Global Expand/ collapse button for jqGrid with subgrids - jqgrid

I am using jqGRid with subgrid configuration to display my data. I would like to have global expand & collapse button to display or hide all subgrid information. Does jqGrid library provide this feature by any means?

jqGrid has no "Expand/Collapse all". I modified the demo from the old answer which demonstrates creating on grid with local subgrids. The resulting demo you can see here:
and it has additional "+" button in the column header of "subgrids" column. If one clicks on the button all subgrids will be expanded:
I used the following code in the demo:
var subGridOptions = $grid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "subGridOptions"),
plusIcon = subGridOptions.plusicon,
minusIcon = subGridOptions.minusicon,
expandAllTitle = "Expand all subgrids",
collapseAllTitle = "Collapse all subgrids";
$("#jqgh_" + $grid[0].id + "_subgrid")
.html('<a style="cursor: pointer;"><span class="ui-icon ' + plusIcon +
'" title="' + expandAllTitle + '"></span></a>')
.click(function () {
var $spanIcon = $(this).find(">a>span"),
$body = $(this).closest(".ui-jqgrid-view")
if ($spanIcon.hasClass(plusIcon)) {
.attr("title", collapseAllTitle);
} else {
.attr("title", expandAllTitle);

You can simply make it to behave like as toggle as follows.
Take a button.
onlick of it call the function, say toggleSubgrid();
function toggleSubgrid(){
if($('#YOURGRIDID td').hasClass('sgexpanded')){
else if($('#YOURGRIDID td').hasClass('sgcollapsed')){

This will work for all rows that are already loaded. You might need to scope the selector a bit, as fits your needs.
function expandAll () {
$( ".tree-plus" ).click();
function collapseAll () {
$( ".tree-minus" ).click();


Kendo scheduler month View double click function

I disabled the built-in pop up event. Now I want to implement a double click function on each cell of the month view.
Does anyone know how to do it?
You can add an event handler to the add event of the scheduler in the scheduler options like this:
add: (e) => {
// Place your code here.
or in case you would rather not use arrow function:
add: function(e) {
// Place your code here.
Calling e.preventDefault() will disable the built-in "add" event handling which is showing the popup window. You mentioned you already disabled it but this is a good way to do it if you did it in another way.
e will contain the slot's start and end time as well as the resource details, if you use resources.
You may want to associate the event with k-event class of an scheduler.
$("#scheduler").on("dblclick", '.k-event', function (e) {
var scheduler = $("#scheduler").getKendoScheduler();
var element = $(".k-event") ? $( : $(".k-event");
var event = scheduler.occurrenceByUid("uid"));
alert("Start Date : " + event.start + ", End Date: " + event.end);
Demo Link
Try this it worked for me.
edit: function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent popup editing
var dataSource = this.dataSource;
var event = e.event;
if (event.isNew()) {
setTimeout(function () {
editEvent(event); // your own function to call
else {

jqGrid: Link in a cell not clickable, and also not link-like

I have used a custom formatter for one of the columns in my jqGrid. Here is the formatter:
formatter: function(cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
var link = $('<a>', {
text: 'Click Me'
href: '#',
click: function() {
// my stuff
return link[0].outerHTML;
There are two problems:
The link is not clickable. When I click the link, the row gets selected! Is there a way to not bypass row selection, but also make the link clickable? [Update: I tried using the beforeSelectRow: function(row, e) { return false;} to disable selection. But still not able to click the link. I can see in the html that the cell value is a link indeed.]
The link is not link like, meaning it is not blue/underlined, as usual it looks like. I have not overidden anything in my CSS.
Help much appreciated!
Vivek Ragunathan
UPDATE: I found that this is not a problem with the grid as such. But the click handler does not get linked with the hyperlink. I also tried this code instead but no luck!
var link = $('<a>', {
text: 'Click Me'
href: '#'
}).click(function() {
// my stuff
Since the link is created dynamically (using jquery), and then the HTML of that object is consumed, the handler will not be part of the HTML. So in this case, the link has to be created out of string directly:
formatter: function(cellvalue, options, row) {
var handler = "someHandlerDefined(" + options.rowId + ")";
return "<a href=# onclick='" + handler + "'>Link</a>";
That worked!

KendoDropDownList 'select' event not firing when using keyboard

This is similar to the question here - <select> change event not fired when using keyboard
I am looking for a KendoUI specific answer.
Using the KendoDropDownList (and KendoComboBox, KendoAutoComplete, etc.) the 'select' event only fires when a user uses the mouse to select an item from the popup list.
I find this very counter-intuitive, is there a provided fix, workaround or other solution for this?
If the list is expanded, using the Enter key fires the select event. To expand the list via keyboard use ALT+↓. If you want the arrow keys to fire it, you would have to trigger the select event as part of the change event.
var ddl, $log;
$(function () {
$log = $('#log');
ddl = $("#dropdownlist").kendoDropDownList({
change: onChange,
select: onSelect
function onChange(e) {
$log.prepend("<div>event :: change (" + this.text() + ' : ' + this.value() + ")</div>" );
function onSelect(e) {
$log.prepend("<div>event :: select (" + this.text() + ' : ' + this.value() + ")</div>" );
Fiddle here

About knockoutjs - how to data-bind with text: and click:

How are you guys? I'm new to the framework Knockoutjs, I wonder if I'm doing it right. (Need a little help.) :)
I have a tag and would contain the same data-bind = text: anything and click: any function. The question is: Is it possible to do this? This is the correct way? Follow what I'm talking about: (I am using an example from the website itself) where when the user clicks the "Click Me" he adds +1 on the counter. I want that when the user clicks the tag call the same function. :)
<div>You've clicked <span data-bind='text: numberOfClicks, click: registerClick'> </span> times</div>
var ClickCounterViewModel = function() {
this.numberOfClicks = ko.observable(0);
this.registerClick = function() {
this.numberOfClicks(this.numberOfClicks() + 1);
this.resetClicks = function() {
this.hasClickedTooManyTimes = ko.computed(function() {
return this.numberOfClicks() >= 3;
}, this);
ko.applyBindings(new ClickCounterViewModel());
Follows the file jsFiddle: Here
Many thanks in advance.
Yes it is possible to have several binding pairs in one data-bind attribute.
You just have separated them with a comma ,
You asked : I want that when the user clicks the tag call the same function.
But you already code it.
You can click on the counter or on the button it increments the counter.

Telerik Grid Master / Detail - display expand only if detail data exists

I have to display data using the telerik grid (master / detail) .
Is there a possibility to show the expand icon only if data exists for the master record? And how can i get this done?
Thanks in advance
On client-side:
function hidePlusSign(e) {
var row = e.row;
var dataItem = e.dataItem;
if (!dataItem.Expression) {
$('a.t-icon', e.row.cells).css('display', 'none');
.DetailView(d => d.ClientTemplate("<# if (expression) { #>" +
+ "<# } #>")
.ClientEvents(e => e.OnRowDataBound("hidePlusSign"))
replace "Expression" with your condition.
On server-side:
I think you get the idea. The template is easier and for hiding the plus sign use the RowAction.
