Xcode 4.2: What is the most effective method switching views? - xcode

I was thinking of games in particular, where there may be alot of views that need to be switched in and out. Could someone supply some sample xcode 4.2 code? Many tutorials have old xcode versions which have different initial code.

Most efficient method I would say is usin the story board feature. Set up a new view controller inside the main storyboard file and then control drag from which red button on one view to the next one. Very easy and no code required. Email me if you had any problems dai.evans94#live.co.uk


coding without storyboards

I am following a tutorial video on how to allow users to edit their profile. In this tutorial, they are using storyboards and I am not. I was wondering, do I have to use storyboards in order to follow along? Or can I use their code to plug into mine without the storyboard?
According to Apple documentation:
A storyboard is a visual representation of the user interface of an
iOS application, showing screens of content and the connections
between those screens. A storyboard is composed of a sequence of
scenes, each of which represents a view controller and its views;
scenes are connected by segue objects, which represent a transition
between two view controllers.
As you are probably guessing, storyboards contain information about widgets, animations, views that are required by the code you will be adding to yours. Additionally, Storyboards also contain the connection between the visual elements and the code (outlets and actions). All of that can be created programmatically but the code you will be pasting from this tutorial, if it's coming from a project that includes storyboards, won't contain this associated logic.
So, at this point, it would seem highly unwise to add complexity to your tutorial to recreate these elements at once. What I would suggest is for you to follow the tutorial and then try to remove some of these elements and replace them by code to obtain similar results just as an exercise to learn. Keep in mind that Storyboards have been around to simplify the design of UI in the application, so I would recommend for you to master their usage instead of shying away from them.

Xcode 6 - Swift - Multiple views on a single-window storyboard cocoa app

Just last week I decided to dive into the world of Swift and Xcode development, and as of yesterday I am actively working on a new application. I have a lot of experience with Java Swing, but working with that is obviously a lot different than working with Apple's fancy interface builders and storyboards.
I am trying to develop a single-window application that has many different views that can be navigated by buttons. I tried to wrap my head around the way the storyboard works, but even after all my reading of the documentation I don't know really what I'm doing - I'm so used to working in hard code. It came to the point where I wrote my app's entire network layer just to avoid working with the interface.
Basically I have a set of different NSViewControllers, each with references to a few of their components (buttons, labels, etc) and I want certain buttons to be able to change the current view controller (preferably with a segue animation) to a different one. How can I approach this? I would guess that this isn't hard to achieve, but I am lost. Any help would be appreciated!
Let me know if I need to submit any code - I do have the basic classes written but nothing relating to this.

iOS 7 Back Button in Interface builder

I've been messing around with the new iOS7 SDK and I want to make a back button like there is in most of the other OS apps. Heres a screen shot of what I'm trying to do:
But I can't figure out how. I've never really messed with interface builder because I usually code with opengl apps, so any solutions would be much appreciated. Thanks.
That is is standard "back" button. You get this when you use a navigation controller and show one view controller then push a second. The "<" means "go back". The "September" part is the title of the previous view controller. You don't need to create one of these. Just make proper use of a navigation controller and a couple of view controllers and it will appear automatically.

Collection View Not Visible in Simulator

I am extremely new at Xcode. I am building an app that has a collection view in it. It looks great in the storyboard view, but nothing shows up when I run the simulator. I have images and labels in the cells. I have created a subclass for the cells and made my connections for the images and labels into the .h file. For right now I am just making a stub prototype (cells don't link to anything). If anyone can give me an answer or just suggest something to try than that would be great.
You're making a dynamic prototype - to actually show data, you need to read up on datasources and delegates.
If I were you, I would start with trying to make a simple UITableView app first. Google UITableView tutorial to get started.
After you're familiar with the above concepts, then would I suggest to go through a collection view tutorial - it's a relatively simple set of concepts when you get it, but you have to get it first :)

Xcode 4.2 and new Tabbed Application Project

Can anyone help with Xcode 4.2 and the new tabbed application project? With Xcode 4.2, i create a new tabbed bar application, and it works as desired. However, it seems that instead of creating a new window and main.xib file that contains the tabviewcontroller, it sets everything in code within the appDelegate.
its easy to work with the tabbarcontroller via code and i have no problems setting up other tab items, however, i feel that my iOS development skills (they are new) are missing something as i would NOT even know if it was still possible to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically now in the way this project template has been setup.
Is there a way to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically? would i have to create a new main.xib file and link everything up to that? i'm still not strong enough in my skills to work out all the minute details but if that is the path that people suggest, i will look into it and try to figure it out.
I only want to work this out so i can fully understand whats going on now with Xcode 4.2, I have no unrelenting desire to only work with the tab bar controller graphically, but am curios as to why i cannot find it (or if i should)... just trying to get my head around how these things should be working.
You should use the Single-View Application template.
HEre you can add graphically that control
