Is it possible to access publicly i have a project application that is running on VM, What should I do?
VMachine( where xampp is installed) IP <-> Global(external) IP (
I don't have any option left what should i do i'm really new to this. #respect
Yes, this is possible but there are multiple steps to the configuration and the details for each steps differ depending on the hardware/software used. In general though it can be accomplished like this:
VMware config
Configure the VM with a bridged network
Configure the guest OS to either have a dhcp reservation or static ip.
Router config
Add a dhcp reservation for the VM (if using DHCP)
Add a port forwarding rule pointing to the VM's IP address
XAMPP config
Make sure the XAMPP server is listening on all interfaces.
The key point is to make the Virtual Machine to have bridged connection.
You can do it by looking at this one.
After that do a Port Forwarding to the virtual machine like it a real machine on your LAN.
Step 1 : Apart from above solution, in your local network where xampp is installed, make your local ip as static one, like "" from router settings->Address reservation option.
Once you reserve address
Step 2 : Open your router->port forwarding->set port & ip to forward.
Step 3 : Now you check your public ip, and bingo now you can go to your public ip from vmware or from any other network.
As long as the vm has a configured network and is therefor able to communicate with your LAN (using Bridged networks in the VM configuration is a good way to go) and the internet, it is possible to make it accessible to the external web/internet.
Therefor you would most likely need to define a port-redirect/port forwarding on your router, that all incoming packets on the external IP ( on port 8080 gets forwarded to the local ip of your vm and the related xampp session.
A possible problem at that point might be changing IP addresses of the VM based on a possible DHCP configuration. Either use a fixed IP on the VM or configure some mac-based rule for fixed IP or increase the lease time of the dhcp-server (your router to unlimited)
That's the theory, but please think twice before you do so. Running a webserver which is available in the wild is not recommended if you are not used to IT security. And even if you decide to do so, using xampp sounds wrong to me ears. xampp is designed for local development & testing purposes, not for productive use.
I am configuring a High Availability load balancing based on HAProxy and Keepalived.
Everywhere I do research they talk about Virtual IP like something that fell off the sky – I mean, with little to none explanation about how to get one.
By now, I have arbitrary defined a virtual ip address in the keepalived.conf like this:
virtual_ipaddress {
With both Servers running keepalived, I do ip address command in the MASTER machine and it shows inet scope global eth0 next to the Public IP, which I believe is correct.
When I do service keepalived stop in the MASTER machine and run ip address in the BACKUP machine, BACKUP shows inet scope global eth0, IP which effectively disappeared from MASTER.
The above mentioned behavior indicates me that the config is all right.
Now, how can I publish that Virtual IP? Do I need to buy one? If my server provider (Contabo) doesn't offer the Virtual IP service, where to buy it?
My goal is to have my Front-End API requests aiming at the Virtual IP.
Thanks very much in advance for any guidance!
Server A and server B addresses are either manually configured when setting up the servers, or obtained via dhcp.
There is nothing magical about the virtual ip, other than it is not obtained in the same way.
If it is your own network, you can just pick one in the same range as for the two servers, and make sure that no new servers will use it.
Since you are talking about a provider, you will need to ask them if they provide floating ip addresses.
10.x.x.x is a private ip, so you can not publish that to the internet, but you could use it for example to fail over internal services.
I have windows server installed in a vmware with domain configured. I had configured a website in iis and kept network adapter as bridged in vmware and is able to access website outside vmware on my local computer.
Problem is when i change my network on local server, we are not able to access website because earlier network range configured was different. For eg : first time it was in 192.168.Xx.XX series after changing network entire ipaddress of local computer got changed to 10.02.XX.XX
Need to know how we can achieve this.
You can assign another VM adapter to Local server and assign him static IP of your subnet or add a second IP to exiting network Adapter. After adding static IP of your subnet to local server, you can assign this IP to you IIS site and can access it from all of your network.
You can also configure NAT/bridge connection again on your server Vmware network adapter as you did earlier (what is the issue?).
If you dont want to assign ip of your local network to server vm, you can also assign second ip address to your host machine network adapter( If clients are not many).
you should also adjust the website's or VM's ip matching your network segment.
so if your network subnet is already 10.x.x.x change your websites ip to 10.x.x.x . or if you dont want to change your website's ip then you should configure routing or NAT
I want to create a TFTP server on my computer, and I found a program named TFTPD32 that can help me. But when I try to bind my local IP (192.168.X.X) to a public one as I see in a tutorial, it doesn't show as a possible choice in that program.
As far as I know, to make this to work you need to install a server OS like Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7 Ultimate is a client one.
Is there a way to configure Windows 7 Ultimate as a public server?
Or maybe I am doing something wrong?
P.S.: I am sorry for my bad English.
If you can get that working in a LAN environment, then the solution is what ElGalivan said - take a look at the NAT table in your router.
Typically you need to do NAT over the UDP port 69 to your sever LAN IP address.
Tftpd32 can only "bind" to IP addresses available to the Windows OS where Tftpd32 runs.
In the very unusual case that your host is directly attached to a public IP Tftpd32 sure will have that public IP available for binding.
In a more normal case your host will be behind a router/NAT etc then your host will only have private IPs (192.168.x.x) available. In this case you should forward certain IP ports in your router in order to let exterior users reaching your server services.
But please consider; you should never do this with TFTP; TFTP is a protocol not meant for Internet traffic. It is used in the early stages of PXE booting strategies in LANs (Local Area Networks).
I am using a Macbook running 10.6. I am using VMware Fusion to run an Ubuntu Server minimal virtual machine. Ubuntu Server is running your basic LAMP stack.
I do my development in Mac OS. I have VMware share a directory from Mac OS to the Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Server uses that directory for apache.
I access my server is Mac OS in firefox using the ip address of my virtual machine. This is a pain because I have to find out what the ip address is of my virtual machine each time I boot it up. I could set a static ip address but this causes problems if I move my Macbook from network to network.
Is there any configuration (NAT or Bridged or something) that would let me access my virtual machine from the Mac OS using localhost or something similar?
NAT should be OK. Your VM is on a different subnet that way, you can give it the static IP you like, and it won't interfere with the (dynamic) IP on your real network.
What you are looking for is the host-only networking adapter as opposed to the NAT or bridged adapters. This creates a network interface on the virtual machine that only connects the actual host. It is perfectly safe to set an IP address for this interface that does not change, and there will be no tricky NAT getting in the way. It's a little network that only exists for communication between the real host and the virtual host. It's exact purpose is so you can do development like this. I use the same feature on VirtualBox all the time, but VMWare has it as well.
Now, with a host-only adapter you might be worried that your VM now has no access to the Internet. The answer is simple. Just make two adapters. eth0, eth1. Make one of them a bridged or NAT adapter for Internet access. Make the other one the host-only adapter for your development. Most modern Linux distros will automatically route accordingly. I know for a fact that Ubuntu does, because I do it all the time. Again, this is with VirtualBox. Your mileage may vary with VMWare, but I can't imagine it's that different.
I'm using Virtual Box and typing in the computer local address (for instance instead of localhost did the trick.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question but why not just add an entry in your hosts file for the virtual machine? That way you can access it with some arbitrarily assigned name (like testmachine) instead of the IP.
This is the first tutorial I found through google:
This would work best if your VM has a static IP, BTW (either no DHCP or configure the DHCP server to give that MAC the same IP every time). That way you don't have to worry about changing the hosts entry every time the DHCP server gives the VM a different IP.
I tried putting my IP from in the urlbase of Bugzilla but it did not work. I wasn't able to create a new account for my team mate, and he wasnt able to access the server by typing the my ip address in his browse. And surely, when I connect again, my IP address will change. Do we have to buy a www address to host Bugzilla?
You can setup a dynamic dns service, for example via or or to solve the changing ip problem without buying a domain (or buying a domain as well, but it's not a requirement).
But the real problem is that your team mate cannot access the server via the current IP address which points to either a misconfiguration of the webserver (listening only on localhost?), to a firewall in between, or most likely, that port forwarding isn't set up in your router for requests coming to your external IP address to be forwarded to the machine where you have Bugzilla set up. Additionally, you must set the urlbase to your local IP address, not to the external IP address, as blak3r says.
Check for instructions on how to do port forwarding. But don't forget that everything mentioned has to be working:
Web server listening to outside requests: This can be tested from the same internal network via the local network IP address (what you see typing in a command line console ipconfig in Windows and ifconfig in Linux). If you can connect from a different machine on the same network via the local IP address, this is solved.
Firewalls (in router and the webserver machine) accepting connections to the web server port: For firewalls in the web server, the same test as above covers it.
Port forwarding so the router forwards the requests received on the web server port to the web server machine: This gets tested in the same way as firewalls in the router, that is, you must have your friend (or yourself from the house of your friend) try to connect to the dyn dns name set up or to the external IP as reported by
This is all assuming your test mate is not on your same network, if he is, just using the local IP address (shown via ipconfig or ifconfig) instead of the external IP address and making sure the first step is covered (web server listening to outside requests) should be enough and nothing else is needed!
You most likely do not have your port 80 forwarded to your machine which is the reason he cannot connect when using the IP that was returned from
Assuming you're on a windows box... do
Start->Run->cmd then type
If your address starts with 192...* or 10...* this is your Local Area Network (LAN) IP. If this is the case, then your isp provided you with a router. Look for a setting called port forwarding or "application setting" which allows you to forward all incoming traffic on your router to a particular IP address. Go into your router's configuration settings and make sure port 80 (and maybe 443 if you're using ssl are forwarded to your local ip).
The other problem you mentioned is you do not have a static IP. This is a common problem and no you do not need to buy an address. There are several sites which can provide you a free dynamic dns host. Try