How to update/migrate data when using CQRS and an EventStore? - events

So I'm currently diving the CQRS architecture along with the EventStore "pattern".
It opens applications to a new dimension of scalability and flexibility as well as testing.
However I'm still stuck on how to properly handle data migration.
Here is a concrete use case:
Let's say I want to manage a blog with articles and comments.
On the write side, I'm using MySQL, and on the read side ElasticSearch, now every time a I process a Command, I persist the data on the write side, dispatch an Event to persist the data on the read side.
Now lets say I've some sort of ViewModel called ArticleSummary which contains an id, and a title.
I've a new feature request, to include the article tags to my ArticleSummary, I would add some dictionary to my model to include the tags.
Given the tags did already exist in my write layer, I would need to update or use a new "table" to properly use the new included data.
I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it viable when we do have a billion of rows?
Is there any proven strategies? Any feedbacks?

I'm aware of the EventLog Replay strategy which consists in replaying
all the events to "update" all the ViewModel, but, seriously, is it
viable when we do have a billion of rows?
I would say "yes" :)
You are going to write a handler for the new summary feature that would update your query side anyway. So you already have the code. Writing special once-off migration code may not buy you all that much. I would go with migration code when you have to do an initial update of, say, a new system that requires some data transformation once off, but in this case your infrastructure would exist.
You would need to send only the relevant events to the new handler so you also wouldn't replay everything.
In any event, if you have a billion rows of data your servers would probably be able to handle the load :)

Im currently using the NEventStore by JOliver.
When we started, we were replaying our entire store back through our denormalizers/event handlers when the application started up.
We were initially keeping all our data in memory but knew this approach wouldn't be viable in the long term.
The approach we use currently is that we can replay an individual denormalizer, which makes things a lot faster since you aren't unnecessarily replaying events through denomalizers that haven't changed.
The trick we found though was that we needed another representation of our commits so we could query all the events that we handled by event type - a query that cannot be performed against the normal store.


CQRS Where to Query for business logic/Internal Processes

I'm currently looking at implementing CQRS driven by events (not yet event sourcing) in for a service at work; the reasoning being:
I need aggregate data to support a RestAPI coming out of this service (which will be used to populate views)- however the aggregated data will not be used by the application logic/processing (ie the data originating outside this service, the bits that of the aggregate originating within it will be used)
I need to stream events to other systems so that they can react to the data (will produce to a Kafka topic, so the 'read'/'projection' side of this system will consume the same events as the external systems, from these Kafka topics
I will be consuming events from internal systems to help populate the aggregate for the views in first point (ie it's data from this service and other's)
The reason for not going event sourced currently is that a) we're in a bit of a time crunch, and b) due to still learning about it. Having said which, it is something that we are looking to do in the future- though currently, we have a static DB in the 'Command' side of the system, which will just store current state
I'm pretty confident with the concept of using the aggregate data to provide the Rest API; however my confusion is coming from when I want to change a resource from within the system (for example via a cron job triggered 5 times a day) Example:
If I have resource of class x, which (given some data), wants a piece of state changing
I need to select instances of the class x which meet the requirements (from one of the DB's). Think select * from {class x} where last_changed_ date > 5 days ago;
Then create a command to change the state of these instances of x (in my case, the static command DB would be updated, as well as an event made to update the read DB)
The middle bullet point is what is confusing me. If I pull the data out of the Read DB, and check some information on it, then decide to change a property; I then have to convert the object from the 'Read Object' to the 'Command Object', so that I can then persist it and create an event? With my current architecture- I could query the command DB no problem, to find all the instances of {class x} that match the criteria, however I don't know if a) this is the right thing to do, and b) how this would work if I was using an event store as a DB? I'd have to query a table with millions of rows to find the most recent bit of state about the objects, to then see if they match?
Lots of what I read online has been very conceptual- so I think when it comes to implementations it maybe seems more difficult than it is? Anyhow, if anyone has any advice it would be hugely appreciated!
TIA :)
CQRS can be interpreted in a "permissive" way: rather than saying "thou shalt not query the command/write side", it says "it's OK to have a query/read side that's separate from the command/write side". Because you have this permission to do such separation, it follows that one can optimize the command/write side for a more write-heavy workload (in practice, there are always some reads in the command/write side: since command validation is typically done against some state, that requires some means of getting the state!). From this, it's extremely likely that there will be some queries which can be performed efficiently against the command/write side and some that can't be (without deoptimizing the command/write side). From this perspective, it's OK to perform the first kind of query against the command/write side: you can get the benefit of strong consistency by doing that, though be sure to make sure that you're not affecting the command/write side's primary raison d'etre of taking writes.
Event sourcing is in many ways the maximally optimized persistence model for a command/write side, especially if you have some means of keeping the absolute latest state cached and ensuring concurrency control. This is because you can then have many times more writes than reads. The tradeoff in event sourcing is that nearly all reads become rather more expensive than in an update-in-place model: it's thus generally the case that CQRS doesn't force event sourcing but event sourcing tends to force CQRS (and in turn, event sourcing can simplify ensuring that a CQRS system is eventually consistent, which can be difficult to ensure with update-in-place).
In an event-sourced system, you would tend to have a read-side which subscribes to the event stream and tracks the mapping of X ID to last updated and which periodically queries and issues commands. Alternatively, you can have a scheduler service that lets you say "issue this command at this time, unless canceled or rescheduled before then" and a read-side which subscribes to updates and schedules a command for the given ID 5 days from now after canceling the command from the previous update.

Event sourcing, hold read side consistent

I'm new in ES, and only trying to sort everything in my head. I have heard that ES is actually solving the consistency issue between write and read database (with some delay for sure). But I still do not fully understand how?
If command is coming to domain and aggregate root firing event to update event store, same event is sending to update read side?? But what if message lost, we will have outdated read side.
Is projections the only solution??So instead of updating from event, read side walking through event store and reproducing aggregate (from beginning or from some snapshot). But in such case it's probably breaking some rules as read side should be simple and it should not know about domain. And also usually read side is a separate application so she can't know about aggregate.
For sure we also can use rabbitMQ or some other message broker to not lost messages,and actually I think we need. But I also read that to make it consistent "you can use rabbit or ES", but again how ES can make it consistent by own??
Benjamin is completely right about the purpose of Event Sourcing.
My answer aims to add some more details.
Read models and projections aren't suppose to represent the aggregate state.
Projections are the way for event-sourced systems to build the read model for CQRS. CQRS in essence postulates that write and read models usually serve different purposes and therefore it makes perfect sense to use another model for the read side.
Therefore, you often find multiple projections building different, narrowly purposed models, targeting specific needs for queries.
By "solving consistency issues" you probably mean that in event-sourced systems each state transition is represented as an event (or multiple events). Therefore, writes are always transactional. The database you choose as your event store should support (could using some library or additional tool) real-time subscription that would allow you to receive new events in your projection, in order. For new projections, it will start reading from the start and eventually come real-time. Subscriptions usually need to keep the current processing position in the global stream of events so when the projection restarts, it starts receiving events from the point which is last known to it.
By doing this, you will guarantee that every state transition in the write model will be reflected in the read model. This is probably what you mean in your original question.
Now, all those things above imply that you cannot use a message bus (only) to deliver events to projections. Brokers give no ordering guarantees and can deliver one message more than once. Also, message brokers don't keep history so you cannot build new projections at will.
However, it doesn't mean that you can't use brokers at all. Some projections don't require ordering and are idempotent. But the feed for events to publish via a broker is the same subscription, so you get guaranteed delivery and can read past events if necessary.
CQRS doesn't imply separate databases. Sometimes, using CQRS just means that you use some persistence layer for your domain objects, so you read and write aggregates. But for queries, you just query at will, whatever you want. A database view is a technical example of CQRS.
Almost there:
Projections need to have little to no logic, it is true. The main point here is to ensure idempotency, if possible, so projections usually should not use operations to calculate new values based on old values and information from events.
But projections will know about your domain. Everything in your system should know about your domain.
And last:
You can definitely use different databases for write and read models without getting to Event Sourcing. You just need to choose a database that supports a change feed. SQL Server, Postgres, CosmosDb and other databases have such functionality.
P.S. I'd suggest spending some time studying those concepts. I can point to the book repository, it has CQRS and Event Sourcing examples:
I have heard that ES is actually solving the consistency issue between
write and read database
To the best of my knowledge, Event sourcing has NOTHING to do with consistency between read/write to your db. Consistency between read/write has actually more to do with the type of db you are using such as relational which are mostly ACID versus the non-relational db which are often eventual consistency.
ES is not meant for that, instead ES : "Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events" Martin Fowler.
ES works like time machine, which allows you to change the state of your application to a specific date time in the past.

Compensating Events on CQRS/ES Architecture

So, I'm working on a CQRS/ES project in which we are having some doubts about how to handle trivial problems that would be easy to handle in other architectures
My scenario is the following:
I have a customer CRUD REST API and each customer has unique document(number), so when I'm registering a new customer I have to verify if there is another customer with that document to avoid duplicity, but when it comes to a CQRS/ES architecture where we have eventual consistency, I found out that this kind of validations can be very hard to address.
It is important to notice that my problem is not across microservices, but between the command application and the query application of the same microservice.
Also we are using eventstore.
My current solution:
So what I do today is, in my command application, before saving the CustomerCreated event, I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right? Because my query can be desynchronized, so I cannot trust it 100%. That's when my second validation kicks in, when my query application is processing the events and saving them to my PostgreSQL, I check again if there is a customer with that document and if there is, I reject that event and emit a compensating event to undo/cancel/inactivate the customer with the duplicated document, therefore finishing that customer stream on eventstore.
Altough this works, there are 2 things that bother me here, the first thing is my command application relying on the query application, so if my query application is down, my command is affected (today I just return false on my validation if query is down but still...) and second thing is, should a query/read model really be able to emit events? And if so, what is the correct way of doing it? Should the command have some kind of API for that? Or should the query emit the event directly to eventstore using some common shared library? And if I have more than one view/read? Which one should I choose to handle this?
Really hope someone could shine a light into these questions and help me this these matters.
For reference, you may want to be reviewing what Greg Young has written about Set Validation.
I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right?
That's exactly right - your read model is stale copy, and may not have all of the information collected by the write model.
That's when my second validation kicks in, when my query application is processing the events and saving them to my PostgreSQL, I check again if there is a customer with that document and if there is, I reject that event and emit a compensating event to undo/cancel/inactivate the customer with the duplicated document, therefore finishing that customer stream on eventstore.
This spelling doesn't quite match the usual designs. The more common implementation is that, if we detect a problem when reading data, we send a command message to the write model, telling it to straighten things out.
This is commonly referred to as a process manager, but you can think of it as the automation of a human supervisor of the system. Conceptually, a process manager is an event sourced collection of messages to be sent to the command model.
You might also want to consider whether you are modeling your domain correctly. If documents are supposed to be unique, then maybe the command model should be using the document number as a key in the book of record, rather than using the customer. Or perhaps the document id should be a function of the customer data, rather than being an arbitrary input.
as far as I know, eventstore doesn't have transactions across different streams
Right - one of the things you really need to be thinking about in general is where your stream boundaries lie. If set validation has significant business value, then you really need to be thinking about getting the entire set into a single stream (or by finding a way to constrain uniqueness without using a set).
How should I send a command message to the write model? via API? via a message broker like Kafka?
That's plumbing; it doesn't really matter how you do it, so long as you are sure that the command runs within its own transaction/unit of work.
So what I do today is, in my command application, before saving the CustomerCreated event, I ask the query application (using PostgreSQL) if there is a customer with that document, and if not, I allow the event to go on. But that doesn't guarantee 100%, right? Because my query can be desynchronized, so I cannot trust it 100%.
No, you cannot safely rely on the query side, which is eventually consistent, to prevent the system to step into an invalid state.
You have two options:
You permit the system to enter in a temporary, pending state and then, eventually, you will bring it into a valid permanent state; for this you could allow the command to pass, yield CustomerRegistered event and using a Saga/Process manager you verify against a uniquely-indexed-by-document-collection and issue a compensating command (not event!), i.e. UnregisterCustomer.
Instead of sending a command, you create&start a Saga/Process that preallocates the document in a uniquely-indexed-by-document-collection and if successfully then send the RegisterCustomer command. You can model the Saga as an entity.
So, in both solution you use a Saga/Process manager. In order for the system to be resilient you should make sure that RegisterCustomer command is idempotent (so you can resend it if the Saga fails/is restarted)
You've butted up against a fairly common problem. I think the other answer by VoicOfUnreason is worth reading. I just wanted to make you aware of a few more options.
A simple approach I have used in the past is to create a lookup table. Your command tries to register the key in a unique constraint table. If it can reserve the key the command can go ahead.
Depending on the nature of the data and the domain you could let this 'problem' occur and raise additional events to mark it. If it is something that's important to the business/the way the application works then you can deal with it either manually or at the time via compensating commands. if the latter then it would make sense to use a process manager.
In some (rare) cases where speed/capacity is less of an issue then you could consider old-fashioned locking and transactions. Admittedly these are much better suited to CRUD style implementations but they can be used in CQRS/ES.
I have more detail on this in my blog post: How to Handle Set Based Consistency Validation in CQRS
I hope you find it helpful.

How to manage read requests in an event sourced application

I was asked to do some exploration in event sourcing. my objective is to create a tiny API layer that satisfies all the traditional CRUD operation. I am now using a package called 'sourced' and trying to play around with it (Using Nodejs).
However, I came to realize that the event sourcing is not quite useful when it is used alone. usually, it is coupled with CQRS.
My understanding of the CQRS is, when the UI sends a write command to the server. the app does some validation towards the data. and saves it in the event store(I am using mongoDB), for example: here is what my event store should look like:
{method:"createAccount",name:"user1", account:1}
{method:"deposit",name:"user1",account: 1 , amount:100}
{method:"deposit",name:"user1",account: 1 , amount:100}
{method:"deposit",name:"user1",account: 1 , amount:100}
It contains all the audit information rather than the eventual status.
however, I am confused how can I handle the read operation. what if I want to read the balance of an account. what exactly will happen?
here are my questions:
If we can not query the event store(database) directly for reading operation, then where should we query? should it be a cache in memory?
If we query the memory. is the eventual status already there or I have to do a replay (or left-fold) operation to calculate the result. for example, the balance of the account 1 is 50.
I found some bloggers talked about 'subscribe' or 'broadcast'. what are they and broadcast to who?
I will be really appreciated for any suggestion and please corret me if my understanding is wrong.
Great question Nick. The concept you are missing is 'Projections'. When an event is persisted you then broadcast the event. You projection code listens for specific events and then do things like update and create a 'read model'. The read model is a version of the end state (usually persisted but can be done in memory).
The nice thing is that you can highly optimise these read models for reading. Say goodbye to complicated and inefficient joins etc.
Becuase the read model is not the source of truth and it is designed specifically for reading, it is ok to have data duplication in it. Just make sure you manage it when appropriate events are received.
For more info check out these articles:
Overview of a Typical CQRS and ES Application **
How to Build a Master Details View when using CQRS and Event Sourcing
Handling Concurrency Conflicts in a CQRS and Event Sourced system
Hope you find these useful.
** The diagram refers to denormalisation where it should be talking about projections.
You can query the event store. The actual method of querying is specific to every implementation but in general you can poll for events or subscribe and be notified when a new event is persisted.
The event store is just a persistence for the write side that guaranties a strong consistency for the write operations and an eventual consistency for the read operations. In order to "understand" something from the events you need to project those events to a read-model then query the read-model. For example you can have a read-model that contain the current balance for every account as a MongoDB collection.

Is it ok to have FAT events with event sourcing?

I have recently been building an application on top of Greg Young EventStore as my peristance layer and I have been pondering how big should I allow an event to get?
For example I have an UK Address Aggregate with the following fields
Now I'm building the UI using React/Redux and was thinking should I create a single FAT addressUpdated Event contatining all the above fields?
Or should I Create a event for each of the different fields? and batch them within the client until the Save event is fired? buildingNameUpdated Event, streetUpdated Event, localityUpdated Event.
I'm not sure if the answer is as black and white ask I have asked it what I really would like to know is what conditions/constraints could you use to make the decision?
should I create a event for each of the different fields?
No. The representations of your events are part of the API -- so you want to use spellings that make sense at the level of the business, not at the level of the implementation.
Now I'm building the UI using React/Redux and was thinking should I create a single FAT updateAddress Event containing all the above fields?
You don't need to constrain the data that you send to your UI to match that which is in the persistence store. The UI is just a cached representation of a read model; there's no reason that representation needs to have the same form as what is in your event store.
Consider the React model itself -- your code makes changes to the "in memory" representation of your data, and then the library computes the new DOM and replaces it, which in turn causes the browser to update its view, which in turn causes the pixels on the screen to change.
So taking a fat event from the store, and breaking it into field level events for the UI is fine. Taking multiple events from the store and aggregating them into a single message for the UI is also fine. Taking events from the event store and transforming them into a spelling that the UI will recognize is also fine.
Do you have any comment regarding Arien answer regarding keeping fields that need to be consistent together? so regardless of when your snapshop the current state of the world it would be in a valid state?
I don't believe that this makes sense, and I'm not sure if it is possible in general.
It doesn't make sense, because "valid state" is a write model concern only; events are things that have happened, its too late to vote on whether they are valid or not. For instance, if you deploy a new model, with a new invariant, it still needs to respect the history of what happened before. So you can build a snapshot for that new model, but the snapshot may not be "valid". Too bad.
Given that, I don't think it makes sense to worry over whether each individual event in a commit leaves the snapshot in a valid state.
In particular, if a particular transaction involves multiple entities, it is very likely that the domain language will suggest an event for each entity (we "debit cash" and "credit accounts receivable"). The entities themselves, of course, are capable of changing independently of each other -- it's the aggregate that maintains the balance.
You have to bundle al the information together in one event when this data has to be consistent with each other.
So when you update one field of an address you probably get an unwanted address.
This will happen when the client has not processed all the events at a certain time due to eventual consistency.
Change address (City=1, Street=1, Housenumber=1) to (City=2, Street=2, Housenumber=2)
When you do this with 3 events and you have just processed one at the time of reading you could get the address: (City=2, Street=1, Housenumber=1).
If puzzled, give a try to a solution that is easier to implement. I guess "FAT" event will be easier: you will end up spending less time for implementing/debugging/supporting.
It is usually referred as YAGNI-KISS-Occam's Razor principles.
In theory and I find it to be a good rule of thumb is to have your commands and events reflecting the intent of the user staying true to DDD. You can find a good explanation of the pros and cons about event granularity here:
