ToolTip while Drop Down ComboBox - windows

I have created a combo box in my project which takes a certain amount of numbers from a file.
This Combo drops down the list of the numbers each of represents something.
That something I want to be displayed in a tooltip when the mouse hovers on the combo box.
Until now everything has gone fine.
What I want now is to see the tooltip when the mouse rolls over the list of the dop down combo.
How can I do that? Until now the internet didn't give me something to work on it.
Is there some one to assist me on that?

Is this the sort of thing you're looking for, where a tooltip appears over a ComboBox item you mouse over?
If so take a look at this article on
A Windows.Forms.ComboBox with Item ToolTips for 32 bit Windows XP (SP2)
It's VB.NET and currently displays a ComboBox item's text when moused over; I'm sure you can adapt it to your specific needs.

Finally I solved the issue with Combo Box which I mentioned on this question.
Of course there is no any solution give it from Microsoft for it, but with a small trick we manage to do what we want to do from one hand, and nobody seams to understand HOW we did it from the other hand.
So if anybody wants to see this solution please set a question and I will try to answer immediately.
For "bad and worst" please put a comment on this question.
My code is in


Rid Drop-down Arrow in Google Docs Table

I want to rid the drop-down arrow for borders that displays in each cell of a table in Google Docs. Annoying! Not a developer; just a user albeit v. strong one. Using Chrome (and sadly Windows 7 - long story but received free laptop with it and can't find free upgrade to Windows 10).
Well put! I have the same annoying problem. In a small cell, the drop-down hides some of the text. You must move to another cell to view the contents of the previous cell. I hope someone provides an answer.

how to remove drop down arrow from combo box?

I am working on a sample application to display combo box. i could display the combo box.
But i want to remove the combo box drop down arrow.
please let me know how to do this.
You can't do this without painting the control yourself. But there's no point to do that because a combo box that can't be dropped down is an edit box. Use one of those instead, perhaps supporting auto suggest.
even with all of the common control library's support for owner/custom drawing, getting rid of the combo box is difficult to impossible. most likely impossible.
i would not have even tried if there weren't significant complexities involved to switching to a different type of control...
just my experience, and in a past life i did owner-drawn toolbars and such all day long.

Does Windows allow to have a window with both the help button and the min/max buttons?

I want to put help buttons on all my windows, like this:
But when I put the help button in, the minimize/maximize buttons disappear. Does Windows forbid having the min/max buttons together with the help buttons? That would be disappointing because that would mean I could put the help button only on dialogs and not on frames.
If Windows does forbid this, it would be nice to see an official Microsoft document which talks about this policy.
It is not possible through setting windows styles. If you really wanted to you could set some hooks that would probably let you do what you want, but I would not recommend doing that. You can mimic the functionality of the help button by sending the WM_HELP message.
According to MSDN, the styles WS_MAXIMIZEBOX and WS_MINIMIZEBOX can not be combined with WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP.
Although it is true what daalbert says, with some effort it is indeed possible to draw just about anything properly on the window frame. Of course this is in no way "official" and the limitation that daalbert mentions still stands.
You can listen for WM_NCPAINT and draw the button yourself with the help of DrawFrameControl with DFC_BUTTON (which makes sure it will look like the real thing). Use WM_NCHITTEST and friends (WM_NC*BUTTON*) to find out whether the button you draw gets clicked.
So yes, it's technically possible to achieve what you want but usually not worth the extra effort.
Just wanted to have this on record for completeness.

Visual C# Express 2008 Form Designer AutoScroll

This may not be the kind of question one should ask on StackOverflow, but here's a frustration that I've been trying to find a work-around for.
When using the form designer, suppose the entire form does not fit in the space allotted to the form designer, and I have a control say, down near the bottom of the form.
If I try to re-size that control, or move it using the mouse, the work area will auto-scroll to the top of the work area. This essentially pulls my control to the top of the screen. It isn't possible to scroll with the scroll wheel while "holding" a control, and even ScrollLock does nothing for me.
Is there any way to just turn the auto-scrolling off? That way I can at least work on my form without guessing numbers to type into the properties window.
Can't you just turn off autoscroll for the form?
I think it's off by default.
Form.AutoScroll = False

VB6: Extend number of items in combo box

Is there a way to extend the number of items that appear in the VB6 combo instinsic control, when it drops down? I have about 10 items and I'd like to show them all.
This code at Karl Peterson's classic VB website will automatically size the combo box to match the number of elements:
I've used the code here, and can confirm that it works as advertised. If you remove the last SendMessage call, it won't actually dropdown until the user clicks on it.
