jqgrid edit dialog align to center - jqgrid

I am using jqgrid in my application.
I need the edit dialog should be center aligned.
I tried to search a way but failed. If any one have the solution please let me know.
thanks in advance.

Look at the demo from the answer.
One more way to solve the same problem you can find here. In the case the position of the dialog will be based on the current selected row.


Issue when moving up down in a THorzScrollBox to scroll it's parent TVertScrollBox

I'm facing a problem with this 2 ScrollBox, one is TVertScrollBox which display whole screen and it have a THorzScrollBox in it, my problem is if i want to touch to the HorzScrollbox item and move up and down, my VertScrollBox have to scroll same as. Are there any ways to solve this issue? Thanks in advance
//Edit 1 : I'm using a gesture and ScrollBy(x,y) function to do with this issue. But it seem a bit laggy(not smooth) and still the HorzitonScrollBox scroll it own. A image for this(http://i.imgur.com/weOqW0R.gifv). Still watting another solution to do this
You can do it using UICollectionView as given in below example project.
Source code link: http://bascarsija.s3.amazonaws.com/CollectionView.zip
After downloading this source code, In build settings change the value of the "Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C" to Default Compiler and run the app.
OK, I have found a simple answer.
When you have a THorzScrollBox inside of a TVertScrollBox, set THorzScrollBox.Touch.InteractiveGestures.Pan to False.

Sliding bottomsheet like redbus

I want to implement a search feature similar to the redbus app. The screenshots are shown below. When I click on editbox, it should slide the sheet(from bottom) with the name of the cities as shown in screenshot2 and when I select any one of them, it should dismiss and fill the selected details in edit box. I have already tried working with bottomsheet, but could not find a way. Please help.
This is an angular material directive called bottom sheet:
You can use
startactivityforresult(my intent,1)
In your app. Let me know if you want any further help. Hope this helps u nuf.

ViewControl always categorized? Xpages/Notes

im having a bit of a problem with the viewcontrol in Domino Designer 9.0.
Im working on an Application that was NOT created by me. I cant ask the original developer but i have made some good expierence here so i hope for help again.
I have a view control that is categorized. At least i think its categorized but you can expand and collapse some values so i guess its categorized. And i simply dont want that. I already went in the View(not the Control) and configurated every column to "none" sorting. However the control is still categorized. I have already been googling for ages but everybody is talking about a "expandLevel" property which is simply cannot find. I know i have given you very litle information on my problem but thats all i know. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
PS: Sorry for the bad english im not a native speaker.
Sincerly, Brugen.
I have no idea whats wrong with your application: As the helper- text in the column- properties of a view states on the Display Tab:
"Expand image" and "Collapse image" can only be defined when a column is categorized, or its responses are intented.
To categorize this column open the View design element to which this is bound, and choose to categorize any columns that you wish to categorize
I just checked with an example database to be absolutely sure: The view in xpage is categorized, when the underlying view is and it is sorted only when I change the column- property. No voodoo in xpage involved.
There might be some caching issues (serverside or clientside) that prevents you from seeing the changes, but basically it should work.
The expandLevel property that you found is basically just there to tell the xpage which categories to expand / collapse by default. If can be found in the All Properties- Pane of the xpage, opening data - data - dominoView.
If this does not work for you, then the guy who made this xpage did something special. Then we need the source- code of your xpage to tell WHAT he did.

Transition effect like the start menu tile transition on WP7

I would like to recreate the transition effect which can be observed when a user clicks on a tile on the start menu. But I have hit a road block in my quest. I am unable to search for information related to that particular transition. Is it possible to do so in you own application? If so, please guide me. Thanks in advance.
I call it a 'peel animation' and have implemented it here:
Others call it a 'turnstile' and have also implemented it:

ToolTip while Drop Down ComboBox

I have created a combo box in my project which takes a certain amount of numbers from a file.
This Combo drops down the list of the numbers each of represents something.
That something I want to be displayed in a tooltip when the mouse hovers on the combo box.
Until now everything has gone fine.
What I want now is to see the tooltip when the mouse rolls over the list of the dop down combo.
How can I do that? Until now the internet didn't give me something to work on it.
Is there some one to assist me on that?
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for, where a tooltip appears over a ComboBox item you mouse over?
If so take a look at this article on codeproject.com:
A Windows.Forms.ComboBox with Item ToolTips for 32 bit Windows XP (SP2)
It's VB.NET and currently displays a ComboBox item's text when moused over; I'm sure you can adapt it to your specific needs.
Finally I solved the issue with Combo Box which I mentioned on this question.
Of course there is no any solution give it from Microsoft for it, but with a small trick we manage to do what we want to do from one hand, and nobody seams to understand HOW we did it from the other hand.
So if anybody wants to see this solution please set a question and I will try to answer immediately.
For "bad and worst" please put a comment on this question.
My code is in vb.net.
