Telerik Grid Master / Detail - display expand only if detail data exists - model-view-controller

I have to display data using the telerik grid (master / detail) .
Is there a possibility to show the expand icon only if data exists for the master record? And how can i get this done?
Thanks in advance

On client-side:
function hidePlusSign(e) {
var row = e.row;
var dataItem = e.dataItem;
if (!dataItem.Expression) {
$('a.t-icon', e.row.cells).css('display', 'none');
.DetailView(d => d.ClientTemplate("<# if (expression) { #>" +
+ "<# } #>")
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnRowDataBound("hidePlusSign"))
replace "Expression" with your condition.
On server-side:
I think you get the idea. The template is easier and for hiding the plus sign use the RowAction.


How to mark Kendo Grid's cell as edited?

I'm dynamically editing some fields using JavaScript. But the problem is Kendo's dataSource doesn't recognize them as changed cells.
Grid's edit mode is InCell.
This is my current JavaScript code:
tablesGrid.tbody.find("input[type='checkbox']").each(function () {
$(this).on('change', function () {
var isChecked = $(this).prop('checked');
var dataItem = tablesGrid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
var currentTr = $(this).closest('tr');
var i = $('td:visible', currentTr).index($(this).closest('td'));
var head = tablesGrid.thead.find('th:visible')[i];
var headName = $(head).prop('dataset').field;
dataItem[headName] = isChecked;
And if you're wondering about this code, I should note that I'm using client template to show checkboxes. But I don't want the user to double click the cell for editing, once to put it in the edit mode, and another one to change the checkbox. I'm not sure if I'm using the right solution, but the JS code works for sure. If I click in the cell and put it in the edit mode, I'll see the change.
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(x => x.field)
.ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox-inline' #=field? checked='checked':''# />")
Well, the best solution I came up with is to put the cell in edit mode when mouse enters that cell! So instead of the entire JS code in the question, I simply use this.
tablesGrid.bind('dataBound', function () {
tablesGrid.tbody.find('td').each(function () {
$(this).mouseenter(function () {
Please let me know if you have any better or more efficient way to use editable
checkboxes inside a Grid.

Kendo grid's Select command operation configuration

Among Edit and Destroy, Kendo grid has a Select command too. But it seems there's no configuration for this operation. Do you know how can I use it? Any better way of JS binding like custom commands? Notice that it doesn't have a click event.
This line is in my Kendo grid, columns section.
columns.Command(command => { command.Select(); command.Edit(); command.Destroy(); });
Well, I found no better way than using a custom command.
Custom command inside grid:
and JS handler code:
function select(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var item = grid.dataItem(;
var data = item.Title;
Another way to call this will be:
function select(e){
var row = $(e.currentTarget).closest("tr");
var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));

Global Expand/ collapse button for jqGrid with subgrids

I am using jqGRid with subgrid configuration to display my data. I would like to have global expand & collapse button to display or hide all subgrid information. Does jqGrid library provide this feature by any means?
jqGrid has no "Expand/Collapse all". I modified the demo from the old answer which demonstrates creating on grid with local subgrids. The resulting demo you can see here:
and it has additional "+" button in the column header of "subgrids" column. If one clicks on the button all subgrids will be expanded:
I used the following code in the demo:
var subGridOptions = $grid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "subGridOptions"),
plusIcon = subGridOptions.plusicon,
minusIcon = subGridOptions.minusicon,
expandAllTitle = "Expand all subgrids",
collapseAllTitle = "Collapse all subgrids";
$("#jqgh_" + $grid[0].id + "_subgrid")
.html('<a style="cursor: pointer;"><span class="ui-icon ' + plusIcon +
'" title="' + expandAllTitle + '"></span></a>')
.click(function () {
var $spanIcon = $(this).find(">a>span"),
$body = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid-view")
if ($spanIcon.hasClass(plusIcon)) {
.attr("title", collapseAllTitle);
} else {
.attr("title", expandAllTitle);
You can simply make it to behave like as toggle as follows.
Take a button.
onlick of it call the function, say toggleSubgrid();
function toggleSubgrid(){
if($('#YOURGRIDID td').hasClass('sgexpanded')){
else if($('#YOURGRIDID td').hasClass('sgcollapsed')){
This will work for all rows that are already loaded. You might need to scope the selector a bit, as fits your needs.
function expandAll () {
$( ".tree-plus" ).click();
function collapseAll () {
$( ".tree-minus" ).click();

Kendo UI MVC Grid row selecting

I need to execute a History push state to some Action on Grid click...
I looked the API, and I think the Events Change its the right place to do that...
So, thats the code i´d like to put in there
"window.History.pushState(null, null," + "'" + Url.Action("Edit", "MyController") + "/' + Id);"
I used that on a similar JS Grid and works fine, but I dont know how to do that with Kendo UI MVC Wrapper...
I intend to use that directly on Grid definition, so I dont have to create any JS method... Something like that :
.Events(events => events.Change(x => "window.History.pushState..."))
Is that possible? How get the ID and declare Url.Action there?
The docs for the "change" event have an example of how to get the data item for the selected row(s).
The MVC helper expects the string name of a JS function to be passed to events.Change() but I think you can define a function there too.
So something like:
var url = Url.Action("Edit", "MyController");
.Events(events => events.Change(x => #"function (changeEvent) {
var selectedRows =;
var dataItem;
var numSelectedRows = selectedRows.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numSelectedRows ; i++) {
dataItem = this.dataItem(selectedRows[i]);
window.History.pushState(null, null, """ + url + #"/"" + dataItem.Id);
I don't have a Kendo MVC project open in front of me to verify the syntax, but that should be pretty close, or at least get you pointed in the right direction.

How to sum the Row data while selecting the Checkbox in the JQGrid

while selecting the checkbox in the jqgrid i need to sum the values of row data in jqgrid and i need to display those data in the footer of the jqgrid.Please help me out how to achieve that.
Thanks in Advance,
You can use footerData method. See here and here for details and demo examples.
I got the answer ,i solved that issue.
The Answer is.
onSelectRow: function(rowId)
{ handleSelectedRow(rowId); },
function handleSelectedRow(id) {
var jqgcell = jQuery('#list1').getCell(id, 'headerId');
var amount = jQuery('#list1').getCell(id, 'amount');
var cbIsChecked = (jQuery("#jqg_list1_"+jqgcell).attr('checked'));
totalAmt = parseInt(totalAmt) + parseInt(amount);
totalAmt = parseInt(totalAmt) - parseInt(amount);
myGrid.jqGrid('footerData','set',{needbydate:'Total Amount:',amount:totalAmt});
The above function is used to get the values of the selected row by clicking the checkbox you will get the value from that by calling the external function like "handleSelectedRow" you pass your row object from that you do your operation and finally update your answer by using the jqGrid function like "myGrid.jqGrid('footerData','set',{needbydate:'Total Amount:',amount:totalAmt}); "
It will update in your footer.
