Google Apps Marketplace SDK : setup a contextual gadget - google-api

Ok, so without much notification given, adding market place listings to your vendor profile is no longer possible. The 'create new listing' button is greyed out.
I need to make changes to an existing marketplace listing but that gives errors. We are forced into the new SDK.
So I went ahead and enabled the apps market SDK, filled out all details including images of all sizes, add a COB extension for the contextual gadget and saved the whole thing.
A minute later I return to make a modification and dang... error: "We are looking into this.".
#Google: HELP !
UPDATE : I can reliably reproduce the error as explained here.
Enable Google Apps Marketplace SDK in your project
click on the gear icon, you will be directed to the old API Console
Fill out all details
Add a COB extension (Contextual gadget)
Save everything
Close the API console
Go back to your cloud console -> Google Apps Marketplace SDK
Click on the gear icon again
Tested with several google accounts on different computeres and multiple projects on the cloud console.

#jonathanberi could we have a status on this issue, please? We are experiencing the exact same issue and we are unable to publish our app (which is ready) because of this bug. We have tried both creating a new Google Apps console project from scratch as well as modifying a draft of a yet to be published page with the same result. Is any information that we could provide to help?

You must fill out parameter name and a paramter value or your cloud console will return errors and you will not be able to recover from this.
Ouch, that were 3 useless weeks....


Google Docs/Slides add-on: other users need to request access when installing from marketplace

Summary: when other users find my Google Slides add-on in the Google Workspace Marketplace and try to install it, they hit a screen saying they need to request access. When they click the button to request access, it sends me (the script owner) a request to share the script file, which should not be necessary. How do I fix this?
I have a Google Slides add-on which has been publicly listed in the marketplace for years (predating the rebranding to Google Workspace). I last updated it in 2019, and recently I wanted to publish another update.
Since this is an old project, I had to go through migrating the add-on to its own standard GCP project and then getting OAuth verification for the (not very sensitive) scopes it needed. This is all done now. All throughout, the add-on has continued being listed in the Google Workspace Marketplace, even though no new users could use it.
All that is done, but other users are still unable to install the add-on from the Marketplace. Now, when they try to do so, they'll get a small new window pop up saying they need to request access - seemingly to the script file of the add-on. This shouldn't be necessary. Does anybody know why it's happening?
If you want to try yourself, the add-on is called Superuser Tools, and the Marketplace listing is here.

Where do you publish/unpublished apps on new Google Play Developer site

I can't for the life of me find the unpublish/publish switch on the new Google Play developer site. It used to be in pricing but I just cannot find it.
I currently have an app unpublished and need to change it back to published but can't find the option.
I cannot switch back to the classic version as I get a 403 error code.
You can just transfer it to another Google Play Developer account.
Follow this tutorial post to do that: Android Apps Transfer to Different Developer Account
Finally found it!
Click on the app in question, then choose 'Setup' then 'Advanced settings' and it is in there.

Can't publish initial build of app in Google Play Console

When I try to publish a release in the Google Play Console, I constantly get this error:
Your app cannot be published yet. Complete the steps listed on the Dashboard.
And yes, I have indeed completed all the steps listed in the dashboard. I am using the new Play Console Beta, this is possibly related. What do I need to do before I can publish a release? Is there a hidden step?
After some searching, I found the button 'Use classic Play Console'. Apparently there are some steps to be finished that are simply not visible in the Beta:
Click on Use classic Play Console
Go to Pricing & distribution
Check the Content guidelines checkmark
Check the US export laws checkmark
Press Save draft
And you're good to go!
I had that problem and fix it. the problem caused by google console because they added one additional task in the app content about wither your app is consider a news app or not. so go to the inbox in your app and you will find that message from google click and you will be leaded to the content that you should fill. I hope that help any one having that issue.
I also had this problem. It was regarding setting your app as free from the App Pricing section as my application was free. So after setting that, I released my app.

Issues showing SPFX webpart in teams tab

I am trying to build a Teams tab using an SPFx web part for a demo.
On my inital app the Sync to teams button in the app catalog was failing with this console error being returned...
https://{TENANT}/sites/AppCatalog/_api/web/tenantappcatalog/SyncSolutionToTeams 400
After running into this problem I started again and this time followed the below tutorial step by step but on my tenant the Sync to Teams button is disabled (This step is near in the end in the Making the web part available in Microsoft Teams section)
I then tried to follow the alternative method of side-loading the app by creating a manifest manually using this tutorial...
This resuted in the installation succeeding as far as the setup tab screen (this provides a preview of your tab in a model popup before adding the tab to a channel)
The result was "Sorry, something went wrong" (This was the end result of side-loading both my customised web part another freshly yo sharepoint generated scaffold.
Really stuck on whether there's a tenant issue or maybe some node package or SPFx version issue.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I received a same error from console which led me to this article.
In this case, the app was already synced to Teams store. If that's the case, you should find and remove it by opening Teams -> Apps -> Built for [tenantname]. After removing it here, I am able to successfully sync my app once more.
I'm using SPFx 1.8.1 version and added TeamsTab in supportedHosts manifest file. Deployed in tenant app catalog and tried to Sync to Teams. Then I'm getting same issue of SyncSolutionToTeams with 400 error. Please find the attached screenshot from console windwow.
The error occurs if the app is still in the Teams catalog. It doesn't override it and instead throws the error. This is a known bug and we will look to fix it in the future. For now, please try either manually updating the app from Teams (not from the SharePoint app catalog) or to delete the Teams app and then to resync from SharePoint.
In my case this error occurs when I changed title in webpart manifest file (webpart.manifest.json). When I rejected the change, it works. Probably there was some inconsistency in project files.

Unknown error when creating a new project in Google API

I am getting this error when I try to create a project in I have 8 more projects left in my quota. I have tried different names and different project IDs. When I hit the "retry" button it shows the error after some time again.
UPDATE [Oct 9, 2017]: It looks like Google fixed the issue, since I was able to create a new project today.
I went ahead and attempted to create a new project in the Google API, and received the same error. This has occurred before with the Google API and is considered a temporary issue, often being fixed the same day. But if I remember correctly they have had it down longer in the past.
So the good news is, it's not something that is on your end, the bad news is, it's on Google's end.
If your google account is a Google Apps account (Google Suite, Google Apps, Gsuite, or whatever the Marketing folks are calling it these days), then you need to enable "Google Developers Console".
Login as an admin to
Go to Apps > Additional Google services
Find the "Google Developers Console" line item and set to "ON for everyone" (or whatever).
That should do it.
