XPath expression to pluck out attribute value - xpath

I have the following XML:
<payload class="vendor">
<fizz buzz="3"/>
I am trying to write an XPath expression that will pluck out vendor (value for the payload's class attribute) or whatever its value is.
My best attempts are:
But this requires the expression to already know that vendor is the value of the attribute. But if the XML is:
<payload class="foobar">
<fizz buzz="3"/>
Then I want the expression to pluck out the foobar. Any ideas where I'm going awry?

If you need #class value from payload node, you can use
or just

At first, your two XML files are out-of-sync - one references envelope and the other references dataEnvelope. So exchange one for the other, if necessary.
So, to get the attribute value of payload, you can use an XPath expression like this which uses a child's attribute value to be more specific:
Output is:

If the document element can/will change, then you can keep the XPath more generic and select the value of the class attribute from the payload element that is a child of any element:
If you know that it will always be a child of envelope, then this would be more specific(but the above would still work):


assign value from attribute_view_gui from select attribute

I have an attribute if type select. When i try to get value from this attribute content it gives the identification number instead of the value. I call like
This is expected behaviour. https://doc.ez.no/eZ-Publish/Technical-manual/4.x/Reference/Datatypes/Selection
Raw output
The ".content" of an ezcontentobjectattribute object using this datatype returns an array of the identification numbers (as strings) of the selected options.
I want the value not the identification number. I can get that using attribute_view_gui like
attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.data_map.my_attribute_identifier
But i can't assign value to a variable this way. How can i assign value from a select attribute?
First of all i recommend you to always check default templates in your ezpublish to figure out how should template look...
Maybe this example will help:
type="text" size="50"
or u can use default view for attribute like this:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.data_map.YOUR_ATTRIBUTE_SHORT_NAME}
also might be helpful - way to find correct path (sometimes you need add ".data_int" or ".data_text" on the end of the path to display data):
{$path|attribute(show,depth)} example:
You may want to take a look at the view template of ezselection:
This is the code that eZ Publish uses to view the data type.
content of ezselection.tpl:
{let selected_id_array=$attribute.content}
{section var=Options loop=$attribute.class_content.options}
{section-exclude match=$selected_id_array|contains( $Options.item.id )|not}
{$Options.item.name|wash( xhtml )}{delimiter}<br/>{/delimiter}{/section}

Select Nokogiri element after an element with particular attribute

I have been at this for hours and I cannot make any progress.
I do not know how to do the following, I am used to arrays and loops, not nokogiri objects.
I want to select the table element immediately after the h2 containing span with id == "filmography"
<h2><span id ="filmography>...
<table> # What I want to find
So far I have used
objects = page.xpath("//h2" | "//table")
to have an array of nokogiri objects and I test each for id == "Filmography" and would work with the next object, however the elements returned are not in order as they appear on the page they are in the order all h2's then all tables.
Could I somehow have all 'h2's and 'table's as element objects in the order they appear on the page, and test the child object 'span' for its id attribute?
All advice appreciated, as I am thoroughly stuck.
This looks like it should work:
Nokogiri supports CSS selectors, which make this easy:
doc.at('span#filmography table').to_html
=> "<table><tr>\n<td>...</td>\n </tr></table>"
doc.at('#filmography table').to_html
=> "<table><tr>\n<td>...</td>\n </tr></table>"
at returns the first matching node, using either a CSS or XPath selector.
The "NodeSet" equivalent is search, which returns a NodeSet, which is like an Array, but would force you to use first after it, which only really makes for a longer command:
doc.search('span#filmography table').first.to_html
doc.search('#filmography table').first.to_html
Because the span tag contains an id parameter, you're safe to use at and only look for #filmography, since IDs are unique in a page.

Capybara field.has_css? matcher

I'm using following spec with MiniTest::Spec and Capybara:
to check if the field called 'Email' has the autofocus attribute. The doc says following:
has_css?(path, options = {})
Checks if a given CSS selector is on the page or current node.
As far as I understand, field 'Email' is a node, so calling must_have_css should definitely work! What I'm doing wrong?
Got an answer by Jonas Nicklas:
No, it shouldn't work. has_css? will check if any of the descendants
of the element match the given CSS. It will not check the element
itself. Since the autofocus property is likely on the email field
itself, has_css? will always return false in this case.
You might try:
find_field('Email')[:autofocus].should be_present
this can also be done with XPath, but I can't recall the syntax off
the top of my head.
My solution:
Off top of my head. Can you use has_selector?(). Using Rspec wit Capy:
page.should have_selector('email', autofocus: true)
Also check Capybara matchers http://rubydoc.info/github/jnicklas/capybara/master/Capybara/Node/Matchers
I've not used MiniTest before but your syntax for checking for the attribute looks correct.
My concern would be with your use of find_field. The docs say:
Find a form field on the page. The field can be found by its name, id or label text.
It looks like you are trying to find the field based on the label. If so I would check that you have the for attribute on it and and that it has the correct id of the form field you are looking for. To rule out this being the issue you could temporarily slap an id your form field and look for that explicitly.

How to add an attribute to a node so it is the first one

I have a Nokogiri xml node:
node = <word n='ab' v='cd'>something</word>
I want to add an attribute:
but in such a way that it 'shows' the first in the list of attributes, like
node = <word p='ef' n='ab' v='cd'>something</word>
Is there a simple way to do this?
I don't know of any XML serializer that allows you to control the order of attributes (except by accident, relying on undocumented features of a product). It shouldn't matter; the order is only cosmetic.
When you say "the order denotes the certitude" this is very worrying, because you are attaching meaning to the order of attributes when XML is very clear that the order will in general not be maintained. You need to redesign your XML to find a different way to capture this information.

How to use xmlns declarations with XPath in Nokogiri

I'm using Nokogiri::XML to parse responses from Amazon SimpleDB. The response is something like:
<SelectResponse xmlns="http://sdb.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-11-07/">
If I just hand the response straight over to Nokogiri, all XPath queries (e.g. doc/"//Item/Attribute[Name='Foo']/Value") return an empty array. But if I remove the xmlns attribute from the SelectResponse tag, it works perfectly.
Is there some extra thing I need to do to account for the namespace declaration? This workaround feels horribly like a hack.
That XPath query looks for elements that are not in any namespace. You need to tell your XPath processor that you are looking for elements in the http://sdb.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-11-07/ namespace.
One way to do that with Nokogiri is:
doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse(...)
doc.xpath("//aws:Item/aws:Attribute[Name='Foo']/aws:Value", {"aws" => "http://sdb.amazonaws.com/doc/2007-11-07/"})
I found "Namespaces in XML" really helpful in understanding what's going on.
Basically if you have a namespace defined via xmlns=, you must use a namespace in your XPath searches.
So in your case, you could do one of three things:
Remove the xmlns attribute from the root SearchResponse. In that case your original, namespace-less XPath query will work.
Use the default namespace in your XPath query:
Define a custom namespace in the second argument of the xpath method and use that in your query, as shown in hrnt's solution above.
