Is there a WYSIWYG option for IntelliJ IDEA when creating a GUI? (Like netbeans) - user-interface

Been attempting to see if I can find a way to edit the gui form in the IntelliJ IDEA in a WYSIWYG format (pretty much the same as netbeans basically) is this possible?
If not, are you able to point me towards a reliable resource to learn how to learn to create an effective GUI layout (can either be book or online)

Yes there is a Form Designer in IntelliJ.
Please refer to this video
PS - go to Plugins first and ensure UI Designer is enabled.


PowerPoint - how to run a macro automatically?

I'd like to run a macro that sets the zoom to 100%, something like Windows(1).View.Zoom = 100, every time ANY file is opened in PowerPoint. The files are already created, so using a template to set the zoom is not possible. How can I do this?
There isn't really a way (that I am aware of) to do this through a macro or powerpoint add-in. You might be able to do it using a custom web add-in but I don't have enough experience with that to provide an example.
After looking around there have been a few success stories. One of which is creating a custom UI element and then adding an onLoad hook to that.
Here is the thread.
Here is a link to the Custom UI Editor Tool However I had no luck in getting it to work. I believe (This is only my theory) that it is not compatible with the latest .NET framework.
If you do end up trying to do this, here is a link to the xml formatting documentation for UI elements. And a link to a little tutorial related to this.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help. This should at least get you started. If anyone else has a simpler way I would love to know as well.

MvvmCross localization: switch at runtime

Is there a way to change the current language to another one at runtime ?
For example: be able to switch when a button is clicked or when starting the app, get the user language and switch.
How to tell the plugin to check the user language at startup ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Is there a way to change the current language to another one at runtime ?
yes, call builder.LoadResources(whichLanguage) on your MvxTextProviderBuilder.cs
For example: be able to switch when a button is clicked
The UI framework isn't really setup to perform switching live. When you switch between languages then the new JSON resource files will all be loaded OK - but existing displayed text will not be updated. This is a bit like most mobile operating systems - if you want to switch language you often need to reboot!
If you wanted to add dynamic switching then you'd have to find a way to tell the UI to completely refresh all text - I suspect this wouldn't be hard to do, but it might require some manual coding on every page/View which has already been created and displayed :/
or when starting the app, get the user language and switch.
This is a much more straight-forward way to do i18n. It's normally OK because MvvmCross mainly targets phones - and phones are normally single user devices which don't switch languages very often.
You could, for example, use some variable (e.g. System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture) to work out the best language to display.
Or you detect on load whether the user has picked a language yet - if they have, then show HomeViewModel - if they haven't then show a LanguagePickerViewModel - this is what we did in StarWarsKinect - the StartNavigationObject is a perfect place for this sort of logic!
How to tell the plugin to check the user language at startup ?
Currently, you'll have to code this logic as part of your app startup.
I'd definitely be open to providing an improved plugin on this - perhaps with a demo!
If you are looking at i18n, then one alternative implementation to consider is Vernacular - the team at Rdio have a very good offering for Mono and MS platforms -

whick one is better fkeditor or ckeditor?

i am running through a problem to choose either fkeditor or ckeditor which one is better than the other in my project. and how can i get the tutorial regarding customization of any one of these editor in php.
Can you name some websites where i could get the help thanks.
CKEditor is formerly known as FCKEditor (the creator was unaware that FCKEditor didn't sound very... professional) - so you'll want CKEditor.
The CKEditor website has a wealth of information - check out the User Guide, Tutorials and How Tos. Also, when you have downloaded the CKEditor file, you'll find some example code in ckeditor/_samples/php which should help.

Modify contents of Firefox download dialog from add-on kit

I'd like to be able to add an option to the download dialog that pops-up in Firefox when starting a file download. Is it possible to do so using the new add-on SDK or do I have to do it the old way?
edit: Obviously, if the new option is selected, I need a way to know it and execute code based on it.
That's something you would use XUL overlays for. I guess that the dialog you are talking about is chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul - the download manager. AFAIK doing this isn't possible with the Add-on SDK, it only provides the most common UI integration points. You could create a traditional extension however, it can overlay any dialog.
There is no existing module that will help you that I know of, so you would have to create one, or wait for one to be made by someone else. But the main idea to extending browser UI is simple, and goes like this:
When the addon is loaded, scan for open windows of the type that you wish to extend.
extend the open windows by adding xul elements and javascript to the page.
listen for newly opened windows, and test that they are the type that you are looking for once they open
extend newly opened windows while your addon is active
Clean up after yourself when windows close or when your addon is disabled/uninstalled.
The last step is the most important and never matter with old school extensions which were not restartless.
Some for the built-in modules that you can look at that do this are the widget module, the context menu module, and the hotkeys module, all of which you can find here.
I've made a couple myself which are the toolbar button module, the xulkeys module, the menuitems module, and a few others, all of which you can find here.
Recently I wrote an extension do the same things. A bootstrap extension, not using addon-sdk.
I already submit it on AMO, but wait for review
And the source code

How do I write a custom start page for VS 2008?

I've looked around, and not found much documentation on this, so I thought I'd ask where all the experts hang out.
I would like to create a new start page, with bug tracking and source control interfaces, rather than the standard MSDN feed. I seem to remember that one can do more than just supply a different URL, but can actually implement a component to run as the start page, which needn't use web content. I may be wrong. Can anyone please give me some tips?
You can do is to create a DTE ToolWindow (read: Creating a ToolWindow hosting a .NET user control) and host your controls there, then its pretty easy to create an addin that will show the tool window as a document at runtime. (The same way that the start-up page looks)
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Startup and put your RSS URL in the Start Page news channel field.
That should give you enough, but if you want to do more you can select open home page in the at startup dropdown and point it at a URL with the appropriate content. If you use an intranet with Windows authentication you could display user specific stuff.
This will be completely customizable in VS 2010. You'll be able to do anything you want to on the start page.
