Using extJS GUI only - model-view-controller

I am building a web application using a PHP MVC framework and jQuery, but I would like to use extJS layouts as the GUI of the Application. The whole core of the App is built using the framework and jQuery, I just want to use ExtJS to create the Layout. It will consist of a two column style with a left menu and tabbed navigation; it is the only I want to use from ExtJS.
The question is: Is it worth it? (taking into account the license restrictions and the large ExtJS is). Are there some alternatives?

Personally I wouldn't do it. Developing with Ext requires quiet some time and is mostly worth it when you use the functioanlity offered by the Ext framework. From yourquestion I understand that you use jQuery for the functionalities of the application and Ext only for the layout. That doesn't seem worth the time and work for me.


Recommendations on templates/libraries for a reporting web porting with kendo ui mvc

I am looking into building a responsive modern web portal, primarily for reporting purposes like data, stats and few charts. Especially for charts I plan to use Kendo UI controls. Apart from that are there recommendations on what templates to use with ASP.NET MVC such as bootstrap or something else that gives a good look and feel to the web UI? I am new to javascript so something that is quick to pick up, or with good documentation also would work.
The kendo ui controls come with a number of themes that are perfect for this type of exercise (I'm doing something similar to you with a "reporting" portal. I have found that the bootstrap and flat themes are the best to use (flat for graphs looks amazing). If you look at the kendo demo's they will show you the power of the suite especially this one: it shows the integration with bootstrap really nicely and is probably something similar to what you may be after.
I am using the kendo controls with the bootstrap theme currently for my project and they seem to fit well together, like you I'm not the best at javascript (although I have learnt loads just using these two libraries) - Thanks Telerik for the MVC helpers!

Why KendoUI.Mvc.dll for Kendo when all can be done using Js?

Kendo UI is a set of client library and consists of .js and .css. then why would you want to use a dll like KendoUI.Mvc.dll
If you're a C# developer (say you're transitioning from Windows Forms) and you don't have experience with JavaScript/HTML5/CSS. It gives you the flexibility to develop a Kendo UI web application using C# Razor syntax without having to spend a lot of time learning.

KendoUI for Ipad

I want to create an App that contains student profiles targeting tablette with KendoUI.
The app will have the native look and feel (not website).
Can i create the app with ASPX pages or should i necessarily use .HTML pages?
What is the best practices?
The final result (no matter what web framework you use) is always HTML. Kendo UI is a client-side framework which means that you can use KendoUI with ASPX if you want or with clean HTML pages. It is up to the developer and there are no best practices.
However I would say +1 for the ASP.NET MVC framework :).

UI Framework/Toolkit for Web Applications

Are there any UI Toolkits/Frameworks that can be used for a web application like Bootstrap, from Twitter(
I am currently upgrading an old ASP line of business application and I would like to use a common framework to handle grids, alert messages, forms, etc. I am very familiar with jQuery UI, but it is not as complete as I would like it to be. My main concern is I just want a consistent UI for the application that other developers can use that are not too design-savy.
Also, I would like the application to behave consistently throughout the application.
I don't need a framework for the server-side as I am using ASP.NET MVC. By the way, I am using both jQuery and jQuery UI, but I am looking for something that can fill in the missing blanks.
We have tried so many different options, the most robust and flexible solution remains jQuery and jQuery UI. There are tons of people writing widgets for it, and it is compatible with a lot of technology unlike some other frameworks which limit you, precisely because it is simple and light weight.
What exactly is your reservation with jQuery?
The options we have tried are Google Web Toolkit, Ext-JS and Prototype, none as nice and easy as jQuery.
We are using Telerik Extensions for MVC for all the interactions that we have in our web applications and we are very pleased with it. We use their stylesheets to style our form inputs and buttons. The stylesheet are easily editable if you want to change the theme.
btw, it use jQuery underneath.

Ajax ModalPopup Extender with ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to implement an Ajax ModalPopup Extender but i have no clue where to start.
Can someone please show me how to go about doing this or at least guide me in the right direction.
I've recently used JQuery to send modal popups. Take a look at this. Seems pretty easy to use.
I'm not sure how happy the AJAX Control Toolkit is with MVC (I'm not an MVC user), but if you're looking for information regarding the use of the control, watch this video. It's super easy to implement:
I don't think controls from the Ajax Control Toolkit are fully compatible with ASP.NET MVC. The Ajax Control Toolkit widgets are implemented similarly to traditional web controls, so most probably require viewstate, which does not exist in ASP.NET MVC.
For accomplishing modal in ASP.NET MVC, you'll have to go old school and take a more bare-metal approach and start hacking angle brackets, JavaScript, and CSS. What I've used in the past is a jQuery plugin jqModal, but there plenty out there.
