ViewControl always categorized? Xpages/Notes - view

im having a bit of a problem with the viewcontrol in Domino Designer 9.0.
Im working on an Application that was NOT created by me. I cant ask the original developer but i have made some good expierence here so i hope for help again.
I have a view control that is categorized. At least i think its categorized but you can expand and collapse some values so i guess its categorized. And i simply dont want that. I already went in the View(not the Control) and configurated every column to "none" sorting. However the control is still categorized. I have already been googling for ages but everybody is talking about a "expandLevel" property which is simply cannot find. I know i have given you very litle information on my problem but thats all i know. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.
PS: Sorry for the bad english im not a native speaker.
Sincerly, Brugen.

I have no idea whats wrong with your application: As the helper- text in the column- properties of a view states on the Display Tab:
"Expand image" and "Collapse image" can only be defined when a column is categorized, or its responses are intented.
To categorize this column open the View design element to which this is bound, and choose to categorize any columns that you wish to categorize
I just checked with an example database to be absolutely sure: The view in xpage is categorized, when the underlying view is and it is sorted only when I change the column- property. No voodoo in xpage involved.
There might be some caching issues (serverside or clientside) that prevents you from seeing the changes, but basically it should work.
The expandLevel property that you found is basically just there to tell the xpage which categories to expand / collapse by default. If can be found in the All Properties- Pane of the xpage, opening data - data - dominoView.
If this does not work for you, then the guy who made this xpage did something special. Then we need the source- code of your xpage to tell WHAT he did.


Delphi component as shown in RAD Studio

The "File >New >Other..." command of the IDE environment, shows the following image:
In the image, two areas (A) and (B) are observed. I am interested in using area control (B).
I assumed it was a TListView control, but I haven't been able to achieve similar view options as above. Other people have suggested that each of the displayed items (icon, title, and descriptive text) can be inserted inside a common container (TPanel, TFrame) and "stacked" inside a TScrollBox, a possible solution, but I think the Delphi folks may have used something more optimized.
Does anyone know which component has been used to generate that view? Or, does anyone know how to generate such a view?
It is a component called TControlList:

Nativescript - Add to favorites/featured

I´m in that point on my app where i need to give the user the ability to save to favorites. To be more specific, let´s say that he´s seeing a list-view and then presses one of the listitems which takes him to the detail of that i have a star icon that when pressed it should save that item and then if he navigates to the favorites page, he will see another listview with all of the favorites.
but i´m stuck on how to accomplish this, the only thing that comes to my mind is the application should be a dynamic array that always exists and then keeps adding or deleting objects(favorites).
Any thougts on this? can anyone suggest me an approach? maybe a better one?
You may use the nativescript-localstorage plugin which internally uses file system only and takes care of reading / updating JSON file as needed.

Domino on mac client - weird doc behavior

I support an old (late 90s) Domino DB that has a growing number of Mac users. In some docs, layout regions become grayed out once you click anywhere in the doc even though it's still editable, i.e. if the cursor was in a text field and you type something blindly and save it, it will be there when you reopen the doc. It doesn't happen in all docs and I have found no pattern.
Any Domino designers seen any behavior like this? I don't this there is anything too weird in the code; onBlur or onChange used in some cases - that sort of thing. Nothing too complicated really. Thanks!
Layout regions are a nightmare to maintain: there can be objects with differing hide-when formulas stacked on top of each other that might be causing this. I suggest making a copy you can work in without worry: inspect each object fully (keeping notes) then delete. Keep drilling down until you hopefully hit an object that matches your grey-out. If you don't find one, then it could be a bug as posted by Richard Schwartz. As Richard and D.Bugger suggest, perhaps it's time to rebuild the functionality without using a layout region: layout regions never worked with a web browser.

How to know which NSTableView opened a Contextual Menu?

I have 5 NSTableView's instances that have the same contextual menu. When I get the message that the menu has been clicked I need to know which table sent it. I've checked the NSMenu documentation but I don't seem to find a way to check which of the tables opened the menu..
I'm thinking of subclassing NSTableView and send a message to the delegate on menuForEvent, would that be the best way?
Thanks Joshua, I,am using 5 tables to display a 5 day week task planning. Each table represents a week day, and I added the contextual menu for adding and removing tasks. So when a user clicks "add task" on a week day I need to know which one. I've got it working by subclassing tableview and sending a message to the delegate when the menu is opened. In this manner my controller knows which of the tables was the last to call the menu.
But it doesn't seem to me like the best implementation to get this, maybe is like you said the problem lies on the UI, what do you think?
I don't see a way to get this information. Menus aren't "attached" to anything; they're displayed in a location. Your -menuForEvent: override might work but it gives me the willies.
While this isn't an answer to your question, I confess my first reaction is "why do you have multiple tables with exactly the same menu?" This strikes me more as a UI issue. One would think a contextual menu would be pretty specific to the specific kind of thing (or view thereof) that it represents. That begs the question: why do you have 5 table views that all have exactly the same context? If all 5 tables represent things that are controlled in the same way by the (presumably) same controller, it's highly likely there's a better way to represent your "collection of things" than 5 separate tables.
I'm making a lot of assumptions, granted, but my curiosity is getting the best of me, I suppose. :-)

Outlook 2003 - Add an icon column to a View?

I want to add a custom column to the Inbox which is a Yes/No column. I want an icon to show in the Yes case. How can I do this?
Everything I've looked up is either about adding a column through the View.XML property, through UserProperties.Add with addToFolderFields = true, or through Field Chooser.
There are also a lot of forums where Dmitry from just tells people it's not possible to set an icon with no real explanation.
It's pretty frustrating - why would Outlook's UI support creating Icon fields if you can't set an icon for them?! Won't they just always be blank columns?!
Some alternative questions that would also help if they were answered:
What is the "bitmap" element in the View.XML of a <column>?
How can I set a userproperty as the value of a column using the "prop" element of a <column>?
Where can I find a description of the View.XML definition? Microsoft articles all have bad links.
Icons in the Header and icons in the column itself aren't possible without some kind of Windows API hacks on the column cells.
If someone has a good one, I'll mark it as an answer. Otherwise, I'll mark this ("Impossible") as the accepted answer.
EDIT: I looked with Spy++. Outlook's view is a "SUPERGRID" that is manually painted. You don't have access to individual cells. So that makes it a lot harder. A hack would have to like subclass the SUPERGRID and override some internal method or something. Then replace Outlook's SUPERGRID with the subclassed one. Or something equally terrible. I'm thinking impossible is the only real answer...
may you check that thread, therer might be an solution via form
