Binary Data in sqlite database versus Image in Applications Folder or Storing images from internet - xcode

I was just thinking what is the best way to keep images in IPhone/iPad (XCODE) application if I'm getting them from internet dynamically. My main concern is if I'm storing it in my database as Binary data, will it decrease my efficiency when creating the queries to database?
In that case is it better to store them in Application's folder?
Thanks for responds.

Apple dev forums has some good discussion on this. A good post can be found here. General guideline from the post: less than 16kb data blob ok, 100k ok as well, approaching 1MB and it is better to store outside of Core Data or any database.
In terms of fetching performance, it will boil down to how you have normalized your data model.


Create static content with images and videos and show it in my spring-boot application

I wrote some basic blog system, which based on spring boot.
I'm trying to figure out, how can I create posts with videos and images, without the need to editing everything using HTML.
Right now, I am saving my blog posts in DB as plain text.
Is it possible to create content combined with text, images and videos , and saving this "content" as one row in my DB-Table, without creating connections between different tables?
Many thanks in advance.
Images and Videos are heavy content and storing them in database could be a costly affair, until you are developing application for research purpose. Also querying it from database and serving it over the network can impact your application performance.
If you want to store it in a single row that can be done as well using database BLOB object. But i would suggest to have 2 different tables. One containing the BLOB object of Image and Videos and other is your usual table containing blog as text and primary key of of BLOB table.
If you want to take your solution to go live, better use image-videos hosting servers because of following factors
Saves your database cost
Ensures 24x7 availability
Application performance is faster as these are hosted independent of application
Videos can directly be iframed i.e. you do not need to query complete MBs of record and serve over network
A strict answer to your question, yes, you can use BLOBs to store the video/images in the database. Think about them as a column that contains bytes of video or image.
For school/cases where you have a very small amount of videos/images its probably OK. However if you're building a real application, then don't do it :)
Every DBA will raise a bunch of concerns "why do not use Blobs".
So more realistic approach would be to find some "file-system" like storage (but distributed) style S3 in AWS, hardrive on server if you're not on cloud, etc.
Then store that big image / video there and get an identifier (like path to it if we're talking about the harddrive) and store that identifier in the database along with the metadata that you're already store probably (like blogPostId, type of file, etc.)
Once the application become more "mature" - you can switch the "provider" - Grow as you go. There are even cloud storages designed especially for images (like Cloudinary).

Should I use SQL or Core Data?

I'm creating an iPhone app that will have a preloaded set of locations with Lat/Long, currently sqlite DB. I will be calculating the distance of those locations from the users current location and display that in a TableView sorted by distance.
Should I just use the sqlite DB or should I use Core Data?
If I use Core Data, how do I get my initial DB loaded?
Are there any good Core Data tutorials that show how to preload a DB vs all user entry from the app, as my app will have no user entry?
It's philosophy.
If you think in terms of a database, and you design from a data-oriented point of view, then straight sqlite is probably your best choice. There's extra complexity in Core Data but its big benefit is that it accommodates people who think of a program in terms of objects and want some of those objects to stay around between runs of the code.

Database or XML performs well in WP7?

In my app i have to store some data. I'm thinking of XML instead of database. But little confused that which is faster.The data contains some URLs and some strings.
Please let me know xml or database is better?
It depends on what kind of app you are trying to develop.
Like a weather forecast app , you just need to save several provinces/cities info .
I think xml is better . Because it is more easy to implement and maintain.
And Like a diary app , the data increase very fast. So DB is more better , because the large xml file would affect the performance.
I thinks these kinds of questions are more discussive and most likely to be voted for closing.
Nevertheless, the performance depends on the size of the stored data.
While an XML file is small, it will generally perform better then the DB (considering an overhead you will need to go through while deploying it, etc.)
But when you need to store a lot of structured data - DB will after all will the race.
And since I think that the phone is not a place for an RDBMS engine, I go with XML storage on WP7 for now.
One of the things I've experience with WP7 and the built in database is that there's a bit more upfront performance cost to using the database engine than there is with straight Isolated Storage and XML. It was enough of a performance hit during application startup that it was apparent to the user that there was a delay in populating their data.
I would say that for small amounts of data where you just need to read and display, XML is probably your best bet, but for data where you might have to do a lot of aggregating and grouping, it will probably wind up being easier to do with SQL, so you'll need to measure the trade-offs between performance and ease-of-coding/maintenance before you make your decision.

Effect of a Large CoreData Store on Time Machine

A project I'm working on potentially entails storing large amounts (e.g. ~5GB) of binary data in CoreData. I'm wondering if this would negatively impact the user's Time Machine backup. From reading the documentation it seems that CoreData's persistent store uses a single file (e.g. XML, SQLite DB, etc) so it would seem to me that any time the user changes a piece of data in the datastore Time Machine would copy the data store in its entirety to the backup drive.
Does CoreData offer a different datastore format that is more Time Machine friendly?
Or is their a better way to do this?
You can use configurations in your data model to separate the larger entities into a different persistent store. You will need to create the persistent store coordinator yourself, using addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: to add each store with the correct configuration.
To answer your question directly, the only thing I can think of is to put your Core Data store in a sparsebundle disk image, so only the changed bands would be backed up by Time Machine. But really, I think if you're trying to store this much data in SQLite/Core Data you'd run into other problems. I'd suggest you try using a disk-based database such as PostgreSQL.

Any good document-oriented DB for Windows desktop besides MongoDB, etc?

I've been searching for a document-oriented DB that for a Windows desktop program. MongoDB seems to be the best one so far, because it's smaller (11MB) and simpler when compared to CoachDB (which is another option but it seems to be more complex and the download size is almost 50MB), but unfortunately, on 32-bit Windows the database size limit in MongoDB is 2GB, and they don't intend to fix this limit anytime.
Do you have any recommendation? Requirements:
Open source;
schema-less, in BSON/JSON format;
Easy to deploy to a windows machine.
Many thanks!
I'm just curious.. Why would you need a non-relational database for a desktop application. I mean, these things are designed for high-availability clusters and a really large amount of data, both of which are irrelevant for desktop apps where you would usually have just one user at a time and not so large dataset.
What I would use if I were you is an embedded database like HSQLDB or SQLite.
Now, if you want make it schema-less for simplicity, well just create your tables only with columns id long and data varchar
And then serialize/deserialize your objects to and from JSON yourself when accessing the data.
You can see a really easy way to do the JSON stuff here:
JSON Serializer for arbitrary HashMaps in Voldemort
Note: The question on link above is Voldemort-specific, but the answer I received isn't and could be applied here as well (assuming you are using Java, if not there has to be an easy way to do so in your language, too).
