Storing, Loading, and Updating a Trie in ASP.NET MVC 3 -

I have a trie-based word detection algorithm for a custom dictionary. Note that regular expressions are too brittle with this dictionary as entries may contain spaces, periods, etc.
I've implemented the algorithm in a local C# app that reads in the dictionary from file and stores the trie in memory (it's compact, so no RAM size issues at all). Now I would like to use this algorithm in an MVC 3 app on a cloud host like AppHarbor, with the added twist that I want a web interface to enable adding/editing words.
It's fast enough that loading the dictionary from file and building the trie every time a user uploads their text would not be an issue (< 1s on my laptop). However, if I want to enable admins to edit the dictionary via the web interface, that would seem tricky since the dictionary would potentially be getting updated while a user is trying to upload text for analysis.
What is the best strategy for storing, loading, and updating the trie in an MVC 3 app?

I'm not sure if you are looking for specific implementation details, or more conceptual ideas about how to handle but I'll throw some ideas out there for now.
Actual Trie Classes - Here is a good C# example of classes for setting up a Trie. It sounds like you already have this part figured out.
Storing: I would persist the trie data to XML unless you are already using a database and have some need to have it in a dbms. The XML will be simple to work with in the MVC application and you don't need to worry about database connectivity issues, or the added cost of a database. I would also have two versions of the trie data on the server, a production copy and a production support copy, the second for which your admin can perform transactions against.
Loading In your admin module of the application, you may implement a feature for loading the trie data into memory, the frequency of data loading depends on your application needs. It could be scheduled or available as a manual function. Like in wordpress sites, if a user should access it while updating they would receive a message that the site is undergoing maintenance. You may choose to load into memory on demand only, and keep the trie loaded at all times except for if problems occurred.
Updating - I'd have a second database (or XML file) that is used for applying updates. The method of applying updates to production would depend partially on the frequency, quantity, and time of updates. One safe method might be to store transactions entered by the admin.
For example:
trie.put("John", 112);
trie.put("Doe", 222);
Then apply these transactions to your production data as needed via an admin function. If needed put your site into "maint" mode. If the updates are few and fast you may be able to code the site so that it will hold all work until transactions are processed, a user might have to wait a few milliseconds longer for a result but you wouldn't have to worry about mutating data issues.
This is pretty vague but just throwing some ideas out there... if you provide comments I'll try to give more.

1 Store trie in cache:
It is not dynamic data, and caching helps us in other tasks (like concurrency access to trie by admin and user)
2 Make access to cache clear:
public class TrieHelper
public Trie MyTrie
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["myTrieKey"] == null)
HttpContext.Current.Cache["myTrieKey"] = LoadTrieFromFile(); //Returns Trie object
return (Trie)HttpContext.Current.Cache["myTrieKey"];
3 Lock trie object while adding operation in progress
public void AddWordToTrie(string word)
var trie = MyTrie;
lock (HttpContext.Current.Cache["myTrieKey"])
} // notify that trie object locking when write data to file is not reuired
WriteNewWordToTrieFile(word); // should lock FileWriter object
4 If editing is performs by 1 admin at a time - store trie in xml file - it will be easy to implement logic of search element, after what word your word should be added (you can create function, that will use MyTrie object in memory), and add it, using linq to xml.

I've got a kind'a the same but 10 times bigger :)
The client design it's own calendar with questions ans possible answer in the meanwhile some is online and being used by the normal user.
What I come up was something as test and deploy. The Admin enters the calendar values and set it up correctly and after he can use a Preview button to see if it's like he needs/wants, then, to make the changes valid to all end users, he need to push Deploy.
He, as an ADMIN, will know that, until he pushes the DEPLOY button, all users accessing the Calendar will have the old values. Soon he hits deploy all is set in the Database, and pushed the files he uploaded into Amazon S3 (for faster access).
I update the Cache with the new calendar and the new Calendar object is cached until the App pool says otherwise or he hit the Deploy button again.
You could do something like this.

As you are going to perform your application in the cloud environment, I'd suggest you to take a look at CQRS and durable messaging and provide some concurrency model (possibly, optimistic concurrency and intelligent conflict detection 5:00)
Also, obviously, you need to analyze your business requirements more precisely because, as Udi Dahan mentioned, race conditions are result of the lack of business analysis.


Eventual Consistency in microservice-based architecture temporarily limits functionality

I'll illustrate my question with Twitter. For example, Twitter has microservice-based architecture which means that different processes are in different servers and have different databases.
A new tweet appears, server A stored in its own database some data, generated new events and fired them. Server B and C didn't get these events at this point and didn't store anything in their databases nor processed anything.
The user that created the tweet wants to edit that tweet. To achieve that, all three services A, B, C should have processed all events and stored to db all required data, but service B and C aren't consistent yet. That means that we are not able to provide edit functionality at the moment.
As I can see, a possible workaround could be in switching to immediate consistency, but that will take away all microservice-based architecture benefits and probably could cause problems with tight coupling.
Another workaround is to restrict user's actions for some time till data aren't consistent across all necessary services. Probably a solution, depends on customer and his business requirements.
And another workaround is to add additional logic or probably service D that will store edits as user's actions and apply them to data only when they will be consistent. Drawback is very increased complexity of the system.
And there are two-phase commits, but that's 1) not really reliable 2) slow.
I think slowness is a huge drawback in case of such loads as Twitter has. But probably it could be solved, whereas lack of reliability cannot, again, without increased complexity of a solution.
So, the questions are:
Are there any nice solutions to the illustrated situation or only things that I mentioned as workarounds? Maybe some programming platforms or databases?
Do I misunderstood something and some of workarounds aren't correct?
Is there any other approach except Eventual Consistency that will guarantee that all data will be stored and all necessary actions will be executed by other services?
Why Eventual Consistency has been picked for this use case? As I can see, right now it is the only way to guarantee that some data will be stored or some action will be performed if we are talking about event-driven approach when some of services will start their work when some event is fired, and following my example, that event would be “tweet is created”. So, in case if services B and C go down, I need to be able to perform action successfully when they will be up again.
Things I would like to achieve are: reliability, ability to bear high loads, adequate complexity of solution. Any links on any related subjects will be very much appreciated.
If there are natural limitations of this approach and what I want cannot be achieved using this paradigm, it is okay too. I just need to know that this problem really isn't solved yet.
It is all about tradeoffs. With eventual consistency in your example it may mean that the user cannot edit for maybe a few seconds since most of the eventual consistent technologies would not take too long to replicate the data across nodes. So in this use case it is absolutely acceptable since users are pretty slow in their actions.
For example :
MongoDB is consistent by default: reads and writes are issued to the
primary member of a replica set. Applications can optionally read from
secondary replicas, where data is eventually consistent by default.
from official MongoDB FAQ
Another alternative that is getting more popular is to use a streaming platform such as Apache Kafka where it is up to your architecture design how fast the stream consumer will process the data (for eventual consistency). Since the stream platform is very fast it is mostly only up to the speed of your stream processor to make the data available at the right place. So we are talking about milliseconds and not even seconds in most cases.
The key thing in these sorts of architectures is to have each service be autonomous when it comes to writes: it can take the write even if none of the other application-level services are up.
So in the example of a twitter like service, you would model it as
Service A manages the content of a post
So when a user makes a post, a write happens in Service A's DB and from that instant the post can be edited because editing is just a request to A.
If there's some other service that consumes the "post content" change events from A and after a "new post" event exposes some functionality, that functionality isn't going to be exposed until that service sees the event (yay tautologies). But that's just physics: the sun could have gone supernova five minutes ago and we can't take any action (not that we could have) until we "see the light".

Micro Services and noSQL - Best practice to enrich data in micro service architecture

I want to plan a solution that manages enriched data in my architecture.
To be more clear, I have dozens of micro services.
let's say - Country, Building, Floor, Worker.
All running over a separate NoSql data store.
When I get the data from the worker service I want to present also the floor name (the worker is working on), the building name and country name.
Client will query all microservices.
Problem - multiple requests and making the client be aware of the structure.
I know multiple requests shouldn't bother me but I believe that returning a json describing the entity in one single call is better.
Solution 2.
Create an orchestration that retrieves the data from multiple services.
Problem - if the data (entity names, for example) is not stored in the same document in the DB it is very hard to sort and filter by these fields.
Solution 3.
Before saving the entity, e.g. worker, call all the other services and fill the relative data (Building Name, Country name).
Problem - when the building name is changed, it doesn't reflect in the worker service.
solution 4.
(This is the best one I can come up with).
Create a process that subscribes to a broker and receives all entities change.
For each entity it updates all the relavent entities.
When an entity changes, let's say building name changes, it updates all the documents that hold the building name.
Each service has to know what can be updated.
When a trailing update happens it shouldnt update the broker again (recursive update), so this can complicate to the microservices.
solution 5.
Keeping everything normalized. Fileter and sort in ElasticSearch.
Problem: keeping normalized data in ES is too expensive performance-wise
One thing I saw Netflix do (which i like) is create intermediary services for stuff like this. So maybe a new intermediary service that can call the other services to gather all the data then create the unified output with the Country, Building, Floor, Worker.
You can even go one step further and try to come up with a scheme for providing as input which resources you want to include in the output.
So I guess this closely matches your solution 2. I notice that you mention for solution 2 that there are concerns with sorting/filtering in the DB's. I think that if you are using NoSQL then it has to be for a reason, and more often then not the reason is for performance. I think if this was done wrong then yeah you will have problems but if all the appropriate fields that are searchable are properly keyed and indexed (as #Roman Susi mentioned in his bullet points 1 and 2) then I don't see this as being a problem. Yeah this service will only be as fast as the culmination of your other services and data stores, so they have to be fast.
Now you keep your individual microservices as they are, keep the client calling one service, and encapsulate the complexity of merging the data into this new service.
This is the video that I saw this in ( its a long video but very informative.
It is hard to advice on the Solution N level, but certain problems can be avoided by the following advices:
Use globally unique identifiers for entities. For example, by assigning key values some kind of URI.
The global ids also simplify updates, because you track what has actually changed, the name or the entity. (entity has one-to-one relation with global URI)
CAP theorem says you can choose only two from CAP. Do you want a CA architecture? Or CP? Or maybe AP? This will strongly affect the way you distribute data.
For "sort and filter" there is MapReduce approach, which can distribute the load of figuring out those things.
Think carefully about the balance of normalization / denormalization. If your services operate on URIs, you can have a service which turns URIs to labels (names, descriptions, etc), but you do not need to keep the redundant information everywhere and update it. Do not do preliminary optimization, but try to keep data normalized as long as possible. This way, worker may not even need the building name but it's global id. And the microservice looks up the metadata from another microservice.
In other words, minimize the number of keys, shared between services, as part of separation of concerns.
Focus on the underlying model, not the JSON to and from. Right modelling of the data in your system(s) gains you more than saving JSON calls.
As for NoSQL, take a look at Riak database: it has adjustable CAP properties, IIRC. Even if you do not use it as such, reading it's documentation may help to come up with suitable architecture for your distributed microservices system. (Of course, this applies if you have essentially parallel system)
First of all, thanks for your question. It is similar to Main Problem Of Document DBs: how to sort collection by field from another collection? I have my own answer for that so i'll try to comment all your solutions:
Solution 1: It is good if client wants to work with Countries/Building/Floors independently. But, it does not solve problem you mentioned in Solution 2 - sorting 10k workers by building gonna be slow
Solution 2: Similar to Solution 1 if all client wants is a list enriched workers without knowing how to combine it from multiple pieces
Solution 3: As you said, unacceptable because of inconsistent data.
Solution 4: Gonna be working, most of the time. But:
Huge data duplication. If you have 20 entities, you are going to have x20 data.
Large complexity. 20 entities -> 20 different procedures to update related data
High cohesion. All your services must know each other. Data model change will propagate to every service because of update procedures
Questionable eventual consistency. It can be done so data will be consistent after failures but it is not going to be easy
Solution 5: Kind of answer :-)
But - you do not want everything. Keep separated services that serve separated entities and build other services on top of them.
If client wants enriched data - build service that returns enriched data, as in Solution 2.
If client wants to display list of enriched data with filtering and sorting - build a service that provides enriched data with filtering and sorting capability! Likely, implementation of such service will contain ES instance that contains cached and indexed data from lower-level services. Point here is that ES does not have to contain everything or be shared between every service - it is up to you to decide better balance between performance and infrastructure resources.
This is a case where Linked Data can help you.
Basically the Floor attribute for the worker would be an URI (a link) to the floor itself. And Any other linked data should be expressed as URIs as well.
Modeled with some JSON-LD it would look like this:
worker = {
'#id': '/workers/87373',
name: 'John',
floor: {
'#id': '/floors/123'
floor = {
'#id': '/floor/123',
'level': 12,
building: { '#id': '/buildings/87' }
building = {
'#id': '/buildings/87',
name: 'John's home',
city: { '#id': '/cities/908' }
This way all the client has to do is append the BASE URL (like to the #id and make a simple GET call.
To remove the extra calls burden from the client (in case it's a slow mobile device), we use the gateway pattern with micro-services. The gateway can expand those links with very little effort and augment the return object. It can also do multiple calls in parallel.
So the gateway will make a GET /floor/123 call and replace the floor object on the worker with the reply.

Dealing with concurrency issues when caching for high-traffic sites

I was asked this question in an interview:
For a high traffic website, there is a method (say getItems()) that gets called frequently. To prevent going to the DB each time, the result is cached. However, thousands of users may be trying to access the cache at the same time, and so locking the resource would not be a good idea, because if the cache has expired, the call is made to the DB, and all the users would have to wait for the DB to respond. What would be a good strategy to deal with this situation so that users don't have to wait?
I figure this is a pretty common scenario for most high-traffic sites these days, but I don't have the experience dealing with these problems--I have experience working with millions of records, but not millions of users.
How can I go about learning the basics used by high-traffic sites so that I can be more confident in future interviews? Normally I would start a side project to learn some new technology, but it's not possible to build out a high-traffic site on the side :)
The problem you were asked on the interview is the so-called Cache miss-storm - a scenario in which a lot of users trigger regeneration of the cache, hitting in this way the DB.
To prevent this, first you have to set soft and hard expiration date. Lets say the hard expiration date is 1 day, and the soft 1 hour. The hard is one actually set in the cache server, the soft is in the cache value itself (or in another key in the cache server). The application reads from cache, sees that the soft time has expired, set the soft time 1 hour ahead and hits the database. In this way the next request will see the already updated time and won't trigger the cache update - it will possibly read stale data, but the data itself will be in the process of regeneration.
Next point is: you should have procedure for cache warm-up, e.g. instead of user triggering cache update, a process in your application to pre-populate the new data.
The worst case scenario is e.g. restarting the cache server, when you don't have any data. In this case you should fill cache as fast as possible and there's where a warm-up procedure may play vital role. Even if you don't have a value in the cache, it would be a good strategy to "lock" the cache (mark it as being updated), allow only one query to the database, and handle in the application by requesting the resource again after a given timeout
You could probably be better of using some distributed cache repository, as memcached, or others depending your access pattern.
You could use the Cache implementation of Google's Guava library if you want to store the values inside the application.
From the coding point of view, you would need something like
public V get(K key){
V value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = map.get(key);
if (value == null) {
value = db.fetch(key);
map.put(key, value);
return value;
where the map is a ConcurrentMap and the mutex is just
private static Object mutex = new Object();
In this way, you will have just one request to the db per missing key.
Hope it helps! (and don't store null's, you could create a tombstone value instead!)
Cache miss-storm or Cache Stampede Effect, is the burst of requests to the backend when cache invalidates.
All high concurrent websites I've dealt with used some kind of caching front-end. Bein Varnish or Nginx, they all have microcaching and stampede effect suppression.
Just google for Nginx micro-caching, or Varnish stampede effect, you'll find plenty of real world examples and solutions for this sort of problem.
All boils down to whether or not you'll allow requests pass through cache to reach backend when it's in Updating or Expired state.
Usually it's possible to actively refresh cache, holding all requests to the updating entry, and then serve them from cache.
But, there is ALWAYS the question "What kind of data are you supposed to be caching or not", because, you see, if it is just plain text article, which get an edit/update, delaying cache update is not as problematic than if your data should be exactly shown on thousands of displays (real-time gaming, financial services, and so on).
So, the correct answer is, microcache, suppression of stampede effect/cache miss storm, and of course, knowing which data to cache when, how and why.
It is worse to consider particular data type for caching only if data consumers are ready for getting stale date (in reasonable bounds).
In such case you could define invalidation/eviction/update policy to keep you data up-to-date (in business meaning).
On update you just replace data item in cache and all new requests will be responsed with new data
Example: Stocks info system. If you do not need real-time price info it is reasonable to keep in cache stock and update it every X mils/secs with expensive remote call.
Do you really need to expire the cache. Can you have an incremental update mechanism using which you can always increment the data periodically so that you do not have to expire your data but keep on refreshing it periodically.
Secondly, if you want to prevent too many users from hiting the db in one go, you can have a locking mechanism in your stored proc (if your db supports it) that prevents too many people hitting the db at the same time. Also, you can have a caching mechanism in your db so that if someone is asking for the exact same data from the db again, you can always return a cached value
Some applications also use a third service layer between the application and the database to protect the database from this scenario. The service layer ensures that you do not have the cache miss storm in the db
The answer is to never expire the Cache and have a background process update cache periodically. This avoids the wait and the cache-miss storms, but then why use cache in this scenario?
If your app will crash with a "Cache miss" scenario, then you need to rethink your app and what is cache verses needed In-Memory data. For me, I would use an In Memory database that gets updated when data is changed or periodically, not a Cache at all and avoid the aforementioned scenario.

How to update/migrate data when using CQRS and an EventStore?

So I'm currently diving the CQRS architecture along with the EventStore "pattern".
It opens applications to a new dimension of scalability and flexibility as well as testing.
However I'm still stuck on how to properly handle data migration.
Here is a concrete use case:
Let's say I want to manage a blog with articles and comments.
On the write side, I'm using MySQL, and on the read side ElasticSearch, now every time a I process a Command, I persist the data on the write side, dispatch an Event to persist the data on the read side.
Now lets say I've some sort of ViewModel called ArticleSummary which contains an id, and a title.
I've a new feature request, to include the article tags to my ArticleSummary, I would add some dictionary to my model to include the tags.
Given the tags did already exist in my write layer, I would need to update or use a new "table" to properly use the new included data.
I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it viable when we do have a billion of rows?
Is there any proven strategies? Any feedbacks?
I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying
all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it
viable when we do have a billion of rows?
I would say "yes" :)
You are going to write a handler for the new summary feature that would update your query side anyway. So you already have the code. Writing special once-off migration code may not buy you all that much. I would go with migration code when you have to do an initial update of, say, a new system that requires some data transformation once off, but in this case your infrastructure would exist.
You would need to send only the relevant events to the new handler so you also wouldn't replay everything.
In any event, if you have a billion rows of data your servers would probably be able to handle the load :)
Im currently using the NEventStore by JOliver.
When we started, we were replaying our entire store back through our denormalizers/event handlers when the application started up.
We were initially keeping all our data in memory but knew this approach wouldn't be viable in the long term.
The approach we use currently is that we can replay an individual denormalizer, which makes things a lot faster since you aren't unnecessarily replaying events through denomalizers that haven't changed.
The trick we found though was that we needed another representation of our commits so we could query all the events that we handled by event type - a query that cannot be performed against the normal store.

Improve Web Service Performance

I have a web service that takes few arguments, based in on the arguments i need to apply some business logic and return a string value (Old or New), this service will have a frequent hit in production environment (more than 10 request per second). What is the best way of implementing the business logic, I want the service to be very fast and responsive.
Store data(conditions) in SQL Table and apply the Business logic in C# and return value.
Store data(conditions) in XML file and read file every time and apply the Business logic in C# and return value.
Store data(conditions) in SQL Table and write stored procedure to implement the business logic in side the SP and return value to service.
Note : Data(conditions) will not change frequently.
Please suggest the best approach to solve this.
The fastest way would be push some in-memory cache layer (for example redis) in front of your business logic. The effectiveness of this solution depends on how many different combinations of arguments there are possible. If not many - you can store them all in memory and invalidate cache always if conditions have been changed.
You said that data won't change frequently. My question is - if data (conditions) changes have to be presented to the user in real time, or any delay is possible? If so, you can use reverse proxy caching (varnish for example) - and that should be really fast.
Pre-mature optimization is a dangerous thing. My 2 cents, I would suggest building it out first as quickly and easily as possible. Then 'make it better'. Add in layers etc. Last step is 'make it faster'. You are thinking about the last step before taking the first step.
