Should I use SQL or Core Data? - xcode

I'm creating an iPhone app that will have a preloaded set of locations with Lat/Long, currently sqlite DB. I will be calculating the distance of those locations from the users current location and display that in a TableView sorted by distance.
Should I just use the sqlite DB or should I use Core Data?
If I use Core Data, how do I get my initial DB loaded?
Are there any good Core Data tutorials that show how to preload a DB vs all user entry from the app, as my app will have no user entry?

It's philosophy.
If you think in terms of a database, and you design from a data-oriented point of view, then straight sqlite is probably your best choice. There's extra complexity in Core Data but its big benefit is that it accommodates people who think of a program in terms of objects and want some of those objects to stay around between runs of the code.


Seeking Advice For Oracle Data-Intensive Application

I'm endeavoring to develop an application that uses Oracle as the database back-end. The application will calculate several statistics from the various tables in the database. The front-end will most likely be a web application and this front-end will display various charts and calculated statistics. Now, I imagine that it would be more efficient to perform the calculations in the database rather than in the service layer because said calculations would need to be performed for every web request. That being the case, I'm not sure which mechanism to use. (e.g. stored procedure, function, view) To illustrate what I'm going for, suppose I want to keep statistics of student grades for many students. I would like to have a web interface that lets me view those statistics on student-by-student basis and also an all-inclusive basis. Some of the stats are dependent on aggregates (e.g. average, min, max) of all of the student grades and some stats are dependent only on an individual student. In this situation, every time a record is added or updated, the aggregates would have to be recalculated. So I am speculating that if I had a special table that held all of the calculated values I need and a trigger(s) to recalculate everything when a record is added/updated then all I would need to do from a web request point-of-view is have the service layer pull the desired values from this special table. I'm just not sure if this is the best way to go or not so I am asking the community for any input/advice. Note: Although I'm using Oracle, I'm open to using PostgreSQL or mySQL.
Thanks in advance
The scenario you are describing would be ideal for using materialized views. They can be designed to refresh automatically (and incrementally) every time the source data is updated by your application. The calculations would be built in to the view definition. No triggers required, and likely no stored procedures unless your calculations involve multiple steps. Check here: and here: for more info.

Core Data or sqlite for fast search?

This is a description of the application I want to build and I'm not sure whether to use Core Data or Sqlite (or something else?):
Single user, desktop, not networked, only one frontend is accessing datastorage
User occasionally enters some data, no bulk data importing or large data inserts
Simple datamodel: entity with up to 20-30 attributes
User searches in data (about 50k datasets max.)
Search takes place mostly in attribute values, not looking for any keys here, but searching for text in values
Writing the data is nothing I see as critical, it happens not very often and with small amounts of data. The text search in the attributes has to be blazingly fast, a user would expect almost instant results. This is absolutely critical.
I would rather go with Core Data, but is this a scenario CD can handle?
Core Data can handle this scenario. But because you're looking for blazingly fast full text search, you'll have to do some extra work. Session 211 of WWDC 2013 goes into depth about how to do this (slides 117-131). You'll probably want to have a separate Entity with text search tokens: all of the findable words in your dataset.
Although one of the FTS extensions is available in Apple's deployment of SQLite, it's not exposed in Core Data.

Multidimensional data types

So I was thinking... Imagine you have to write a program that would represent a schedule of a whole college.
That schedule has several dimensions (e.g.):
indivitual(s) attending it
You would have to be able to display the schedule from several standpoints:
everything held in one location in certain timeframe
everything attended by individual in certain timeframe
everything lecturered by a certain lecturer in certain timeframe
How would you save such data, and yet keep the ability to view it from different angles?
Only way I could think of was to save it in every form you might need it:
E.g. you have folder "students" and in it each student has a file and it contains when and why and where he has to be. However, you also have a folder "locations" and each location has a file which contains who and why and when has to be there. The more angles you have, the more size-per-info ratio increases.
But that seems highly inefficinet, spacewise.
Is there any other way?
My knowledge of Javascript is 0, but I wonder if such things would be possible with it, even in this space inefficient form.
If not that, I wonder if it would work in any other standard (C++, C#, Java, etc.) language, primarily in Java...
EDIT: Could this be done by using MySQL database?
Basically, you are trying to first store data and then present it under different views.
SQL databases were made exactly for that: from one side you build a schema and instantiate it in a database to store your data (the language is called Data Definition Language, DDL), then you make requests on it with the query language (SQL), what you call "views". There are even "views" objects in SQL databases to build these views Inside the database (rather than having to the code of the request in the user code).
MySQL can do that for sure, note that it is possible to compile some SQL engine for Javascript (SQLite for example) and use local web store to store the data.
There is another aspect to your question: optimization of the queries. While SQL can do most of the request job for your views. It is sometimes preferred to create actual copies of the requests results in so called "datamarts" (this is called de-normalizing a request), so that the hard work of selecting or computing aggregate/groups functions and so on is done once per period of time (imagine that a specific view changes only on Monday), then requesters just have to read these results. It is important in this case to separate at least semantically what is primary data from what is secondary data (and for performance/user rights reasons, physical separation is often a good idea).
Note that as you cited MySQL, I wrote about SQL but mostly any database technology could do that what you searched to do (hierarchical, object oriented, XML...) as long as the particular implementation that you use is flexible enough for your data and requests.
So in short:
I would use a SQL database to store the data
make appropriate views / requests
if I need huge request performance, make appropriate de-normalized data available
the language is not important there, any will do

Database or XML performs well in WP7?

In my app i have to store some data. I'm thinking of XML instead of database. But little confused that which is faster.The data contains some URLs and some strings.
Please let me know xml or database is better?
It depends on what kind of app you are trying to develop.
Like a weather forecast app , you just need to save several provinces/cities info .
I think xml is better . Because it is more easy to implement and maintain.
And Like a diary app , the data increase very fast. So DB is more better , because the large xml file would affect the performance.
I thinks these kinds of questions are more discussive and most likely to be voted for closing.
Nevertheless, the performance depends on the size of the stored data.
While an XML file is small, it will generally perform better then the DB (considering an overhead you will need to go through while deploying it, etc.)
But when you need to store a lot of structured data - DB will after all will the race.
And since I think that the phone is not a place for an RDBMS engine, I go with XML storage on WP7 for now.
One of the things I've experience with WP7 and the built in database is that there's a bit more upfront performance cost to using the database engine than there is with straight Isolated Storage and XML. It was enough of a performance hit during application startup that it was apparent to the user that there was a delay in populating their data.
I would say that for small amounts of data where you just need to read and display, XML is probably your best bet, but for data where you might have to do a lot of aggregating and grouping, it will probably wind up being easier to do with SQL, so you'll need to measure the trade-offs between performance and ease-of-coding/maintenance before you make your decision.

Binary Data in sqlite database versus Image in Applications Folder or Storing images from internet

I was just thinking what is the best way to keep images in IPhone/iPad (XCODE) application if I'm getting them from internet dynamically. My main concern is if I'm storing it in my database as Binary data, will it decrease my efficiency when creating the queries to database?
In that case is it better to store them in Application's folder?
Thanks for responds.
Apple dev forums has some good discussion on this. A good post can be found here. General guideline from the post: less than 16kb data blob ok, 100k ok as well, approaching 1MB and it is better to store outside of Core Data or any database.
In terms of fetching performance, it will boil down to how you have normalized your data model.
