Xcode 4.2 and new Tabbed Application Project - xcode

Can anyone help with Xcode 4.2 and the new tabbed application project? With Xcode 4.2, i create a new tabbed bar application, and it works as desired. However, it seems that instead of creating a new window and main.xib file that contains the tabviewcontroller, it sets everything in code within the appDelegate.
its easy to work with the tabbarcontroller via code and i have no problems setting up other tab items, however, i feel that my iOS development skills (they are new) are missing something as i would NOT even know if it was still possible to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically now in the way this project template has been setup.
Is there a way to work with the tabviewcontroller graphically? would i have to create a new main.xib file and link everything up to that? i'm still not strong enough in my skills to work out all the minute details but if that is the path that people suggest, i will look into it and try to figure it out.
I only want to work this out so i can fully understand whats going on now with Xcode 4.2, I have no unrelenting desire to only work with the tab bar controller graphically, but am curios as to why i cannot find it (or if i should)... just trying to get my head around how these things should be working.

You should use the Single-View Application template.
HEre you can add graphically that control


Xcode 6 - Swift - Multiple views on a single-window storyboard cocoa app

Just last week I decided to dive into the world of Swift and Xcode development, and as of yesterday I am actively working on a new application. I have a lot of experience with Java Swing, but working with that is obviously a lot different than working with Apple's fancy interface builders and storyboards.
I am trying to develop a single-window application that has many different views that can be navigated by buttons. I tried to wrap my head around the way the storyboard works, but even after all my reading of the documentation I don't know really what I'm doing - I'm so used to working in hard code. It came to the point where I wrote my app's entire network layer just to avoid working with the interface.
Basically I have a set of different NSViewControllers, each with references to a few of their components (buttons, labels, etc) and I want certain buttons to be able to change the current view controller (preferably with a segue animation) to a different one. How can I approach this? I would guess that this isn't hard to achieve, but I am lost. Any help would be appreciated!
Let me know if I need to submit any code - I do have the basic classes written but nothing relating to this.

Tell Xcode to not use autolayout on project

Can I tell Xcode 4 that I do not use autolayout in a project?
At the moment, autolayout is on for every new xib created, which means I have to turn it off manually after creating one, and I don't want that.
That's a problem with Auto Layout. You can't set it off in the entire code. You need to get it, as G.H. made.
Right now it's not perfect, but I suggest you to start taking a look at the documentation. I also suggest you to watch the WWDC 2012 sessions videos, that cover this really great feature.

Not seeing my view in simulator using XCode 4.2

I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 and I'm having problems viewing my project in the simulator. I'm getting a blank whit view when I run the simulator. I'm using a single view application. I created a interface .h, .m, .xib... I have connected all actions and outlets and saved everything. My thoughts are that I have overlooked something simple. again, I just started using Xcode 4.2 today. Help!
I am assuming you are not doing this
if((self = [super initWithNibName:#"MyClass" bundle:nil])) {
// do stuff here
This isn't enough information to tell what's wrong with your code.
That said, if create new project in XCode using the "Single View Application" template you can see how everything is hooked up and you may be solve your problem with a 'how is mine different?' comparison.
If that fails... post some code and we might be able to see the issue.
Edit: From your screenshot it looks like you are mixing storyboards and XIBs. If you are using storyboards, then you won't see .xib files. They are inside your storyboard. You can click on the storyboard file and edit the first XIB which loads when your app runs as well as create new ones. You can still do things the "old" way by just unchecking storyboards when you first create the app. On a side note, it is possible to mix storyboards and straight XIBs, but I don't think that's what you were going for.
At a guess, you created a project with storyboards, then added a XIB manually and you get a blank XIB. Try clicking on the storyboard and modifying the XIB in there. I bet they will show up when you run your app.

Port storyboard to iOS4

I'm a fan of Xcode's new storyboarding, but I'm annoyed it won't work on iOS4. I understand why it won't work, because it relies on new classes added to the iOS5 framework. However, it would be cool to be able to port a storyboard back to iOS4 somehow. A tool that outputted xib files for the individual stories, and code generation for segues.
If anyone knows of anyone else doing something in this area, I'd be interested in using it, since my app needs to support iOS4, but I'd like to move forward with Storyboarding. Can i have my cake and eat it too?
Nope you cant. Ended up gutting the storyboarding and going back to individual xibs.

Xcode 4.2: What is the most effective method switching views?

I was thinking of games in particular, where there may be alot of views that need to be switched in and out. Could someone supply some sample xcode 4.2 code? Many tutorials have old xcode versions which have different initial code.
Most efficient method I would say is usin the story board feature. Set up a new view controller inside the main storyboard file and then control drag from which red button on one view to the next one. Very easy and no code required. Email me if you had any problems dai.evans94#live.co.uk
