Any Eclipse editor plugins for MVC classes? - model-view-controller

Is there a good Eclipse editor plugin that would open the view, model and controller class files in one editor with each file having its own tab? E.g. if I have classes FooView, FooModel and FooController and opened one of them, it would open an editor with all of those 3 classes (with an "internal" tab for each of them).
I have used the now discontinued Wicket Bench plugin (which opens related files on their own tabs based on the file extension) when working with the Wicket framework and would love to have something similar when working with MVC classes. (Since the plugin's page is now infested with spam, the only proper screenshot I could find is in the SVN repository:
I was thinking of writing a plugin like this but would of course love to hear it already exists. I've tried to find one but I guess none exist or my searching skills just need some polishing... However, I think this kind of editor would also help with this problem:
Eclipse PDT Differentiating file name tabs for MVC?
Thank you for any tips.


upload addon vaadin to repository maven.vaadin

good day, I would like to load my addon vaadin in maven vaadin, I have already loaded it in the vaadin directory, but I do not know how to publish it in the maven vaadin repository. I thought that this process was done automatically when uploading it to the vaadin directory, but it is not like that.
Currently, the plugin in the vaadin directory is seen in this way in the maven section:
I just had a look at your component and seems like the license is missing. Here are the steps to choose the license:
Go to your component view. I guess it's this one?
There should be a button called Edit component at the top
Choose Versions tab and click Edit
Scroll down and you should see a list of licenses, make sure you provide a license for each license of your component and don't forget to click Save.
The end result should look something like this:
P/s: Another way to manage your components is by going to See my components, from there you can see and edit any component you have uploaded to Directory.
If you edit your component, and go to the Versions tab, you can edit a version to make sure it's marked as Available. You should also add at least one supported framework.

Spring Elements not showing under Eclipse Navigator

Although i have enabled Spring Elements and i can see that when i right click on my project, it doesn't show up under my project in Navigator.
I installed the necessary plugins also but still cant figure out the issue.
How can i fix this?
Welcome to Spring tool 4. they have removed it. they are suggesting for go to symbol which can be achieved by Ctrl+6. But not that much helpful as Spring elements hierarchy.
How to use Ctrl+6 efficiently:
Reference to my statement:
The Navigator view directly shows the files and folders without virtual nodes. Use the Project Explorer view instead.

Is there a WYSIWYG option for IntelliJ IDEA when creating a GUI? (Like netbeans)

Been attempting to see if I can find a way to edit the gui form in the IntelliJ IDEA in a WYSIWYG format (pretty much the same as netbeans basically) is this possible?
If not, are you able to point me towards a reliable resource to learn how to learn to create an effective GUI layout (can either be book or online)
Yes there is a Form Designer in IntelliJ.
Please refer to this video
PS - go to Plugins first and ensure UI Designer is enabled.

Common usages of views and editors in Eclipse RCP applications regarding to enterprise automation?

I am a software developer working with different ERPs based on different platforms. Java is one of them. I've decided to learn Eclipse RCP. I am trying to understand the basics of Eclipse RCP regarding its views and editors concept.
Working with other platforms I don't care how to make a form in GUI. All the forms in my application can show data say from a DB or save this data back into the DB. And I don't care if a form shows the list of entities or a detailed info about an entity.
Here, in Eclipse RCP, I see that a form can reside in a view or in an editor. What is the difference between them? I would like to hear these differences from a business point of view, please. Or maybe these differences can be explained only in terms like "editor cannot have its own toolbar"? I would like to understand the purposes or common usages as a user not as a developer.
Thank you.
The wiki has a goof FAQ on this topic
There is generally only one instance of a given view per workbench page, but there can be several instances of the same type of editor.
Editors can appear in only one region of the page, whereas views can be moved to any part of the page and minimized as fast views.
Editors can be in a dirty state, meaning that their contents are unsaved and will be lost if the editor is closed without saving.
Views have a local toolbar, whereas editors contribute buttons to the global toolbar.
Editors can be associated with a file name or an extension, and this association can be changed by users.
Some advanced use are mentioned
here, about the ability to reuse an editor for several types of file.
or there, for linking to an editor
Views can have a different organization than editor: see fast view.
In broad terms:
Use editors for the main editable "documents".
Document lifecycle (open/dirty/save/close) fits neatly with editors.
Use all sorts of rich controls, hyperlinks, etc. It doesn't have to be a text editor.
Use views to provide optional supplementary analysis/manipulation of the document in the current editor.
Use views for other (often cross-document) navigation, analysis, search results, etc.

How does MacOS developer navigate large code base

I am new to MacOS development. I would like to know how developer navigate code in a large code base on MacOS? E.g. webkit? I have webkit (c++) built in XCode, but the source code navigate is not that great.
I am looking for something like Java source code navigation in eclipse. e.g. display class hierarchy, e.g. caller of a particular method?
Any one has any idea?
I think what you are looking for is the "Project Symbols" item in the Groups & Files sidebar.
If you double-click it, there are more view/filters, like only showing your project's classes:
Project Symbols
TextMate (commercial program) has a project browser, it's better than just using XCode to get an overview. For navigating the many files to see how the big projects are layed out, you need a good file manager, such as PathFinder.
Class Browser may help.
Project->Class Browser or Command+Shift+C
