Visual Studio Setup Project .vdproj Always Getting Modified - visual-studio-2010

Everytime I build my solution the setup project's .vdproj file always gets modified.
This has always annoyed me, but especially so at the moment since I am making some big changes and upgrading some projects and I am finding it very frustrating trying to figure out if the setup project actually has any changes which I should be concerned about.
Looking at the svn diff it just seems to modify guids and reorder sections for some reason. Is there anyway I can stop it doing this, or can someone explain why it feels the need to keep doing this when seemingly nothing has changed?


Debugger always saves my project and I can't step back

I often need to return to a previous milestone.
There is a vicious cycle: my error is revealed only during debugging, but I can't step back because the debugger has saved my project.
In simple projects I always used to make a copy of my cpp file (just keep ctrl and drug your file a bit).
But now projects has become more complicated (with header files).
I have tried to use save solution as. But it seems as if it is just renaming the sln file without making a copy of the whole project.
So, what shall I do? Copy the whole project as I did with the file?
The question seems a bit clumsy but it really troubles me: what elegant decision is there?
You can use software versioning systems like SVN or Git to undo the savings and return to previous point in your project, also there are some extensions for visual studio like ankhsvn and Gitextention that you can use.
If you are using vs 2010, you can disable saving on build event from Tools>Options>Projects and Solutions>Build and Run

Incremental project saving in Visual Studio

Usually when I start a web site project and build on it over time, every time I want to save my project, I save it and keep a copy of that saving that consisted of all project files in a .rar file and keep a lot of Incremented saving .rar files , I do it because I could possibly mess things up and sometimes I run out of idea what went wrong, so that previous version of my web site project will help me have a return point to where things were OK.
I'm not sure if it's the best approach for this purpose, I was wondering if there is any tools or extensions to make it easier, so every time I save my project that extension or something do it for me, or is it any better approach to do this that I'm not aware of?
The best approach is version control. Look at svn or git for instance, there are also VS extensions so you can use them from within the IDE if that is what you are after.

TFS re-add Visual Studio 2010 project

I have a project that is source controlled using TFS. I was doing some coding on my laptop when, unfortunately, my computer crashed and I ended up having to re-install Windows. I was afraid that all my code would be lost, but thankfully I was able to restore the code files.
My problem is that now I need to commit the changes to TFS. Currently the projects do not have any source bindings. I can't overwrite the current code base because there is work that has been done since my crash by other devs.
How can I add the changes I've made to TFS?
The way i've done something like this is kinda hackish, but what i usually do is get latest from TFS onto my laptop, and checkout all of the code from the project in question. Then i take the changed code and copy it over that folder, check it in. TFS should be smart enough to only really affect the actual code items that have been changed. You can see in the history the actual files that got changed to be sure.
If you know the exact files that you need to update, then that will make things much easier, because you can do the above steps, but then just check out the particular files you know of. You can do a compare between them and your new code to make sure that you don't overwrite anything your other programmers have done. Again, hackish, but i don't know of any streamlined way to do this.
You might want to make sure that you download the TFS visual studio extension, since that will give you rollback capability.

visual studio 2010 last successful build

I made some changes to my website, then had to reformat my server, and over two weeks I tried to undo what I did (it was a stupid forum thingy). Obviously I missed something, becuase now I have the dreaded Build Failed With No Error problem.
This is my home server, so no I am not running source control.
After staring at it for a few days, I decided to try somehting. Today I allowed VS to run the last successful build, and it still works.
QUESTION: How can I go back to the last successful build? I don't care about any changes made since it worked. That's really all I need.
Have you checked to see if you have Previous Versions available?
It sounds like you won't likely be able to recover the source files / project config, though you could certainly attempt to recover the "source" by using tools like ILSpy or .NET Reflector. You can use them to examine the output assemblies, and reconstruct your code if necessary.
As a lesson learned, both Mercurial and Git work wonderfully for versioning home projects - I'd give a slight nod to Mercurial in your case as it works just a tad bit easier on the Windows platform.

Why don't files automatically get checked out from VSS when I edit them?

This is driving me crazy and has resulted in lost work (not much, at least).
Normally, when I edit a file in Visual Studio, it's supposed to automatically check that file out in source safe. On multi-project solutions (e.g., web app with class libraries), sometimes none of the files in one project would automatically get checked out, though exiting & reloading visual studio may fix that problem temporarily. Furthermore, project files are never automatically checked out. Whenever I add/remove code files, I have to remember to explicitly check out the project file as well (otherwise we'll have issues with code files not showing up in the solution explorer, or trying to load non-existing files).
We're using VS-2008 and VSS 2005. Do you have any idea how I might fix this? There are no more visual-studio updates/fixes on Microsoft Update.
You need to ensure the files are read-only, or VS won't be able to tell that they are version controlled (or, at least that's what it uses to determine it). You can tell VSS to set itself up so getting the latest version places the files RW on disk.
There may be other problems here, but that's what comes to mind first. My advice (that I took myself) is to migrate to SVN or an alternative. Losing work is unacceptable.
