Can I have an mvc3 area within an mvc2 app? -

Can I have an MVC3 area within an MVC2 app?
I already have an MVC2 app running and it has a lot of views, controllers, models, controls, etc. now, I need to add a new functionality that fits the requierments to be an MVC Area, but I want to make it using MVC3, and migrate all the app is not a posibility (for now).
So, I want to know if this aproach (MVC3 area inside MVC2 app) is possible, and if so, what I need to do it.

You need to get your code running on mvc3 first. I don't believe you can cross pollinate like you want. Hopefully your MVC2 code ports ok :)


Can I share UWP viewmodels with xamarin iOS?

What is realistic amount of code share between Xamarin and UWP?
I have app which has following layers:
1. UWP platform specific apis
2. Messaging protocol based on these apis
3. Services
4. ViewModels
5. Xaml Views communicating with INotifyPropertyChanged and ICommand
I understand that obviously 1 (platform specific apis) an 5 (xaml views) cannot be shared. Layers 2 and 3 should be ok. What about ViewModels? I think it should be possible to achieve this using thin layer of viewModel adapter, is this realistic?
Also I am not planning to use xamarin.forms.
The answer depends on your application.
UWP has many specific APIs that as such don't work on Xamarin. They are not necessary related to views only but can be also related to viewmodel code. If your viewmodel is a separate .Net standard project then you can reuse it completely, but as it is not always the case with UWP apps you can probably reuse just most of the code.
The second part comes down to actually using this viewmodel in iOS/macOS project. As you don't want to use XAML (Xamarin.Forms), there is no data binding provided. Basically you have to do whole data binding manually. Some MVVM frameworks may help you in that, but if you ask me they should be called 'helpers', not frameworks.

KendoUI for Ipad

I want to create an App that contains student profiles targeting tablette with KendoUI.
The app will have the native look and feel (not website).
Can i create the app with ASPX pages or should i necessarily use .HTML pages?
What is the best practices?
The final result (no matter what web framework you use) is always HTML. Kendo UI is a client-side framework which means that you can use KendoUI with ASPX if you want or with clean HTML pages. It is up to the developer and there are no best practices.
However I would say +1 for the ASP.NET MVC framework :).

Using extJS GUI only

I am building a web application using a PHP MVC framework and jQuery, but I would like to use extJS layouts as the GUI of the Application. The whole core of the App is built using the framework and jQuery, I just want to use ExtJS to create the Layout. It will consist of a two column style with a left menu and tabbed navigation; it is the only I want to use from ExtJS.
The question is: Is it worth it? (taking into account the license restrictions and the large ExtJS is). Are there some alternatives?
Personally I wouldn't do it. Developing with Ext requires quiet some time and is mostly worth it when you use the functioanlity offered by the Ext framework. From yourquestion I understand that you use jQuery for the functionalities of the application and Ext only for the layout. That doesn't seem worth the time and work for me.

What are Web Session and Viewstate equivalent objects in Windows Mobile

Okay firstly I'm a newbie to mobile development, so I start out building an application, implement usercontrols for tabbed navigation and have requirement of passing data between these usercontrols and that had me in kind of a fix. So am currently looking for session or viewstate equivalent objects to store data and pass it between these usercontrols. If it helps, both usercontrols are loaded in the same form and are implementing search and display functionality each. Development environment is for windows mobile 6.
Okay , so i solved it. Did not find equivalent objects but did find a simpler solution which involved creating my 2 pages as forms and passing data as properties in these 2 forms. Hope this helps someone

Ajax ModalPopup Extender with ASP.NET MVC

I am trying to implement an Ajax ModalPopup Extender but i have no clue where to start.
Can someone please show me how to go about doing this or at least guide me in the right direction.
I've recently used JQuery to send modal popups. Take a look at this. Seems pretty easy to use.
I'm not sure how happy the AJAX Control Toolkit is with MVC (I'm not an MVC user), but if you're looking for information regarding the use of the control, watch this video. It's super easy to implement:
I don't think controls from the Ajax Control Toolkit are fully compatible with ASP.NET MVC. The Ajax Control Toolkit widgets are implemented similarly to traditional web controls, so most probably require viewstate, which does not exist in ASP.NET MVC.
For accomplishing modal in ASP.NET MVC, you'll have to go old school and take a more bare-metal approach and start hacking angle brackets, JavaScript, and CSS. What I've used in the past is a jQuery plugin jqModal, but there plenty out there.
