How to access Oracle DB in VirtualBox from Host (windows) - oracle

I installed VirtualBox with a Oracle VM.
Now I simply try to access the Oracle Database of the VM from the host environment, but it doesn't work.
ipconfig on my host shows an IP number, but when I try to open this (Port 80), i get the content of localhost of the host system instead of the content of the server in the VirtualBox.
Which is the proper network setting ?

- Use Host-Only Networking on your guest machine
- See if the server (WEB, DB etc.) is running.
- Mouse-over network icon on status bar to note ip address
- From your host browser send a request to your quest server

I usually do a bridged connection so the vm will pick up an ip address from my router's dhcp; if that option is not available, your other option is to employ port forwarding where you assign an unused port on the host machine to forward to the port on the vm. The virtual box manual has a lot of useful info on both of these options. Let us know if you need additional info or examples.

Turn off the Windows Firewall on the Virtual PC. I've just fixed my HTTP request from Host to VM by turning off the firewall.

In the virtual box go to the settings->Network->Adapter and select Bridge Adapter for (Attached to) field. Don't forget to turn off your firewall in the machine.


How to make server inside vm have same ipaddress even though we change network

I have windows server installed in a vmware with domain configured. I had configured a website in iis and kept network adapter as bridged in vmware and is able to access website outside vmware on my local computer.
Problem is when i change my network on local server, we are not able to access website because earlier network range configured was different. For eg : first time it was in 192.168.Xx.XX series after changing network entire ipaddress of local computer got changed to 10.02.XX.XX
Need to know how we can achieve this.
You can assign another VM adapter to Local server and assign him static IP of your subnet or add a second IP to exiting network Adapter. After adding static IP of your subnet to local server, you can assign this IP to you IIS site and can access it from all of your network.
You can also configure NAT/bridge connection again on your server Vmware network adapter as you did earlier (what is the issue?).
If you dont want to assign ip of your local network to server vm, you can also assign second ip address to your host machine network adapter( If clients are not many).
you should also adjust the website's or VM's ip matching your network segment.
so if your network subnet is already 10.x.x.x change your websites ip to 10.x.x.x . or if you dont want to change your website's ip then you should configure routing or NAT

Can ping server, but not browse

I'm trying to set up a personal cloud server on a Surface Pro, but I'm running into a networking issue that has me completely stumped.
My setup looks like this: I've installed a Nextcloud server on a VMWare virtual machine that's running Ubuntu 16.04, and I have it configured to use NAT so the virtual machine shares a fixed ip address with the host machine. I've forwarded ports 80, 443, etc. on the host machine's NAT device so requests go to the virtual machine. Additionally I've configured my router to have a static ip address, and I've forwarded all the relevant ports to the Surface Pro on my router.
So the trouble is that I can't connect to my server from my browser. HOWEVER, I am able to ping my server, I can SSH in to both the virtual machine and the host machine from the internet, and I am able to access the server in my browser from any computer that's connected to LAN, no problem.
This all sounds like it could be a firewall issue to me (maybe port 80 is blocked on the host machine for some reason??) but the fact that I have no trouble accessing the server from LAN is confusing the issue, and also deactivating the firewall on the host machine doesn't solve the issue.
Any thoughts?
I solved the problem! It turns out the NAT device was improperly configured to use its own DHCP service rather than using the local DHCP service. Basically it was assigning a LAN IP address to the virtual machine, while everything else was configured to expect that the virtual machine's IP address was fixed at

SSH connect from local windows VM to Azure windows VM

I want to have a SSH connection from my local windows machine or VM on my computer to Azure windows server VM. I tried Cygwin and Putty but both of them gave timeout connection. I used public ip address and opened port 22 on Azure VM.
I will appreciate if some one can give me any hints or links.
There are multiple firewalls that can be the reason here. Fist you must have a rule on the server to allow incoming SSH requests (port 22). Then you need to configure the NSG(Network security group) to allow incoming on port 22. If it still doesn't work, you need to verify that you are allowed to do an outgoing SSH request from your computer.
Thanks for suggestions, I found the problem which was the host machine IP address(ipconfig) (where is a local VM inside domain) was different from the IP address that communicate outside the domain to internet. I was set in NSG of Azure VM to only accept this IP and because of that it gave time-out error. After changing the IP it works.

vmware: unable to ping using NAT IP address, but can ping physical IP

I've been searching around and found no similar issues have been asked.
My desktop (windows 7) is in LAN, has IP (
I installed vmware (windows 7), using NAT connection ( The guest is able to access internet without problem.
In guest, if I "ping", this will be ok.
If I "ping", will also be ok.
If I "ping" (DNS), this will be ok.
If I "ping", can't ping.
Note my host Vmnet8's ip is indeed Ping from host also doesn't work.
From host:
"ping" (guest IP), does not work
"ping", does not work
Both host/guest windows are installed without any other "security/defender/firewall" related softwares.
Anywhere can go wrong?
If you configured your vmware VM to run in a virtualized NAT network, then you will not be able to access/ping your VM from the Host, or anywhere else for that matter, without configuring port forwarding for that virtual NAT network.
If you would like to be able to access your VM from your host you can either:
A) Change the mode of the network adapter for the VM to a bridged adapter. This will make the VM act as if it is just another computer on the same network your Desktop is and will be accessible at an IP such as
B) Add a Host-Only network adapter to the VM. This second NIC will be connected to a network that has no internet access, but is connected to the host and any other VMs on the same host-only network
Also, check the firewall settings to allow inbound ICMP inside the VM.
You mean that you cannot ping to the VMnet8 interface of your physical PC.
Maybe it is not activated.
It should be activated first by issuing the command at the cmd prompt with the admin's privilege.
C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface set interface name="VMware Network Adapter V
Mnet8" admin=ENABLED
I have seen this issue with two different windows 10 machine & two different version of vmware workstation ( 15 & 16).
One way it works is I start the wireshark & under capture options I select on VMWARE8(default for workstation/need to adjust according to your NAT Interface) & than start ping from My Local Machine to NAT IP of the VM .
It takes time but it works. I do not what triggers this .
My initial thought was it's one of the Windows 10 upgrade but with two different version of windows 10 & this old issue resurfaced.
Navigate to "Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections".
Disable and Enable the VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 and try again.
I was having same problem after the latest release of VirtualBox-6.1.6-137129-Win update. "NAT Network" on any of the guest machine was not working. So i downgraded my virtual box version to 6 and works fine with all my VMs but problem remains in Kali Linux.
NAT Network was successful in giving IP to kali machine but Internet was not working. Problem i found was somehow gateway of kali wasn't set. Then i configured both Gateway and DNS manually and it worked for me.
Make sure that you Uncheck the option "Use this Connection only for resources on this network."
Kali manual configuration for IP, DNS and Gateway

Access xampp from VMWARE to Public IP

Is it possible to access publicly i have a project application that is running on VM, What should I do?
VMachine( where xampp is installed) IP <-> Global(external) IP (
I don't have any option left what should i do i'm really new to this. #respect
Yes, this is possible but there are multiple steps to the configuration and the details for each steps differ depending on the hardware/software used. In general though it can be accomplished like this:
VMware config
Configure the VM with a bridged network
Configure the guest OS to either have a dhcp reservation or static ip.
Router config
Add a dhcp reservation for the VM (if using DHCP)
Add a port forwarding rule pointing to the VM's IP address
XAMPP config
Make sure the XAMPP server is listening on all interfaces.
The key point is to make the Virtual Machine to have bridged connection.
You can do it by looking at this one.
After that do a Port Forwarding to the virtual machine like it a real machine on your LAN.
Step 1 : Apart from above solution, in your local network where xampp is installed, make your local ip as static one, like "" from router settings->Address reservation option.
Once you reserve address
Step 2 : Open your router->port forwarding->set port & ip to forward.
Step 3 : Now you check your public ip, and bingo now you can go to your public ip from vmware or from any other network.
As long as the vm has a configured network and is therefor able to communicate with your LAN (using Bridged networks in the VM configuration is a good way to go) and the internet, it is possible to make it accessible to the external web/internet.
Therefor you would most likely need to define a port-redirect/port forwarding on your router, that all incoming packets on the external IP ( on port 8080 gets forwarded to the local ip of your vm and the related xampp session.
A possible problem at that point might be changing IP addresses of the VM based on a possible DHCP configuration. Either use a fixed IP on the VM or configure some mac-based rule for fixed IP or increase the lease time of the dhcp-server (your router to unlimited)
That's the theory, but please think twice before you do so. Running a webserver which is available in the wild is not recommended if you are not used to IT security. And even if you decide to do so, using xampp sounds wrong to me ears. xampp is designed for local development & testing purposes, not for productive use.
