009). When user come to Author A page then he will be shown a block which will show the Books/Albums in chronological order like this:-
Please suggest as how to achieve in Drupal 7.
You want to display the following field title (I assume the book name is the node title)
For the sorting you can use the sort option in views, it is pretty self-explaining. Choose the name of your release date field.
For the connection between author and books you will have to use a contextual filter (advanced).
Add the author-reference-field from your book/novel (the field you use to refer to the author). Then choose to use a default value (2nd option) and choose content id from url. Now your block will find all nodes that refer to the page with the current page-id. Since we chose to display the title fields, you should see a list.
Note that live preview does not work here, so you will have to go to the actual page to see the result.
This works when you have re-used the same field for both content types. If you have uses more then one field you will have to use an OR operator to make the contextual filter work. Thanks to d34dman the following page was given to do just that.
Although for new implementations I would recommend using the same field (eg. reference_to_author) for all references from all content types.
Yah..I am able to solve this problem by adding custom code. I have used hook_views_query_alter method and then added join relationship and where clause as per requirement. Please refer to following article for more clarity..
Thanks for posting the reply and keeping my hope alive.

How to add components in to an existing GUI created by guide?

I just created a GUI using guide in MATLAB for a small project I'm working on. I have amongst other things two text fields for from and to dates. Now I'd like to get rid of them and use a Java date select tool. Of course this is not possible using guide so I need to add them manually.
I've managed to get them to show up by putting this code into my Opening_Fcn,
uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
But even though it shows up I can't access the date select's attributes, for example
??? Reference to non-existent field 'til2'.
How can I fix this?
Unless you edit the saved GUI figure, the basic handles structure will not include your new component by default.
One way to access you component is to store the handle via guidata, by adding the following to your opening function:
handles.til2 = uicomponent(handles, 'style','com.jidesoft.combobox.DateChooserPanel','tag','til2');
Functions that need to access the handle need the line
handles = guidata(hObject)
to return the full handles structure that includes the filed til2
