How does MacOS developer navigate large code base - xcode

I am new to MacOS development. I would like to know how developer navigate code in a large code base on MacOS? E.g. webkit? I have webkit (c++) built in XCode, but the source code navigate is not that great.
I am looking for something like Java source code navigation in eclipse. e.g. display class hierarchy, e.g. caller of a particular method?
Any one has any idea?

I think what you are looking for is the "Project Symbols" item in the Groups & Files sidebar.
If you double-click it, there are more view/filters, like only showing your project's classes:
Project Symbols

TextMate (commercial program) has a project browser, it's better than just using XCode to get an overview. For navigating the many files to see how the big projects are layed out, you need a good file manager, such as PathFinder.

Class Browser may help.
Project->Class Browser or Command+Shift+C


Would it be possible to edit a mac app and add website address as a Help menu link?

I'm interested in teaching myself how to build and edit mac apps, but I'm really new to it, and it's more for fun right now. I found some open source apps on github to play around with, and I noticed that in one of them, there is no web address link for their website on the Help menu (example, it shows App Name | File | Edit | View | Window | Help).
Would it be possible to edit that app somehow and add the address as a Help menu link? If so, where would I go or how would I achieve this? I looked in the App/Contents/Resources and there are some .nib files, but I'm not sure if the menu information is stored in a .nib or if it's in a .plist file or somewhere else? Would I need to have XCode installed in order to edit and add this?
I am quite new to this, but I'm wanting to do this for self exploration and learning.
Would it be possible to edit that app somehow and add the address as a Help menu link?
It's generally not possible to edit an existing app and accomplish what you are looking for.
I found some open source apps on github to play around with, and I noticed that in one of them, there is no web address link for their website on the Help menu.
For an open source app, you can ask the developers to incorporate the change by either opening an issue or contributing the change in the source code yourself.

Spring Elements not showing under Eclipse Navigator

Although i have enabled Spring Elements and i can see that when i right click on my project, it doesn't show up under my project in Navigator.
I installed the necessary plugins also but still cant figure out the issue.
How can i fix this?
Welcome to Spring tool 4. they have removed it. they are suggesting for go to symbol which can be achieved by Ctrl+6. But not that much helpful as Spring elements hierarchy.
How to use Ctrl+6 efficiently:
Reference to my statement:
The Navigator view directly shows the files and folders without virtual nodes. Use the Project Explorer view instead.

Why does ckeditor right-click context menu not work in basic package?

I'm trying to figure out why ckeditor's context menu (with Paste and other options) doesn't appear when I right-click in the document body of ckeditor in an app I'm developing.
To debug, I tried downloading both the 'Basic' and 'Standard' packages (4.6.2) and running the 'Sample'.
The same issue exists in the Basic package (browser's context menu appears instead of ckeditor's) but it WORKS in the Standard package (ckeditor's context menu appears).
Can anyone explain to me what the root cause of this is? I checked the plugins folder in the Standard distribution to see if there was anything obvious, like a 'contextmenu' plugin, but didn't see anything that stood out. I also checked samples/js/samples.js but didn't see anything obvious there, either. What am I missing?
Standard and Full packages contain the contextmenu plugin which provides the editor's context menu to use instead of the browser's native menu in place. Basic package doesn't contain this plugin. You can check this with the online builder.

How to use Xcode Utility view?

Sorry for such a basic question.
After using MS Visual Studio for 15 years, I recently moved to Apple and its Xcode. So I am really newbie in this new tool. I can work with some very basic parts of utilities as Referencing outlets or such stuff, but there are a lot of other stuff there that I had never seen in Visual Studio (as file owner, accessibility reference, ...)
I am looking for a good tutorial on that. Any one knows any? Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Apple has very helpful documentation about their technologies: OSX and iOS
The best place to start using Xcode is Xcode 4 User Guide and Xcode Quick Start Guide
This is something like Properties menu in VS. the only difference is that you can simply change to Assistant editor and hold control+drag from each one directly to your code.
Remember this is based on MVC ( Model= data, View= what you see and Controller)
In fact view and model are almost separated and controller is the connector between them:
this may help in the picture above: everything is counted based on Controller: OUT-let can remind you OUT of controller: I mean commands from controller to something. and sender means what sends messages TO the controller. These will make codes just like delegate coding in Visual Studio when you drag and drop an object to the window and double click on them. The (id)sender is counterpart of (void)sender in VS.
watch the Stanford iOS class on iTunesU. It is very good and if you know programming it will be very fast. Make sure you watch the fall 2011 version, it is about iOS5 and xcode4.

Modify contents of Firefox download dialog from add-on kit

I'd like to be able to add an option to the download dialog that pops-up in Firefox when starting a file download. Is it possible to do so using the new add-on SDK or do I have to do it the old way?
edit: Obviously, if the new option is selected, I need a way to know it and execute code based on it.
That's something you would use XUL overlays for. I guess that the dialog you are talking about is chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul - the download manager. AFAIK doing this isn't possible with the Add-on SDK, it only provides the most common UI integration points. You could create a traditional extension however, it can overlay any dialog.
There is no existing module that will help you that I know of, so you would have to create one, or wait for one to be made by someone else. But the main idea to extending browser UI is simple, and goes like this:
When the addon is loaded, scan for open windows of the type that you wish to extend.
extend the open windows by adding xul elements and javascript to the page.
listen for newly opened windows, and test that they are the type that you are looking for once they open
extend newly opened windows while your addon is active
Clean up after yourself when windows close or when your addon is disabled/uninstalled.
The last step is the most important and never matter with old school extensions which were not restartless.
Some for the built-in modules that you can look at that do this are the widget module, the context menu module, and the hotkeys module, all of which you can find here.
I've made a couple myself which are the toolbar button module, the xulkeys module, the menuitems module, and a few others, all of which you can find here.
Recently I wrote an extension do the same things. A bootstrap extension, not using addon-sdk.
I already submit it on AMO, but wait for review
And the source code
