What are Web Session and Viewstate equivalent objects in Windows Mobile - windows

Okay firstly I'm a newbie to mobile development, so I start out building an application, implement usercontrols for tabbed navigation and have requirement of passing data between these usercontrols and that had me in kind of a fix. So am currently looking for session or viewstate equivalent objects to store data and pass it between these usercontrols. If it helps, both usercontrols are loaded in the same form and are implementing search and display functionality each. Development environment is for windows mobile 6.

Okay , so i solved it. Did not find equivalent objects but did find a simpler solution which involved creating my 2 pages as forms and passing data as properties in these 2 forms. Hope this helps someone


Can I share UWP viewmodels with xamarin iOS?

What is realistic amount of code share between Xamarin and UWP?
I have app which has following layers:
1. UWP platform specific apis
2. Messaging protocol based on these apis
3. Services
4. ViewModels
5. Xaml Views communicating with INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand
I understand that obviously 1 (platform specific apis) an 5 (xaml views) cannot be shared. Layers 2 and 3 should be ok. What about ViewModels? I think it should be possible to achieve this using thin layer of viewModel adapter, is this realistic?
Also I am not planning to use xamarin.forms.
The answer depends on your application.
UWP has many specific APIs that as such don't work on Xamarin. They are not necessary related to views only but can be also related to viewmodel code. If your viewmodel is a separate .Net standard project then you can reuse it completely, but as it is not always the case with UWP apps you can probably reuse just most of the code.
The second part comes down to actually using this viewmodel in iOS/macOS project. As you don't want to use XAML (Xamarin.Forms), there is no data binding provided. Basically you have to do whole data binding manually. Some MVVM frameworks may help you in that, but if you ask me they should be called 'helpers', not frameworks.

Doubts regarding handling the state of pages in Wp7 Phone App

I have the application ,in which i save the state of the page and while deactivate the application,and once i get in foreground the application,i will restore the data.But when i click the back button at the time,i don't have the Object instance for the previous page .So how can i handle at that time?
On BackKey Press,I need to some thing like
1)Check the pages in the stack,remove the previous page and create the new instance of the page or any other think?
Your data should be saved when your application is deactivated and reloaded when your application is restored. It sounds like you are not restoring your data correctly.
This is where using something like MVVM model where your data is separate from your UI code is really helpful. Check out the MVVM light toolkit on CodePlex.
It is too general a question to give more specific answers than that. Sorry.
Try coding up something and posting specific questions regarding your code.

Using extJS GUI only

I am building a web application using a PHP MVC framework and jQuery, but I would like to use extJS layouts as the GUI of the Application. The whole core of the App is built using the framework and jQuery, I just want to use ExtJS to create the Layout. It will consist of a two column style with a left menu and tabbed navigation; it is the only I want to use from ExtJS.
The question is: Is it worth it? (taking into account the license restrictions and the large ExtJS is). Are there some alternatives?
Personally I wouldn't do it. Developing with Ext requires quiet some time and is mostly worth it when you use the functioanlity offered by the Ext framework. From yourquestion I understand that you use jQuery for the functionalities of the application and Ext only for the layout. That doesn't seem worth the time and work for me.

Can I have an mvc3 area within an mvc2 app?

Can I have an MVC3 area within an MVC2 app?
I already have an MVC2 app running and it has a lot of views, controllers, models, controls, etc. now, I need to add a new functionality that fits the requierments to be an MVC Area, but I want to make it using MVC3, and migrate all the app is not a posibility (for now).
So, I want to know if this aproach (MVC3 area inside MVC2 app) is possible, and if so, what I need to do it.
You need to get your code running on mvc3 first. I don't believe you can cross pollinate like you want. Hopefully your MVC2 code ports ok :)

COPY and PASTE to/from Excel and MVC web application

I have tested both Google Docs and Microsoft Office live and seen that is possible with both tools to do two way copy and paste with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V with Excel document running in my windows based machine.
This is also a requirement for our new web application we are defining the architecture right now.
We plan to use ASP.NET MVC 3 and I am not sure if there is any grid out there able to handle this feature. The interesting thing is that neither Google docs or Office live requires any plugin to be installed on the client and does not display any security warning so it looks like Javascript is actually able to access to the windows clipboard ( set / get ).
To find a nice MVC editable grid is also a big challenge, something I could move around with the arrow keys and simply edit any cell...
Has anybody sorted out anything similar before? Thanks!
We used ExtJS on one of our MVC applications to do this kind of thing. They have some pretty powerful and flexible grids that sound like the kind of thing you're looking for.
ExtJS Website
