I'm dynamically editing some fields using JavaScript. But the problem is Kendo's dataSource doesn't recognize them as changed cells.
Grid's edit mode is InCell.
This is my current JavaScript code:
tablesGrid.tbody.find("input[type='checkbox']").each(function () {
$(this).on('change', function () {
var isChecked = $(this).prop('checked');
var dataItem = tablesGrid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));
var currentTr = $(this).closest('tr');
var i = $('td:visible', currentTr).index($(this).closest('td'));
var head = tablesGrid.thead.find('th:visible')[i];
var headName = $(head).prop('dataset').field;
dataItem[headName] = isChecked;
And if you're wondering about this code, I should note that I'm using client template to show checkboxes. But I don't want the user to double click the cell for editing, once to put it in the edit mode, and another one to change the checkbox. I'm not sure if I'm using the right solution, but the JS code works for sure. If I click in the cell and put it in the edit mode, I'll see the change.
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(x => x.field)
.ClientTemplate("<input type='checkbox' class='checkbox-inline' #=field? checked='checked':''# />")
Well, the best solution I came up with is to put the cell in edit mode when mouse enters that cell! So instead of the entire JS code in the question, I simply use this.
tablesGrid.bind('dataBound', function () {
tablesGrid.tbody.find('td').each(function () {
$(this).mouseenter(function () {
Please let me know if you have any better or more efficient way to use editable
checkboxes inside a Grid.
I want to add a change event to all cells in a specified column using Kendo UI. Something like:
this.myGridVariable.table.on("change", "--InsertMyColumnNameHere--", (e) => { this.doStuff(e) });
I thought this worked:
this.myGridVariable.table.on("change", "[name=ColumnName]", (e) => { this.doStuff(e) });
but it doesn't, at least not with the latest update.
You need to specify what change event you mean:
The HTMLElement change event in JavaScript, which is fired for <input>, <select>, and <textarea>, but not a table cell, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/change_event
The Kendo Model or DataSource change event documented here: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/api/javascript/data/datasource/events/change
I believe you'll want the second one. You can't bind it to a single field, but it has e.field and you can execute code depending on its value.
add .Events(e => { e.Change("onEdit"); }) under .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
onEdit is a javascript function. In this function add this code -->
function onEdit(e) { if (e.action == "itemchange") { doStuff } }
I have a DropDownListFor control inside a Kendo grid, and I need the value of another element in that row in order to pass a parameter to the DropDownList's server-side read method. It's a similar setup to the example here.
Here is the code which defines the DropDownListFor:
#(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m)
.OptionLabel("---Select Form, etc.---")
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("LinkTypeIdentifierDdl", "Alerts").Type(HttpVerbs.Post).Data("getCurrentLinkType");
And here is the javascript function which is called in .Data:
function getCurrentLinkType() {
var grid = $("#linkGrid").data("kendoGrid");
var data = grid.dataSource.data();
var dataItem = data[0];
var valueForParameter = dataItem.SomeValue
//--snipped for brevity
The problem above is data[0]. It only points to the first row in the grid, which won't be correct if editing any other row. If I use a javascript debugger within this method and look at "this", it's the AJAX call which is referenced, not the dropdown control. I can't specify ".Data("getCurrentLinkType(this)")" as the method.
So, how can I determine which row/control has made the call to getCurrentLinkType?
There is no context passed from the Grid to the DropDownList to the Data function, so you need to figure it out yourself.
I have found 2 ways.
// If your grid is single Selectable(), use the current selection
var dataItem = grid.dataItem(grid.select());
// If your grid is not Selectable or is multi Selectable, get the row/tr closest to the editor and then get the dataItem from that
var dataItem = grid.dataItem($("#LinkIdentifier").closest("tr"));
Among Edit and Destroy, Kendo grid has a Select command too. But it seems there's no configuration for this operation. Do you know how can I use it? Any better way of JS binding like custom commands? Notice that it doesn't have a click event.
This line is in my Kendo grid, columns section.
columns.Command(command => { command.Select(); command.Edit(); command.Destroy(); });
Well, I found no better way than using a custom command.
Custom command inside grid:
and JS handler code:
function select(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var item = grid.dataItem(grid.select());
var data = item.Title;
Another way to call this will be:
function select(e){
var row = $(e.currentTarget).closest("tr");
var dataItem = this.dataItem($(e.currentTarget).closest("tr"));
I'm working on an iPad app using Kendo and the DropDownList is throwing an ActionSheet. I'd like to force it to use the Web UI list style. How can I do this?
For anyone interested I was able to hack together a solution. Here's a function that accepts a kendoMobileView as the argument and applies the fix.
//Hack to force dropdowns to act like comboboxes in mobile!
utils.fix.dropdownlists = function(view) {
var dropdowns = view.element.find("[data-role='dropdownlist']");
//Iterate through dropdown elements
_.each(dropdowns, function(item){
var comp = $(item).data("kendoDropDownList");
if(comp && comp.popup) {
comp.popup.bind("open", function(event){
event.sender.element.parent().removeClass("km-popup km-widget");
if(event.sender.element.parent().hasClass("km-popup")) {
//Prevent default open animation.
//Then remove classes and open the popup programitcally
//Easy peasy, Lemon squeezy
event.sender.element.parent().removeClass("km-popup km-widget");
I try implement Kendo UI PanelBar (see http://demos.kendoui.com/web/panelbar/images.html) If I open some items (Golf, Swimming) and next click to "Videos Records", I have expanded items. But when I do refresh page (click on some link), all expanded structure is lost.
On KendoUI forum I found, that I can get only possition of selected item and after reload page I must calculate all noded. Is there any way, how can I have expanded items in my situation? If do not need, I don't want to use the html frames.
Best regards,
Thank you for your answer, was very usefull. I add here code of skeleton of jQuery which remember 1 selected item now. Required add jquery.cookie.js [https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie]
function onSelect(e) {
var item = $(e.item),
index = item.parentsUntil(".k-panelbar", ".k-item").map(function () {
return $(this).index();
$.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex", index);
var panel = $("#panelbar").kendoPanelBar({
select: onSelect
//$("button").click(function () {
// select([0, 2]);
function select(position) {
var ul = panel.element;
for (var i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
var item = ul.children().eq(position[i]);
if (i != position.length - 1) {
ul = item.children("ul");
if (!ul[0])
ul = item.children().children("ul");
panel.expand(item, false);
} else {
// on page ready select value from cookies
$(document).ready(function () {
if ($.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex") != null) {
var numbersArray = $.cookie("KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex").split(',');
else {
alert("DocumenReadyFunction: KendoUiPanelBarSelectedIndex IS NULL");
The opening of the panels happens on the client. When the page is refreshed, the browser will render the provided markup, which does not include any additional markup for the selected panel.
In order to accomplish this, you will need to somehow store a value indicating the opened panel. The easiest way to accomplish this would be with a cookie (either set by JavaScript or do an AJAX call to the server).
Then, when the panelBar is being rendered, it will use the value in the cookie to set the correct tab as the selected one.
You can use this block to work withe the selected. in this example, i am just expanding the panel item. You can do other things such as saving panel item in your dom for later use or may be saving it somewhere to use it later:
var panelBar = $("#importCvPanelbar").data("kendoPanelBar");
panelBar.bind("select", function(e) {
var itemId = $(e.item)[0].id;
panelBar.expand(itemId);// will expand the selected one